Droplets of Memory (COMPLETE)


sarNie Adult
Aom turned around to see who Tik was talking to. Tik made himself swing his arms up in mid air but caught Aom looking at him awkwardly, he froze. Aom raised both eye brows.

"Are you okay?" asked Aom.

"No..." said Chakrit, replacing Tik's voice.

Tik put his arms back down to his sides, cutting Chakrit off. "I mean, yes...I'm-"

Chakrit spoke quickly over. "I'm so sorry for being a big jerk this afternoon."

Aom raised an eye brow in confusion. Tik wasn't being himself, she noticed.

"I know you don't have a place to go to." Chakrit said so quickly before Tik could say anything.

"...I'll do fine...I have some spare cash with me, I can rent a room near by."

"No, wait, I want to help you." said Chakrit replacing Tik.

What kind of meds was Tik on thought Aom. "...You're different...you know that? "

"Because I feel bad." said Chakrit being Tik.

"You pity me don't you? So you come out here to make amends? Haven't you made my life miserable enough?"

"Then let me apologize for him." Chakrit quickly correctly himself. "I mean. Let me apologize to you."

Aom stared at Tik for a long time before turning away, continuing her walk into the dark away from the shiny street lights.

Tik fought his way to control his voice once again. "On a count of three if you don't leave I swear, you're last few months on Earth will turn out bad."

Chakrit stepped out of Tik's body casually. Tik wiped his arms away.

"You scared her away." joked Chakrit.

"Whats up with-" Tik changed his rough tone into a soft tone, "'I mean. Let me apologize to you.'...do you remember whose body you're in?! The last time I ever apologized was never!" yelled Tik. "Now she's going to think I'm some kind of freak whose bipolar. Look, look, she's gone! In the end, I look like a dumb ass and we don't get anything!" Tik stomped all the way to his car door.

Chakrit wouldn't dare stop Tik, he went overboard in forcing Tik.

Aom was surrounded by a gang looking to rob her. She willingly opened her wallet and threw all her bills at them hoping to drive them away. They were looking for more then that though, the gang was ready to take her somewhere dark and rape her. With all her energy Aom screamed.

"What was that?" said Chakrit.

Tik took a moment to hear Aom scream help again but this time, a much weaker scream.

Instantly Tik ran her direction, he found Aom on the ground, unconscious. Before Tik made it to the scene the gang ran for it. Tik bent down to pick her up off the cement sidewalk, without noticing it, he stepped on her glasses. Aom suffered a hard blow to the stomach, she was going to be fine. Tik looked at her closed eyes, without her glasses covering half of her face, she was much prettier. Tik carried her to his car and carefully placed her in the back seat. He drove to Kat's house. Kat lived alone a few blocks away from Tik but Kat was in the U.S. The housekeeper was like a aunt to Tik, he asked her to take Aom in.

THE NEXT MORNING, Aom awoke in Kat's guest room. Aom rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. She lifted her shirt to look at the huge bruise on the side of her stomach. She got out of bed, holding onto the walls or anything to support her way downstairs where she heard Tik munching on breakfast. She couldn't make out his face.

"W-where am I exactly?"

Tik walked quietly to her side. He waved his hand across her face. She couldn't see much.

"Wow, you're really blind."

Tik took out her crushed up glasses, opened them and placed it over her eyes. The lenses were all cracked up, when Aom clearly made out Tik's face there was as if four of him was standing in front of her. She was startled.

"My glasses..." she moaned. She poked the glass to find out how fragile the broken pieces were.

Tik chuckled. "I guess I owe you a new one." Tik went back to his chair and sat down to have the rest of his breakfast.

"Where am I?" she asked again.

"My friend Kat's house, she's out of the country."

"Hmm...You helped me?...out of all people."

"I hate helping but what I hate more is watching a girl get taken advantage of."

Aom watched him. "Last night, you were so different...it was like, you weren't the one I met...you are the same person, aren't you?"

Tik smiled crookedly. "What did you think?"

"It was weird to hear you say the word...apologize, you seem like the type who will have a hard time saying that word."

"...I don't have a hard time saying it, I just don't use that word...often..."

Aom knew he was his old self again, cocky and rude. "Well...thanks anyway, I should leave." Aom turned to leave the dining room.

