Fate Within Our Love


sarNie Adult
@Toon's secret place
Noon Talking to servent:How long are we gonna be here!!
Guy:Well If you wanna be here longer than keep on talking!!!
Paul:Don't talk to her like that!!!
Guy1:Be quiet!!
Paul:Do you know how to talk to a girl!!
Guy:Yeah i do(Punches Paul in the face)
Paul:Don't worry about me.
Guys Leaves.
Noon:Are you alright.
Noon looks around and see's a small window.
Noon:We can go through there!!
They climb through and escaped.

Morning time
Fah's House
Fah getting ready.
Anne:where are you going?
Fah:you told me to go with Toon Right and that's where i am going!!
Anne:don't Shout at me!!
Fah:Well i wasn't.
Car beeps.
Fah:he's here gotta go mom.
Fah Goes out and in the car.
Tawan's car.
Tawan:Why were you crying yesterday?
Fah:eek:h it was nothing i had a stuffy nose.
Tawan:Are you sure?(TAwan looks at here.
Fah:Ye Tawan Watch out!!
The car stops.
Tawan goes out of the car.
Tawan:what are you guys Noon? Paul?
Paul:Yeah it's us we were trying to get home.
Tawan:Well Where's your car!!
Noon:We We
Tawan:Well if your not gonna say anything then i am leaving.
Tawan almost entered his car
Noon shouts:We Got Kidnapped!!
Tawan:what by Whom.
Noon:Don't really know.
Fah:Noon, Paul!!
Tawan:no Wonder Paull is bruised.
Tawan:we can give you a ride.
Fah:why don't we report it to the Police.

Fah's House
Toon:Mrs.Panwarot,Is Fah here?
Anne:She sad she was going out with you.
Toon:Uh No Mabe she went with Min.
Anne Well i'll call her alright.

News Scene
Min:It's So boring i wish i can go out but Tawan won't let me because he is worried.
Nook:But i can make you have fun!!
Nook claps his hand.
Min:Nook? What are you up to.
Golf comes in.
Golf and Mike sings Tong Ther Tao Nun.(Random song)
After they sing She claps and Golf leaves.
Min:Thanks Mabe you can sing to me.
Nook puts on the T.V and they see the news.
Noon on T.v Reporting and telling what happened
Min:Noon!!!! Tawan's on the backround?
Tawan Fone Rings
Min:What Happened!! Tawan Are you Alright?!!
Tawan:Don't Worry About ME okay!!
Nook:Min Mabe You Should Get some Rest.
MIn:NO!! I wanna Make sure he is okay.
Nook:Well he said don't worry.
MIn:Okay Fine.I'll Go to Sleep and when he comes you wake me up okay.(Making the sign)

Hour Later
Tawan:It's Tawan.
Min gets up and rubs her eyes
She see's tawan and HUgs HIm.
Min:Tawan your alright.
Tawan huging her and rubing her head.
Tawan:Tawan Told You He'll Be alright.
Min:I Miss you where did you go?(Pulling him awaay)
Min:Fah? What were you doing with her?
Tawan:Just Hanging out.
Fah walks in
Fah:Don't worry we won't do that!!
Min:That's Good.
Fah fone rings
Fah:Yes mom?
Anne yelling over the Fone
Anne:Fah Where are you how come your not with Toon!!!
Fah:Do i have to be with him!!
Anne:Where are you.
Fah:At the Hospital.
Anne:What Happened.
Anne Hangs Up and rushes to the hospital.
Fah:That was weird.
Tawan:Min we are gonna go we'll be back okay.
Out of the room
Tawan Grabs Fahs Hands
Fah:We should go buy some food for Min.
Fah and Tawan walks out holding hands.
Fah and TAwan lets go.
Anne:I told you already you can't be with him!!
Fah:But mo...
Anne:I told you once already!!!
Anne Goes up to Fah and slaps her
Anne:How come you won't listen to me!!!


