Your account has been locked, because it contained illegal content.
Some or all of the file(s) you uploaded to FileFront has been deleted.
The file(s) contained illegal content or were copyrighted and
distributed without the
permission of the owner(s). Owners may pursue action against you for
the illegal distribution of their creation. Law enforcement agencies
will be pursing distributors of illegal
The file(s) were uploaded in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy and
Terms of Service. Our policy states you as the uploader are
responsible for your actions and will
defend FileFront and anyone associated with FileFront against all
claims made.
FileFront has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY and FileFront will vehemently
record and forward any and all
information to help law enforcement agencies investigate and prosecute
those who willingly upload and/or download these files to/from our
Additionally, FileFront reserves to
right to ban you from use of the file storage system or take any other
action it deems necessary.
FileFront's free file storage was conceived and offered solely for
gamers to store
LEGAL gaming files and information for their use and for distribution,
if desired.