Tik stood up. "Wait." He walked quickly to her. "Look, you're welcome to stay here if you don't have a place to go to."

"Better not."

Tik walked closer to her and took off her glasses.

"Hey what are you doing? I can hardly see without my glasses." said Aom.

Tik was still looking at her face, a smile ran across his face. Aom opened her eyes wider to see what he was really doing.

"...I owe you a pair, remember?"

"No, I'll get a new pair."

Tik grabbed her hand and dragged her to the table to have breakfast.

"Have breakfast before you go back to the office."

She wouldn't sit. "Wait, what?"

Tik released her hand, sighing. "...I've decided, I'll give you another chance..."

It was hard for Tik to say all this but something came over him, he wanted her protected. Aom looked at Tik blankly.

"Is there some kind of catch to this?" asked Aom.

Tik chuckled. "Who do you think I am? I hate playing games, I'm offering help, something I'm not good at but...never mind."


Tik stood up. "Report to work after breakfast, find a way to get there, rather you walk or take the bus don't be later then 10 o'clock." Tik left the dining room without another word.

Aom went back to work. She entered her office, everything was thrown out the day before. She had to start from scratch once again. Tik walked into her office. He was dressed casually, a jean and polo shirt with a nice tan blazer. Tik brought in a box with him full of all the things belonging to Aom.

"I told you're anti-co-workers to get your things back." He set the box on her desk.

"...Hmm..thank you."

"Eh, what's this?" Tik picked up a painting from inside her box. "A painting of a piano."

Aom grabbed it from him. The painting of a classic piano on stage. A person sitting on the bench playing away with the stage lights shining down.

"You like the piano?" asked Tik.

Aom shook her head. "I've never seen one in real life...I mean a real piano, not the keyboard type, you know." she smirked.

"Ah...how did you know a real one looks like this?"

"When I was young, I copied it from a calender. It was one of my first drawings."

"And you still kept it?"

"I want to be in front of a real piano one day, till this day, this is the closest I've ever gotten to see a real piano."

"Whose he?"

Aom stared at the picture for a long time. "...He was a part of the calender."

Tik smirked, a little annoyed at himself for asking so much, he is the person who cares less about other people's business. "Well, I want a draft of what you'll have for the mural by tomorrow."

Aom looked up at Tik, forgetting the idea of daydreaming. "Okay."

"And..." Tik reach out and took off her broken glasses. He took a moment to look at her face. He was beginning to really like her without glasses.

Aom stood motionless with eyes wide open, looking at Tik's blurry figure. He slipped a new pair of glasses onto her face, Aom saw his face clearly now. Tik's warm smile instantly made her blush.

"I told you I'll get you a new pair." Noticing how nice he's become, Tik got a little scared and stepped away. He cleared his throat. "Well...uh-huh...don't try to get mugged again..."

Tik left quickly before he smiled even more towards Aom.

Late into the night, Aom and Tik were the only two left in the building. Tik took off his glasses, put his blazer back on and was ready to call it a night. He walked pass the theater hall and saw that the doors were flung open. The lights on stage were also still on. Tik roll his eyes, disappointed at his staff for not locking up correctly. He went into the theater hall and saw a piano sitting on stage.

"Huh...when did this come in?..." Tik walked onto stage.

"Beauty isn't it?" said Chakrit, he was sitting on the second row.

Tik was startled by Chakrit's words. "What the-I told you not to do that!!"

Chakrit chuckled. "I'm getting use to it, its what ghosts do." Chakrit transported to the stage standing right next to Tik.

Tik fell down and sat on the bench next to the piano.

Chakrit laughed. "I can't believe you're still scared of me..."

Tik sighed. "Of course, I should I know when you'll try to take over my body again?"

Chakrit smiled. "Sorry about that...what a beautiful piano."

"They never told me when it came in."

"Can you play?"

"Only one song. Moonlight."

Aom walked into the theater hall. "Moonlight?" she asked.

Both Tik and Chakrit turned to watch her make her way down the long alley. Aom looked around to see if Tik was talking to anyone.

"You're in here alone?" asked Aom.


"I thought...weren't you just talking to someone? Who were you talking about Moonlight to?"

Chakrit waved bye to Tik and disappeared. Tik chuckled sarcastically. "Well, I do that sometimes. You know when you take a stroll on you're own...you tend to talk to yourself...so you won't get scared."