sarNie Adult

She gets mad and run across the street
Tawan:Watch Out Fah!!!!
Runs towards her and pushes her and he hits his head on the side of the curve.
Fah gets up ad see.
Tawan head is all bleading and he gets rush inside the hostpital.
Fah:Tawan Stay with me okay!! Tawan Tawan!!
They take him in and she waits outside of the room 301
Anne:Come on Fah lets go!!
Fah:NO MOM IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!IF Tawan wasn't there i would be in the room all you did was stare!!!
Anne:I told you you can't be with him and i don't care if he is hurt comeon lets go.
Fah:NO I HET YOU You want me to be with Toon but no my love is Tawan!!!
Anne grabs her hand to make her go but...
Noon:Mrs.Panwarot She is with me i'll make sure she won't get to see Tawan okay.
Anne:Can i trust you?
Noon:Come on i don't even like that boy he gets on my last nerves i wanna do something bad to him!!!
Anne:OKay she can stay with you.
Fah Snuffing
Anne:Noon make sure alright.
Anne Leaves
Fah:what was that about.
Noon:You can see Tawan BUt you have to watch out.
Doc:Fah hold on.
FAh:Yes Doc
Doc:You may go see him.

Rm 120
Fah walks in she rushes to him
Fah:tawan i am so sorry.Hurry wake up and talk to me please.With out you nothing can go good.
Tawan:Fa Fa Fah Don't leave me Fah
Fah:tawan Tawan!!
He wakes
Tawan:Where am i?
Fah:in the hospital.
Tawan:where is Min.
Fah:in her room.
Min rushes in
Min:Tawan are you okay,What happened.
Tawan:Oh it's nothing it's just nothing really(nervously)
Min:Tawan Don't lie
Tawan:Don't worry i'll be out of here soon.
Min:You better be okay.
MIn:OKay i'll be leaving tomarrow.
Fah:bye MIn
While she is sitting he grabs her hand
Tawan:I love you but why don't you love me?
Fah:Uh what i do love you!!!
Tawan:HAHA i go you, you totally fel for that!!
Fah gets a little piss
Fah:Don't joke around like that!!
Tawan:I was just kidding.
Fah punches him softly
Tawan:Ouch that hurts!!
Fah:Ha you wished it did.
Tawan:OKay over with tha.


sarNie Adult
Soryy not gonna be updating much

Paul comes with two cups of water
Hands it to her
Paul:You alright?
Noon:Yeah just love the veiw.
Paul:YEah it's good that you're here.
Noon:Could you just stop it.
She stands up
Noon:I don't like i never did so can you!!I hate you!!
She throws the cup of water on him madly
Noon:I hate you.
Paul:You can hate me but i can't hate you because i love you!!!
Noon:Why don't you just go to someone who will love you.Iy's JUst no me who loves you okay!!!
Paul:But Nook doesn't even love you it's me can't you see!!!
NooN:Err i hate you.
She runs off
Paul kneels to the ground and crys
Paul:I love you Noon.But why don't you love me?

Nook:Your leaving tomarrow right?
Min nodds
Nook:Well let me take you home then.
MIn:Umm Sure why not.
Noon comes in madly
Noon:Nook Can i talk to you?
Nook:Uh uh okay?
Noon and Nook leaves
Min:That was weird
Min sneaks out to watch what they were doing

out of 205
Noon grabs Nook by the Hand
Noon:I like you alot Nook but will you open your heart.
Min from far
Min:Noon (They can't hear)
Back to the Noon
Noon:Nook Give me and Answer.
Nook:I I
End of ch.12


sarNie Adult
Min pretends to sleep
Paul:MIn... oh sleeping already
PAul leaves and nook comes in
Nook leaves also so he an talk to Paul
Min turns around she was crying while she was pretending

Next day
Nook:Min I'm.... Here
Min ignores him and leave
Min:Ready paul let's go
Nook:Whats up with her?

Paul:This is a good idea
Min:Well i am only helping you so you'll get Noon.
Paul and Min arrives at the car.
Paul opens the door for Min
and he gets in they go bye bye

Tawan and Fah scee
Tawan:It's so beautiful out today.
Fah:It surely is.
Tawan:I don't want to say this but i have too.
Fah:Well waht is it.
Tawan:Your dad wants me to go out of the country for a month.
Fah:WHAT!! NO!!! you can't go he is only dong that to put you in danger!!
Tawan:Yes i know you parents don't want us together!!!
Fah:Well don't go i'll tell him to tell someone else to go.
Tawan:I am just gonna do this task maby he'll let us meet again.:
Fah:Alright. Here eat this okay.
Tawan:Alright you too.

