Downloaded File


SarNworld Wonderer
After I downloaded a file n tried to open it

an error pop up:

Window encounter a problem and need to close. Sorry for the inconvenient

So, it closes the player and location of that file...

n everytime I tried to repeat the process...the same thing happended

Does anyone know how to fix it? or is the filed corrupted n I can't do anything about it?

Please, if anyone know...really appreciate ur help in fixing this problem since I spent so much time downloading it


sarNie Adult
you sure the file was completed?

when people dl from bittorrent for example.. they think the file is already done even though its not.


SarNworld Wonderer
I downloaded from direct it's completed...

so, it's really is corrupted?...I was hoping that it's not

Why is it only me having this problems...

n other ppl who downloaded the same movie don't have any complains about it cuz of my comp?

anyway, thanks for all the replies


yeah like darvil mentioned... if the file isn't completely finished downloading it won't work... so make sure u didn't lose connection of something when u were downloading and it was really 100% done.


SarNworld Wonderer
I did that...I tried to convert it to wmv...but even w/ the converter...there was a pop up w/ the same message


sarNie Adult
Have you tried using different players? Tried adding other codec packages?

Can you open it with virtualdub?


SarNworld Wonderer
Yes, I did try every media players I have...but all w/ the same pop up message...

Plus, I don't think it's codec problems...cuz I intalled the codec pac...

So, u can also open it w/ virtualdub...I'll try n see if it'll work

Thanks for all the replies


i really think that u didn't finish downloading. because sometimes when u download and the download stops, the file automatically pulls into ur temp folder and generates a file on to where u saved ur file...which looks like it was 100% complete which isn't...

one way to check... check where u've dled the file... look for the exact file size, and compare the file size with the one u've downloaded. if the file is even .029 off it's still not done downloading. i realized this is something hard to tell but it is something that happens... so if u want to view this, u might have to dl it again and make ur it finishes 700mb before closing.


SarNworld Wonderer
It was a direct it has to finish first...otherwise, the link is only xxx kb...anyway...thanks

I'll have to accept that it's corrupted...n try download it again


yeah... tho it looks like the file was completely finished... it probably didn't. i have wireless and it does to me all the time... looks like it finished dl'ing, then when i try to open the file it won't let me.

yeah ur better off redownloading the file.