Professional Lakorn Watcher
lol... tik kind of remind me of Kawee.. good update... seems like tik is getting nicer and he doesn't even realize it. I can't wait to find about more about chakrit's past though. Update more, soon please! :D


sarNie Adult

Tik finish playing "Moonlight" for Aom.

"That's the only song I could play." he told her, laughingly.

She just smiled.

"Hey, a piano, first real one, right in front of you."

There was a long pause, Tik didn't know what else to say, his palms were sweating, he thinks from playing.

"...Those glasses, they look good on you."

Aom shifted the glasses up. "Thank you."

Tik stood up from the piano bench. "So...are you heading back yet, you finished with the draft?"

"No, not yet...I was wondering, if you could give me another tour of the whole theater hall?"

Until midnight, Tik taught all Aom needed to know about the main stage in Siam Theater. Along the way, she wrote down notes to better understand what she needed to design a good set. After the tour, she were standing outside the doors with Tik, Tik had turned off the lights in the theater, the whole room was pitch black behind them.

"Did that help?" asked Tik.

Aom nodded.

"So...did you have dinner yet?"

"No...but I'm sure I will find something good to make when I get back."

"Hmm...In that case, come on. I'm starving, you'll cook."

Tik quickly shut the door to the main theater hall and walked off. Aom followed him out of the building. As they walked away from the main theater hall together, the lights appeared to be switched back on, the gap between the door had lighted up with no one in the building.

Tik jumped into the driver's seat. Aom just walked past his car, Tik opened the window after turning on the engine.

"Hey, you want a lift?" Tik shouted.

Aom turned to look at him. "No thank you."

"We are going to the same place aren't we?" he shouted back.

Aom shook her head. "I've decided not to stay at you're friend's house."

Tik raised an eye brow. "Owe, why? How about your things?"

"Don't worry...before I came to work this morning, I packed all my things already, everything is out of Kat's house."

She turned her back on him and walked off as Tik watched her.

"Fine, good, don't let me see you getting robbed again." Tik said before driving away.

Aom went to an orphanage, she had grown up in. There, she grew up with a girl her age whom now lives and works in the orphanage. To Aom, Jean was her only younger sister.

"Come stay with me for a little." said Jean.

"I think I have no choice." said Aom.

"I know how lonely it gets...there is plenty of room here. How did they kick you out?"

"The landlady rather have a relative rent the place then me."

"Oh...when did you say you were kicked out?"

"The night before yesterday."

"Why didn't you come here right away?"

"I was heading you're way but, my...now...boss, he took me to a friend's house."

"P'Aom...you're boss?"

Aom playfully hit Jean in the arm. "Its nothing like that. Its surprising how small this world is, he said he was sorry. I was a little surprised he had that word in his vocabulary."

"Hmm...you should be thankful of him, he still took you in."

"I am, I really am...its just...that night he wasn't himself...it was like he was possessed or something."

A moment of silence filled the room. Jean looked blankly at Aom.

The balcony door opened, Tik walked onto the deck and stared out into the dark sky from his condo. He took a sip of water from his glass. The atmosphere was quiet until a cold chill pass through, making Tik shiver. He looked around his balcony, nervously, searching for a ghost.

"If you're here, come out..." said Tik. "COME OUT!! You're not scary!! That wind was weak!! "

Everything was quiet once again. Tik looked around, smiling that Chakrit won't be visiting, he calmed down and drank his glass of water. When looking down into the empty glass cup, he saw a mouth speaking back to him.

"I'm still the same Chakrit!! Chakrit you hear me? Why did you drink me?!!"

Tik threw the glass onto the ground but the sound of the smashed up glass on the ground didn't sound like a broken glass, instead it made the sound of an alarm...an alarm clock.

This was all just a dream, Tik realized when he woke up. He felt his throat just in case he did swallow something. Quickly, he jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. In the mirror, Tik stared at himself, his mouth all foamed up with toothpaste.

"Chakrit?..." he mumbled to himself. "...Sounded just like him...Chakrit...could that be his name?"