Noon:Hwo come you don't want to talk to me!! HUH!!!
Nook:I told you already.I can't love you the only person i love is Min!!
Noon:So I did was for nothing!!!
Nook:I going to leave.
Noon grabs his hand
Noon:NO!! we have to talk about it first!!!
Nook:Let go i have nothing to talk about!!!
Nook her let go and he leaves.

MIn:Thanks for the ride Paul.
Paul:Your welcome.
MIn:Wanna come in for a drink.
They enter mins house
Min oes to the kitchen to get water
Min comes with two cups of water.
MIn:Here (handing to water)
MIn:Your welcome
Tawans car pullup
MIn:Oh Tawan's home
Min runs out
Tawan:Hey little girl
Min:When will you just stop calling me tha!! HAHa
Tawan:Is someone here?
Min:Yea um paul is here.
Tawan:Oh okay why?
MIn:He was just dropping me off from the hospital.
MIn and Tawan walks in
A car pulls up
Min:I wonder who is here?
she walks out
Min:That car looks fimilar.
Tawan walks out
Tawan:Thats Kwans Car.
Min:Oh so you're thinking on cheating on my bestie HUh?
Tawan:NO it's not that Tell her to go away.
MIn:Fine i'll go but you go keep Paull Company okay.
Min Walks to Kwan and Tawan Walks in.
MIn:Hi Kwan.
Kwan:Is Tawan home.
MIn:Why are you asking for him?
Kwan:Because he is my Boyfriends.
Min:HAHA I beleive youNOT!!
Kwan:HAHA and who do you think you are.
Mi:HIs Loving sistr.
Kwan;I will Will
Min:I'mm waiting.
Fahs car pulls up she gets out
Fah:Hi MIn!!
Kwan:Who's That tramp #2
Fah:Did you just call me tramp!!
Kwan:WHo else.
Min:Don't mind her fah come inside.
Fah Walks passkwan and kwan grabs her and slap her
Fah slaps kwan and they start to fight =and Min jumps in
Tawan:WHATS!!! WRONG!!!
Tawan and paul starts to break them up
Kwan pretends to cry.
Kwan goes to Tawan's trying to hold his arm
Kwan:It's All her fault Tawan!!!!
Tawan gets her hands off from him
Tawan:Your in peace so don't come with me!!
Fah:Tawan who is she.
Min:His ex Who is coming back fro him!!!
Tawan:Kwan you need to leave!!!
Kwan:Fine I het you anyway!!
Kwan leaves and Fah goes to Tawan Okay we'er free
TAwan:Indeed we are

Next Ch.p Preveiw
Kwan:I going to amke sure your dead!!!
Noon:I love you Paul i am so sorry.
Fah:Why do you have to pick my life for me!!!


sarNie Adult
Noon:Ugh why can't i call him
She is so mad she doesn't know that MIn comes in
Min:Noon Noon?
Noon ignores her
Noon:Sorry Min i didn't know you were here.
Min:NO problem.BU wat is wrong with you today?
Noon:NOthing it's umm nothing nothing at all
MIn:You sure you seem to be despress.
Noon was kind of nervous
Noon:I I I wanna ask you something.
Min:Well what is it?
Noon:Well i was wondering, do you like Nook. And Tell me the truth.
MIn:Well i am so sorry i know you like him but i do i love him very much.
Noon starts to cry
Min:Noon Why are you crying?
Noon:Oh nothing.can you please excuse me for a bit?
Min:Oaky i will be leaving.
Noon:Okay then bye
min leaves
Noon:Min I never knew you can do this to me.

