ahhhhhhaaaaaaaaa let me tell u what i did. when badaan jai was on air i started on eps 6 first thinking it was eps 1 and dat was da eps they got married in and i was like wow in da first eps they get married? so as i was watching all dese characters were interacting and i was picking up on who was who then after i finished dat eps i clicked on eps 2 and it was not continuing from da previous eps i watched then i was like oh shiet da first eps i watched was eps 6 LOL i aint realize it til i finished da whole eps and it was even labeled 6 cause i watched it on youtube LMAOYeah I think it is the power couples that they are more focused on.
Anyone watching Rome (Lome) and Benz lakorn right now. Oh my gosh! So frustrating because Namfon's character is annoying me. She is such a skank! lol
As for this lakorn, I haven't started. Well I sort of did, I have downloaded episode 2. I thought I downloaded episode 1. I was confused as hell when I was watching the beginning. I was like what a dumb way to start the lakornlol
What is with the angry smilie loly u mention sakul ka in dis thread? :angry:
HELLS yea natty lol u aint see my posts at spicy? i was HOOKED by eps 2 lol
I know they need to cut down on the r scenes. I absolutely love Sawan Bieng but the repetitive r scenes was very disturbing and irritating. They are lucky that I am a super huge fan of Ken and Ann and the acting was superb.mine just change like this past couple of months or maybe year... i find myself watching more and more of ch 3 and less and less of ch 7.. now ch 3 will be perfect if they lessen or do away with the r scenes and have some cuter looking cast lol.. but i got over that.. cus then i will never get to watch anything.. lol..
I know they need to cut down on the r scenes. I absolutely love Sawan Bieng but the repetitive r scenes was very disturbing and irritating. They are lucky that I am a super huge fan of Ken and Ann and the acting was superb.