Many days have past and no sign of Chakrit. Tik felt happy that no one would pop up out of no where to scare him but he also felt a little worried. He wasn't sure why Chakrit disappeared or even if he's doing well. Aom began work on her mural for the theater. Everyday, she sat at the top of the ladder painting away. Tik was busy rehearsing with his team of actors. At times, his mind was going to explode because the pressure of being a director. Everyday before leaving the building he would sneak a peek into the main theater hall to see what Aom has been up to. He's at ease when he sees her paint. Tik looked at the piano sitting on stage. An urge to play it overcame him. He walked down the aisle onto the stage startling Aom. She looked down to greet him.

"...Boss." she said to him, she was getting ready to come down the ladder.

"Stay up there." he smiled to her.

Aom sat back down as he watched her it was a little uncomfortable, she resumed painting. Tik went to the piano and sat down on the bench. He began playing a piece by Mozart, piano concerto. Aom stopped painting, instead she chose to listen to Tik play the piano, her mind raced with memories. Suddenly, the piano stopped playing, Aom looked down, wondering what motivated him to play Mozart.

"Piano Concerto...Mozart."

Tik didn't know what she was talking about. "What?" Tik noticed he was sitting on the bench, he stood up quickly surprised he was there.

"I thought you only knew Moonlight?"

"I...didn't know I could play...this good" He took a look at his hands, feeling something fishy going on.

"What do you think of when hearing the sound of a piano?"

"...Hm..I don't know." Tik chuckled. "Piano...sounds like...piano, you?"

"Love." answered Aom.

Tik and Aom took a moment to look into each others eyes, even though Aom was at the top of the ladder she could clearly see his face.

"Ones love is proven by taking time and enduring those harsh times, even conquering that fear of a first kiss...similar to playing the piano. To play the instrument you have to learn to take good care of what you do so you will make the piano sound the best." Aom smiled down at Tik.

A surge of jealously ran through his body, he had a feeling Aom's been kissed before. "Can I ask you who was you're first kiss?"

"...I don't have one."

A twinkle of a smile appeared on his face.

"...Its too late."

Tik raised an eye brow, about to question her.

"I should come down, I have to head back."

She spoke too fast, before she made it to the middle of the ladder, Aom tripped on her converse shoes and fell back first onto Tik. Luckily, Tik was aware of her fall and was waiting to catch her. Aom was tiny but she had so many layers of clothes on, she felt heavy. Tik hit the floor with Aom's body on top of his. On the stage ground she turned quickly around on him.

"I'm so sorry."

Tik starts coughing, it was hard for him to breath. "Its...ok."

In a matter of seconds, she got on her knees bending down next to Tik. "Do you need the nurse?"

"No...I just need to sit up, my back...its hurting..."

Aom grabbed his arms and tried lifting him up but they hit each other on the forehead, this time around Aom lifted her face to quickly and brushed her lips with his, she stopped to look into his eyes. Slowly, Tik put his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a real kiss. She stopped. She couldn't kiss him, she wouldn't. Aom pushed him back onto the ground, quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of the theater hall. Tik sat up and was confused what just happened.

"I'm being crazy."

"You are crazy about to kiss a girl like her." said a voice from behind the curtains. It was a woman's voice.

Tik turned to see a woman dressed so elegantly, she was standing close to the second entrance door to the main theater hall.

"Ae? When did you get back from the U.S.?" he said.

Ae stepped into the light so he would see her.

"Humph, does that matter? have you forgotten about me though? You do remember that we are destined to be together...right?"


sarNie Adult
it's really kind of fishy that chakrit was gone... haha..

who is ae?? make me wonder..


Professional Lakorn Watcher
good update....... Poor Chakrit.. wonder where he went. That scene on the balcony was a little frightening though. And just about when Aom and Tik starting to get close, whose that Ae girl???? She's going to ruin everything!!!


sarNie Adult

All along, Aom heard the whole conversation, she peaked into the theater hall and Ae had her arms around Tik, they were kissing. He wasn't holding her but he let her kiss him. She stepped back and walked away not turning back once.

At Jean's tiny apartment close to the orphanage. They both shared a bed.

"You're lips brushed his lips? So you kissed him?" asked Jean excitedly.

"No...it was an accident."

Jean grinned.

"Its nothing, he has a girlfriend, thank goodness."

"Are you sure? You seem disappointed just now."

"No. I'm not."

Aom put her head on her pillow and ignored everything about her friend.

"Its not the right time to think about love, Jean..."

Jean sighed.