Min:(onthe fone)Paul can you come pick me up please?
Kwan:I am going to make sure your dead.
Kwa walks out to Min
Kwan:Hi Min
MIn:Oh Hi.
Kwan:Well sorry for this,Tuan get her.
MIn:What are you thinking!!!
MIn runs and he drops something.
Noon hears some yellng she looks out her window.
Noon calls Paul
Noon:Come on answer.PAul Paul Min is in trouble where are you!!
Paul:Going to pick her up by your house.
Noon:Well then hurry!!!
Noon runs out
Kwan:Huh what now another TRAMP!!!
Noon:KWan? Your not getting away with this!!!
Noon runs up to kwan and grabs her hair
Noon:What do you think yo are doing!!
Kwan:Stay oout of my
Noon:NO you did not!!
Noon slaps Kwan and runs to go help MIn
Min:Noon help me!!
PAul comes in time
Kwan:Taun run!!
Kwan and tuan runs
Paul:MIN!! (Runnning to her)
Paul:You okay?
Min:(paniking)Yes but i am very scared!!!
Noon walks tawards them she notice he gives her lots of care
Noon:MIn you okay?
Noon:You want me to call Nook?
MIn:If you want... Never
Paul and Noon Takes MIn in
Paul rests her on Noons Couch.u
Noon:pAul can i Talk to you?
Noon and Paul walks out
MIn smiles
MIn:Goood luck.
Noon:I love you Paul.I'm so sorry.
PAul:IT's alrihgt.
Noon:Only one thing i Fear.
Paul:What is it?
Noon:Do you like MIn?
PAul:Min!! No I love you!!She is just like my sister!!
Noon:You sure.
Tawan rushes
TAwan:Oh Sorry i wasn'y disturbing rihgt?
Tawan goes in the room
she sits up and hug her loving brother Tawan.
Tawan:IS my sister okay?
Min:Yes I am.
Tawan:Thats good!!
Tawan hugs her tighter
Noon and Paul walks in
Paul:Iwish i had a sister but i have only brithers.
Noon:Qit with that!!

Fah:MOm I'm going out.
Anne:With Who?
Anne:Uh huh your gonna go with TAwan.Well you can't Toon is gonna come pick you up.
Anne:If you don't go you'll be grounded!!
Fah:Why do you have to pick mylife!!!!
AnneI am trying to make sure you have a good life!!
FAh"Ugh i hate you!!
Fah runs her room madly.

Ch.15 Pre
Tawan:I will kill you if you touch my sister.
Nook:I Am so sorry!!!
Fah:Tawan i am sorry
Nok:You're fired now get out!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
Your fast on update. These two chapters are so good. The preview for the next is looking good too. Can't wait for that chapter.


sarNie Adult
Tawan:Min since I want you to be safe you have to get someone to be y your side.
MIn:Why's that?
Tawan:Well because it's just for your safety.
MIn:Do you have someone?
Tawan:YEp all arranged. Come on in.
Nook walks in
Min:Nook?NO Way!!!
Min Turns around and tries going to her room but Tawan stops her.
Tawan:Your not going anywhere.Nook your job starts tomarrow.
Min:Okay what exactly is going on!!
Tawan:He's is your guard.
Nook:Okay I'll be leaving.
Nook leaves
Min hugs Tawan
Min:Ugh thankyou so much for doing this for me!!!
TAwan:No problem.But tell me the truth,do you like him?
MIn blushes
Min:why would my brother ask me that.It fells weird.
Tawan:so you do.
Min:Well... well i wouldn't lie to you.
After saying yes she runs to her room.

In Min's room
Min smiling to herself
Min:Ugh I can't believe i told my brother.

Next day at Tawan's work place/Nok's campany
Nok:Your fired now get out!!
???:But sir I didn't do anything!!
Nok:I don't care.
Tawan walks in
Tawan:Umm sir you have a meeting at 12
Tawan about to walk out
Nok:Tawan can you tell the security to come get him.
Tawan:Umm okay
Tawan goes quickly so he woulnd't get fired like ??
Tawan gets a security
Fah:Tawan what happened?
Tawan:I don't know your dad told me to get a security.
Fah:Oh okay.Can I talk to you?
Tawan:Yeah sure.
They walk together to the Cafe'
Fah:Sit for a bit i have to talk to you.
Fah looks worried
Tawan:What's wrong.
Fah:My mom is gonna send me to America for studies.
TAwan:No she can't!
Fah:Yes she can but sh...
Tawan:BUt what she is only doing that so you can forget me!!!
Fah:BUt she won't be able to change my heart.
Since Tawan's hands were on the table she put her hands on his
Fah:Tawan it's only gonna be for two years.
Tawan:I can't wait for two years!!!
Tawan gets up madly and leaves
Fah:Tawan I am Sorry.
Fah cries she put her head down on the table

