aw... yes... too bad... so sad... but i got the memories... hehe... anyways, yeah! the line was really long.... like bout 3 blocks or so long... dat's including a 3-4 person on one lane, if you get wat i'm sayin... and yeah, it was really diverse... there were a lot of white peeps and asains... and there were black folks, too.... really nice mixture of races. i know dir en grey were happy with the outcome... the camera men came around passed the line like... 3 or 4 times, since i got there... i dunno how many times they came in all... but it was really neat!
i felt all the fans were great and showed a tremendous amount of respect to dir en grey cause wen the guys came round and said dir en grey requested for us not to take pix and have big bags, as well as chains and high spikes..., everyone ran back to their car and put all those things away, even the spikes came down... hehe... pretty kewl... although we didn't get any pix, i was glad that everyone showed how much they respect the band's decision and that dir en grey's happiness was most important...
hm... there's more to it... but i'll wait... this is too much already.... &-^