Like every working morning, Aom began early. This day she continued her work on the mural until Tik announced a meet with everyone in the building. Before the whole staff, Tik stood next to Ae.

"Thank you all for being here today. Ae was my first choice to play Rose, before her final decision she was in the U.S. I am glad to announce that she is very happy to be joining us for this play. Please give welcome to Ae."

Everyone claps. Everyone was in love with her elegant look and beautiful long hair. Ae and Tik made a beautiful couple. Aom clapped just to show that she was also with the crowd. As Ae began talking, Aom tuned her out, the only person she focused on was Tik. She watched him smiling at Ae as if she was the only girl in the room. She realize what place she belonged in, all that happened last night was really all just accidents.

"Aom Piyada." called Tik.

Aom snapped from daydreaming. "Yes?"

"I want you to stay back."


Ae gave her an evil look, knowing what happened last night. After everyone left the meeting room Aom stood across the long table distancing herself from Tik.

"Playing Mozart...I really don't know how to...did I really play?"

Aom raise an eye brow.

"Humph, I don't understand why I act differently around you."

Aom frowned. "Sir...what happened last night...or any time before that...I never looked at it differently...so I don't think you should also."


"Let us just focus on work, please. I'll see you later."

Aom ignored him and walked out the door. Tik sighed.

"Having a hard time?" said a voice from behind him.

Tik turned around and looked at Chakrit.

"You...where have you been?"

Chakrit smiled a little. "There is no where to go for a lost ghost like me."


"What did you call me?"

"Chakrit...you don't have a name, I want to name you Chakrit."

"Chakrit...has a good ring to it."

"Hm...if it wasn't for your dream I would have never came up with that name."

"You? Had a dream about me? How many days has it been and you are already missing me? How sweet!" smiling Chakrit.

"How sick." Tik rolled his eyes. "Anyways-"

"Anyways, I see you have the hots for Aom Piyada."


"I can be invisible, you know. Eavesdropping is like a drug...I see how you look at her...and that kiss-"

"That was an accident."

"Or was it?"

"...You...you made me play...YOU POSSESSED ME AGAIN?!"

"You have no idea how fun that is."

"Its not fun playing with people's feelings. Now Aom must think I'm a womanizer."

"Loving two woman at one time...that happens all the time, everyday, I overhear about people cheating on their spouse, you can't accompany Aom and...you're girlfriend at the same time?" Chakrit joked.

"What kind of a ghost are you?"

Chakrit laughed.

"I'm not like that...understood?"

"But you can't stop thinking about Aom can you? You hated her but now you can't get her out of you're mind right?"

Ae knocked on the door before walking. Chakrit vanished.

"Hi darling, want to get dinner tonight?"

"Mmm...maybe not. I have a lot of work to attend to."

"HUMPH! you never have time for me."

"I know...its just that we are a little behind on production for the play, I want everything settled. You should go over you're lines before rehearsing tomorrow."

"You can give me a better excuse, I know you're lying to me."

"I have never lied to you or anyone...fine...why don't you order something."

"I have a better idea...why not let Aom order us something."

"Aom Piyada is not my secretary."

"Doesn't she suit the title of being a secretary?"

"If you're that desperate, we'll go out."

After a dinner in a elegant restaurant, Tik and Ae pulled up to a red light. Fours kids crossed the streets.

"Little kids, why are they crossing the streets? Its so late already." said Ae angrily.

Behind the kids was Aom and her friend Jean, they were the chaperons. Tik looked closely and notice Aom. Ae was too busy looking at her nails to notice Aom. Everyone crossed safely, the lights turned green. Tik wasn't going.

"Hon, what's wrong? the light's green."

Tik stepped on his gas and the car speed past the lights towards Ae's house. When he dropped her home she gave him a good night kiss. Tik drove back to the same light he last saw Aom and the four kids. Again they were walking across the street in that same old way they did before. Tik chuckled when he saw Aom carrying a little girl in her arms. The little girl playing with Aom's glasses. He honked his car horn and everyone turned his way. Aom was surprised to see Tik in the car.

Tik sat on the swing in the playground built for the orphanage. He watched the stars come out. Aom made her way to his side. Tik quickly stood up when he noticed her come.

"Its okay, sit down." said Aom.

He sat back down on the swing.