Noon and Paul
Noon:I am so sorry.
Paul:For what?
Noon:For not noticing you.
Paul:it's okay i knew i could've got a chance with you.
Noon:Your so sweet i love you.
Noon and Paul Kisses in the rain on Noon's Balcony

Toon and Tawan fighting part
Toon purposely bumps into Tawan
Toon:Watch where your going!!
Tawan looks up and he see's Toon
Tawan:You purposely did that Huh!!!
Toon:What you wanna start!!
Tawan:Just because Fah Loves me and not you does not mean anything!!
Toon:I bet your sister had fun yesterday!!
Tawan:You sent Kwan!!
Toon:No but kwan told me
Tawan:I will kill you if you touch my sister!!!


sarNie Adult

Fah holding her fone
Fah:Ugh why isn't he picking up.
She calls Min instead
Fah:Hello Min,Can you please call Tawan And ask him what's up
Min:Okay but why?
Fah:I'm going to america.
Min:What already!!!
Fah:Yeah,My mom wants me to go.
Min:Ugh okay.
Fah:OKay bye call ya later.
Hangs up

Min's fone rings
she picks up
Nook:I coming over.
hangs up
but before she leaves
Min:I better go change.Hehe

Tawan:Fah why do you have to go?(to himself)
Tawan turns around
Bowie:Tawan it's you!!! I miss you so much
she goes hugging him
Tawan:Hi Bowie
Bowie:Tawan can you take me shopping?
Tawan:But but were i am not your boy?
Bowie:Okayfine you tkae me shopping and i will not hold you okay.
Tawan:Fine okay lets go.

@ the mall
Bowie trying her best to hold Tawan on his arm
Bowie spots something
Bowie:Tawan look that is so cute!!!
Tawan:No lets go.
Bowie grabs his arm and they walk in a store.
Bowie:Aww these are so cute!!
Kwan from far
Kwan:Is that Tawan?
Kwan gets her fone.
Kwan:He is at the mall i see him.
she hangs up
Kwan:you'll get it!!

Min and Fah in car
Fah:thanks for comin with me.
Min:NO worries.

Tawan:Come one Bowie I can't stay here for ever!!
Bowie:No come on!!(Dragging him by his hand)
Tawan lets go and leave.
Bowie goes after him
Bowie:Tawan come back!!(yellling at him.)Ugh!!

Tawan:So tired of her!!
Fah:Isn't that TAwan?
Min:yeah I think that is him
Fa runs over to him
Tawan:Ugh What am i gonna do.
Min runs after Fah
Min:Fah Fah wait
Tawan:Hmm..I hear Fahs
he turns and see her
They hug each other
Fah:Ohh Tawan I miss you.
Tawan:I miss you too.
MIn:Fah Fah there is someone after me.Tawan?
Fah:Min wh
Tawan interupts
Min:I don't really know.
Bowie running towards them
Bowie:Tawan wait for me!!!
Talking out of breath Bowie:Tawan There you are.
BOwie catches her breath while Fah and Min wonders who she is.
Bowie looks up
Bowie:Who are they?
Tawan:This is Min(Pointing at min)This is my girlfriend Fah(Wlaking over to her)
Bowie:eek:h okay.(FEeling sad)

Tawan:I'll be back.
????:you don't to see my face. Holding on to Min's chin


sarNie Adult
Fah Min ad Tawan
Min’s fone rings
Min: Hello?
Nook: Min you busy?
Min:Kinda but I am at the mall with Tawan and Fah.
Nook:I am there too.
Min:Huh you are.
Min:Huh that was weird.
Someone hugs Min from the bcqak.
Min:Let go of me!!!
????:It’s Just me.
She turns around and see's Nook.
She gives him a hug.
Nook:I missed you.
Min:Hehe Me too.
Min kisses him on the cheek.
Min:Lets go.(grabbing his hand.)
Nook blushes a little.
Min come on dragging his hands.
Tawan:Where’s Min.
Fah:With her little butterfly.
Tawan:Hmm where.
Bowie:Umm Tawan don’t see over there.(pointing.
Tawan:Oh okay.
Tawan:I’ll be back.
While Tawan walks to the other two couples someone punches him.
Tawan:HEY!!What was that for.
But then the guys run.
Tawan:Crazy people.
Fah goes running after him
Fah gets a napkin after she notices the blood.
Fah:You okay?
Tawan:Yeah just a little.
Fah:Okay(Wiping his blood)
Bowie comes and notice them
Bowie says to herself:I know how much you two love each other.
Fah:Ohh Bowie I didn’t(She says slowy)you there.
Bowie:Oh no it’s alright.
Fah:Okay then.
Min:Tawan you alright.I saw thempunch you.
Tawan:NO I’m okay.
Nook:Good then.
Fah:Tawan you’re hurt we should go.
Tawan grabs her hand
Tawan:NO I amokay.
Fah:You sure.

