I haven't finished a Taiwanese drama, Hot Shot, Romantic Princess, Fated to Love You, etc. I just can't sit and watch it through. lol It is very interesting in the beginning but once it hit somewhere toward the middle, it gets stupid lol... Gosh I don't have anything else to watch, so I am on lakorn only again. I think I might have to go through a Korean marathon with their older series. Okay enough of me spamming and out of topic, I will start on this right after this post lollol i started on one taiwanese drama but didn't finish. i have a few more eps left but they're so longgg lol i just lost interest lol y don't u start on chin's series natty? lol
gee, i don't know why. has nothing to do with the randomness thread. lol
hey natty, diamend called u tinsel teeth and brace face!! we can be twins!! ahaha
so how much older is mart suppose to be than what's her face?
I know...because it's going to make Taew and Mart look bad!!! I can't justify at the moment! I want to see who makes the move on who first...HAHA!i thought au and nok are husband and wife. gosh i don't like how he has a fiance already either. i thought he was gonna get engaged/married cause it was arranged. dat girl is nice. it sucks dat mart's gonna have a change of heart and leave her hurt. i don't want taew to be da 3rd hand but she probably will be :lmao:
What!!! Natty is getting braces?
I'm addicted to this lakorn! Taew remind me a lot of Pat N. but I think Taew has more of an innocent and sweet face! I think she's doing great! I wonder how their love is going to unfold.
Today's epi--we get to see Mart's "girlfriend".....it bothers me a little bit that she's seen kind of old for him and that fact that she is super nice to Taew...I don't want their relationship ruined because Mart fall "in love" with Taew. I know it's a lakorn....HAHA! I totally love the relationship between Mart and Taew right now because it's not your typical lakorn .....love at first sight. I like relationship that start out like this. I also interested to find out what Au has to do with Taew's mom. I can't wait to see the next epi!