Falada's Creation


sarNie Adult
Srry if it's ugly......I don't have photoshop.
Hope you guys like it.
Here are pictures from 2013:




























sarNie Hatchling
Those are actually pretty good for someone who doesnt use photoshop...thats how i started using/ doing artworks as well with paint and other editing program lol......I really like the pic in word of M&M and Tono and aim, i still dont know how to do that on photoshop lol


Staff member
those are quite good for a non-photoshop user.
they look nice, keep up the lovely job :)


sarNie Adult
New artworks:



YADECH FOREVER!   :heart:  :wub:
I really really really love this team, LOL!
Hope you guys like it. :D


sarNie Granny
Your artwork is so cute! I can't believe you did these without photoshop...WOW :) What program do you use then? Paint?  Nevertheless, I'm impress. Keep it up!