Tawan:Let's go.
All of them goes shopping.
He runs up to her.
Bowie talks up close
Bowie:What you doing here?
YU:this is a public place.
Bowie:Oh I KNOW.
Bowie grabs his arem and follow the rest.

In the shop
Min:I have to go to the reatsroom.I'll be back.
Min goes to the bathroom
Someone punches her in the stomach and she faints.
????:Take her.

Min wakes up in a weird place
Every one is wearing masks
Min is covered with tape.
????:You don't see my face.
She holds Mins chin
Min groans

Mall:Where is she?
Fah:Let me check the bathroom.
Fah checks the Br
She see's Mins bracelet.
Fah:Isn't this hers?
Fah runs back to Tawan
fah:Tawan i Found this.


sarNie Oldmaid
Wow the poster for the story is so lovey.

I'll come back to post my comment on the story later.


sarNie Adult
From here on out I will be writung like how Alina does

Min was starring out in the small window wondering where she was."I wish i can just get out of here soon"she said saying it to herself.As ???? walks in she starts to studder."Wanna be free"she said as Min nods her head."Okay but you cannot yell,or else"she said taking out her gun.Min nod scarely.While ???? was taking everything off from Min one of the guys walked in."Madam,To"the guy stopped as if he was gonna say the name."Sir has a word to say with you madam."said the guy."I'lll be there. you stay here!"she said staring at Min.Min goes up to the guy."Can you please help me?"she begged going on her knees.The guy grabs her face on her chin."IF you do one little thing for me."the guy said"I will do whatever.Just please."She begged.
"I want you to..."The guy started whispering.The guy gets ready to leave."Wait....Umm can you tell me a little about you please?"she asked."Okay"he said as he walks to her."My mom she was a waitress,she worked for my dad but then my grandma didn't want me to live so she forced my mom to leave.My mom did as she said and left."The guys said.Min was fimilier to the story."Then..." Min came in interuppting."Did your dad go after your mom and your dad ran away into Bangkok and but."Min stopped"They left me with my evil aunt."Then you must be..Then you are."Min stopped for a little."your my brother Chan!!!"Min Shouthing a little."Shh"The guy said."Yes my name is Chan"He said.Min hugged him tightly."Your my brother,aunt moved and left to come to Bangkok!!,and mom and dad didn't find you because aunty left you!!!"Min said as she was still hugging him and crying. "But...But"chan was studdering"I found my sister."Chan said as he slowly pushed her away."So how is mom and dad?"chan asked "Ummm..I don't know how to explain,But dad died after a trip and mom is just fine."Min said sadly."Oh that's bad.Come on I can get you outa her okay."Chan said going out."Okay,Becareful."Min said After a few minutes she heard a knock at the window.As chan opened the window she had escaped and he left with her.

"Where is she."Tawan Said as he wondered."Tawan don't worry she should be safe."Fah said "But you"Tawan heard a knock."Min?"tawan ran to the door.Min goes right inside."Tawan,Tawan I am safe."Min said while hugging him."Min who is that?"he asked While Pushing her away softly."I am Chan".Chan said with a smile."Chan.Isn't really you?"Tawan said a little happy.Chan smiled and noded.They hugged and wet for a sit.Fah and min followed.Chan was done telling the story."Just the same story mom stold us."Tawan said as getting a drink."So,Min what happened."Tawan asking facing Min."Well i went to the..."Min didn't finish since Chan came between."She had went to the bathroom and Kwan our boss told us to get her so we did.Min was uncounsious for a while.When Min woke up Kwan,untied evrything.Min asked me to help her.I told her if she was to al least punch Kwan for me I would help her."Chan said as he was about to finish."Wait all along you've help Kwan!!"Tawan said getting up madly."tawan sit!!"Fah said pulling him tp sit down."well let me finish.Min asked me about my life I told her that's how come she knows.So I let her go.If I knew everything I wouldn't evn coorperate."Chan said feeling sad."Well at lease you did the right thing."tawan said getting a little happy."NOw this time it is war!!"Tawan said as he was walking to his room.Fah followed.