"..Really, all the chairs here are so short...I couldn't find a place to sit." he laughed.

Aom smiled and sat on the swing next to him.

"Isn't it past their curfews?"

"The bathrooms in the orphanage are all undergoing new changes, that's why we had to walk over to the gas station so late in the night.

"Ah...So is this you're second job? Looking after kids?"

"No, I owe a lot to this place, I want to help out as much as I can. And, I have no where to go, this is my last resort."

"You owe a lot to this place...you were raised here in the orphanage?"

Aom nodded. "I left when I was 18...and here I am again. This time, I'm staying until I find a stable place to live."

"Oh...I never knew that."

"What are you saying? Weren't you the one who said you hated talking about other people's life?"

"I do...its just...now its different."

Tik stared at Aom. To escape his hard eyes she turned to look at the stars.

"Now, you don't hate me?"

Tik felt guilt.

"I'm sorry...I judged you before I even knew you."

Aom smiled. "At first, I hated you too...I judged you before I knew you too."

Tik chuckled. "What's that suppose to be...on you're necklace."

"Its a wooden piano key."

"It has an A on it."

"Someone very close to me carved it for me a long time ago. We were brought to the orphanage together, he gave me the calender with the piano...he loved the piano so much...he wanted to be a mechanic to fix me a piano one day just so I could draw it."

"Who was he to you?"

"...He was my life...my everything."

Chakrit saw Tik and Aom chatting with each other, he looked around the orphanage. He closed his eyes and envisioned a memory from the past.

"This is for you, keep it, I made you an A, one day I'll make a C." Said a young Chakrit.

"What does it mean?"

"A is for Aom and C is for Chakrit."

Chakrit opened his eyes and looked at Aom.

"A..." His eyes glistened "I remember...I'm sorry, A and C don't belong together..."


Professional Lakorn Watcher
awww so sad.......... :(

I knew Chakrit and Aom were connected somehow.. now I can't wait to find out how he died.


sarNie Adult
thank you reading my fanfic...been busy but keep writing also! at the beginning of the story i was going to write about how chakrit died but i wanted it to be in the end now...and chakrit wasn't suppose to be in this fanfic because i can't really picture him playing a support role but after writing for a while now...i think chakrit and tik share equal presence in this fanfic. at first i wanted to put oh anuchid...then i wrote ken as the ghost in a few scenes but i didn't want to write about him being a ghost because his wife just had a baby...so i felt bad about that....so i chose chakrit. aom was always my first choice...and for tik's role i had to debate on rather to put someone else...but i thought chakrit would outshine other actors because i know everyone is use to seeing chakrit play the lead.

thank you for reading! more to come!


sarNie Granny
well i think you made a good choice of characters...bc tik/aom did movies together...i can picture them..there's is also chakrit who can play any kind of roles :D

oh i hope after this, you will continue Kiss After Kiss.... ^^


sarNie Adult
^^ i want to thank ladyofdarkness really much for creating a fantastic poster for Droplits of Memory!! thank you anyone who has been reading this fanfic! really motivates me to finish this fanfic. thank you! :lol:

and yes, after this i will continue kiss after kiss...prick me with love's kiss is pending though. i am thinking about changing a lot in that fanfic so it will be pretty different.


sarNie Adult

Chakrit screamed to the world. He was angry that he died. He was angry that he couldn't love Aom. He was angry for giving Aom sorrow. He knelled down on the ground and covered his crying face. Tik left and Aom went back to her friend's apartment. Jean was already asleep, she took up the whole bed. Aom pushed her leg to make room but Jean liked taking room and she was heavier then Aom had thought. Aom gave up and moved over to the sofa. Aom turned off the lights.

At one in the morning someone knocked on the door so loudly, Aom woke up, she heard the sound the raindrops outside. Jean was a heavy sleeper, she won't wake up to open the door so Aom had to. The door swung open.

"Chakrit." she smiled. "You're back."

Chakrit was all wet from the rain outside, he was shivering all over.

"I'm back." he said, his arms around him.

"Get in, you must be freezing. I'll get you a towel to dry off." she turned.

Chakrit grabbed her wrist and turned her back to face him. His hand was freezing. "No...stay with me, I can't come in."

Aom gave him a confused look. "Why?"

Chakrit smiled weakly. "Do you miss me?"