Tawan was in his room taking off his shirt.As soon as Fah walked in she was embarss."Like it?"Tawan said walking to her."Umm sorry.I'll go"She said as trying ton walk out the door.Tawan grabed her arm and pulled her onto the bed."Ugh Tawa...tawan what are you doing?"she said as trying to get up."Just wanna have some fun."He said leaning down for a kiss.But instead he went for her buttons."Tawan"she said pushing him."Ha I was just playing."tawan grinned."well I am leaving."Fah said as walking out of the door.Tawan went up to her and pushed her softly againsted the wall."Stay for the night okay?"He said going for a kiss.Fah went under leaving the room.

In the kitchen
"Hehe"tawan grinnig at Fah. "what are you looking at,Huh".Fah asked with an adidtude."You and you're beutiful face."tawan said walking up too her.Fah stared at him and punched him softly on the arm."Oie what was that for?"Tawan said laughing "OIe,You!!"Fah said started blushing. "I see someone blushing."Tawan said putting his hand on Fah.Tawan and Fah was so attrative that thwy were about to kiss."TAwan!!!"Min came in Talking Fah and Tawan broke up the kiss."Umm yes Min?"TAwan said scratching his head."Well Chan said he was tired."Min said as she went for some water."Okay.How about you set it up."Tawan said looking at Min as Min choked on her water."What did you say."She said looking at him."Umm..Min I can help you lets go."Fah said walking to Min."Okay,fah".she said as they walked out.Tawan nodd his head.

Fixing the place
As Fah was helping she was thinking about her Tawan in his room.

Past earlier
Tawan was going for her Shirt button. pushed and tried walking out the room.
Real world
"Fah..FAh"Min said while she was shaking her."Oh oh sorry."She said going back to helping."I bet she is thinking about Tawan."She said thinking in her head."HmmI guess you were thinking about my brother?"Min said looking at Fah. "UH No."Fah said Blushing."Hmm okay."MIn said back to fixing."Oh you know what."Fah said stoping."You should invite Noon and Bowie over for a sleepover. "Fah said looking at Min. "Oh Noon is not avilable.But i'll call Bwie since Tawan is a friend of her."As she still continued."Done!!"Min said as she walked out.

Noon and Paul was in a room together."I will make up what i have done to you."Noon said as she layd on the bed.Paul went on the bed with her annd started kissing each other.Paul was kissing her on the neck.She was happy for it.

Tawan walked Chan to his room."Here is where you will be sleeping okay.The house is not really big but then yeah just enjoy your stay. "Tawan said smiling.Tawan was about to leave."Umm..Tawan,Thanks."Chan said patting him on the back."No worries. By the way you want a job beside kiddnapping."Tawan said smiling."Oh don't talk about that anymore. and yes i want a job."Chan said as he was getting to bed.Tawan closed the light and left. "I am so lucky to have my family."He said happily and stared in the night.

Min was calling Bowie,"Bowie can you come over and sleepover?"She asked on the fone "Hmm sure why not."she said having nothing to do."Be there in 20 minutes."saying as she is about to hang up her fone."Bye."min said as hanging up.

sleep over
The girls were watching "Don't know how to love"."Who is in the movie"Bowie asked as shhe was sitting down."Bie sukrit and Fang Pitchya."Min said while they were starting the movie.Tawan heard the movie and went to Min's room."Oh I guess there is no boys alowed."Tawan said standing at the door."Yes no boys"Fah said going back on the movie."Oops sorry."He said as leaving.
"Hmm girls."tawan said grinning

In the morning
Fah was helping make breakfast with Min."MMm that smells good!" said "Oh mom. your awake."Min said walking over. "Yes and what ahve you made."asked walking over to the stove. Cahn walks in."Min who is that."asked Chan went to his mother and kneeled down. "why why is he kneeling. Get up son i don't know."she said while making him get up."Mom it's me Chan."Chan said holding onto his mom' hands."No no."she said fainting."Mom"Min and Chan shouted adn Fah says"Mrs.Sukrit!!" "What's up with the shouting."Tawan said walking down the stairs.Tawan notice his mom on the ground."Mom!!!"Tawan running to his mom while chan picks her up."Min,What happened?"He said asking "Mom...Mom Felled once Chan said that he was Chan!"Min said as she followed.Chan set his mom on the sofa.