Aom looked at him, not knowing where to begin. Aom couldn't hold back, she hugged him. "...Its been almost a month since you left, why wouldn't I miss you...I missed you so much."

Chakrit patted her head and smelled her scent. "A month without me is this painful?"

Aom nodded, her eyes teary. She closed her eyes and remembered how good it felt to be in his arms again.

"What will happen...if I never come back?"

Aom opened her eyes and stepped away from him to stare into his eyes. "Then I'll hate you...I'll hate you until the day I find you."

Chakrit wiped her tears off with his cold hand. "Don't bother finding me...I won't leave you."

Aom opened her eyes, the sun's light was beaming into the living room, she rubbed her eyes to adjust to light. The window was opened, she could smell the rain that had past through over night.

"Aom, you're going to be late!!" yelled Jean.

Aom sat up on the sofa and looked at her watch. It was 8:00 she had to get to work by 8:30.

By 8:30, Aom was still running to catch the bus, traffic was horrifying. While waiting for the bus a car stopped in front of her. The driver rolled down the window. It was Tik, he looked as his watch.

"8:30" Tapping his wrist-watch. "You're late."

"And you?"

"...Hmm...that makes both of us."

"You can come and go anytime though, you have an excuse, you're the boss."

"Right, so what's you're excuse?" Tik asked.

Aom stared at him as he grinned at her.

Tik gave a big sigh. He turned off the engine and came out of the car. "Are you good with fashion?" Tik looked at her from head to toe. "Hmm...I think I'm asking the wrong person."

Aom frowned. "I think Miss Ae's taste will fit you more then mine."

"Hmm..nah...whenever she buys clothes for me, I feel like a puppet. If you don't mind, I need some advice."

"Advice? what kind?"

Tik grabbed her wrist. "Let's talk on the way there."

Aom pulled away but he was strong and wouldn't let go. "The bus is coming I have to get to work and so do you."

"You and I are both off today."

"Says who?"

"Who else? Me. Now come on." Tik pulled her towards his car.

People at the bus stop were staring.

"You enjoy humiliating me don't you?" asked Tik.

Tik opened the door for her and she had no choice but to obey his orders.

All over Bangkok Tik drove. He stopped at a super mall. Aom followed him where-ever he went. They stopped in a shop, customizing in making beautiful suits for men. Tik looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his sleeves. He saw Aom's reflection in the mirror, she was waiting quietly for him.

"Good enough?"

Aom chose not to answer, she knew he looked perfect though. "Where are you going?"

"Some award party held for achievements in film and play direction. God, this bow sure is tight around my neck." Tik tried loosening the bow.

Aom walked to his side, turned him to her. She helped him without saying a word. Tik looked at her face but her eyes were down, concentrating on his bow. Tik looked at the mirror and saw both their reflections. He chuckled. Aom looked up at him at last.

"What's funny?"

Tik cleared his throat. "I was just thinking about something out of the ordinary."

Aom tightened the bow.


"I'm sorry. Accident there." she lied.

Back in the car, Tik put his newly folded suit in the back seat then took his seat in the driver's seat.

"Where should we go now? Since I chose the first place, you can choose the second one."


"Then you'll get in trouble, its already 11:00."

Aom's mouth fell. "You're the one who decided to let me get off work today."

Tik started his engine. "You scared to get in trouble?" Tik was stepping on his gas, making the engine roar. "well then here is you're ticket to freedom...going once...going twice...going-"

Aom frowned. "Go then, where-ever you want."

He turned to looked at her. "Puket."

"What? Puket? I never planned to go on a vacation."

"Now you are."

Tik speed out of the parking lot.

"You're being unfair! I want to go home. Why do you want to go to Puket, now?"

"That's where the party is."

"What? The party you brought the suit for is tonight in Puket?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Why didn't you take Miss Ae?"

"I needed to get away from her, she's only been here for the last three days and my head's about to explode."

"But, I can't go...not like this..."

"What size do you wear?"


Tik dialed his cellphone and called his secretary.

"Lee, find a dress for me, any dress that's a size 4." Tik glanced at Aom. "Or any size bigger then that."

Aom's eyes widen, she looked at herself. He was surely making fun of her. She rolled her eyes and turned the other way.

"Send it down to my villa in Puket by 6 tonight. Thanks." Tik hung up and smiled at Aom.