sarNie Adult
"hmm cute but so lazy."Noon said while getting off the bed.Paul grabs her hand and pulling her onto the bed.He gets on top of her."Cutee,Hehe calling me lazy."Paul said grinning."hmm,it's cause you are."she said pushing him off from.She quickly runs to the bathroom.

"Mom are you okay?"Tawan said as he walks to her with water.Chan comes to the living room with a picture of him when he was a baby."That's you."said smiling. "Tawan you look just like that when you were a baby."she said."Haha!!"Min said pointing at Tawan. "Min,Min come here."Bowie called coming from the hallway."Yes?"Min asked "Fah...Fah fell!!"Bowie was yelling."Huh what!!Fah fell!!!"Tawan said rushing. Min and Tawan ran as Chan and his mother stayed. Tawan goes into the room and see's her on the ground.Tawan picks her up and put her on the bed."She is burning.!! Min go get a towel."Tawan said looking at Min. Min rushed to the bathroom. "Fah Fah,hope you'll be okay."Tawan said being worried. "Oh,Fah be okay please."Bowie said walking back and forth in the room. Min came in rushing with water.There was a ring at the door."I'll get it."Chan said getting up. He answer the door. It was Paul."Wassup Tawan."Paul said hugging Chan. "Um sorry but this is not Tawan.I am his brother."Chan said letting go of Nook. "Oh Sorry.I never knew Tawan had a brother."Nook said wlaking in. Min walks in."Huh Nook!!!"Min said running to Nook."Hey boy."Min said hugging him."Umm you know him?"Chan said looking weird. "Umm yes he is my bo...he is my friend."Min said looking embarrs. "Okay."chan said as he was leaving."Okay who is he?"Nook asked."Umm he is my brother.well my oldest brother."Min said letting go of him.

"Bowie can you please take care of Fah i have to go to work."Tawan said. "Sure why not there's nothing to do."Bowie said sitting on the chair."Okay thanks."tawan said leaving. Chan comes on."Hey."Bowie said getting up."Oh me? well Hi"Chan said. "Well your Tawan's brother I see."Bowie said walking to the bathroom.She slipped on the Towel that was in front of the bathroom door. Chan was just on time to catch her. "You okay?"Chan said looking at her while holding her. They stared at each other for a moment. "Tawan...Tawan."Fah called. "Umm umm sorry."She said getting up to go to Fah. Chan stared at her with care.

"Ready."Paul said. "Yes.I am ready."Noon said as they were leaving. As they were leaving they saw Kwan. "nO NO not that way please?"Noon said pulling Paul.But Kwan already saw them.She cased after them.Noon and paul ran to the car."Hmm you'll never get away."Kwan" said evilly.

"Thanks for helping me chan."Bowie said Happilly. chan replied"No problem bowie." "what's up with them?"Fah asked in her head. "whatcha thinking Fah."Bowie asked."Oh nothing just wondering where Tawan is?"Fah said lieing. "Oh he went to work."Bowie said.

"Haha,your so funny Nook."She said giving a kiss on the cheaks to Nook."Oh you like it like that,huh."Nook said looking at her. Min gets up to get water. "You wanna piknik today?"Nook asked she stared at him."Oh that'll be nice."She said sitting down

Paul slows Noon down."What's up with the running?!"Paul said ctching his vreath. "She is evil,you don't want to know her at all!!"NOon said also catching her breath. "HMm caught ya!!"Kwan said evilly. "NO escaped!"Kwan said taking out a gun. "Paul lets go!!"Noon said as she runs holding on to Paul's hands. Kwan shoots but misses a few times. "Paul watch out!!!."She said as getting infront of him.She Fell down to the ground.Paul kneels down and picks her up."Noon Don't leave me!!Noon you hear me!!!Noon!!NOON!!!"He said over again as Kwan runs away.

"Ouch."Fah said as she drops her book. "What's wrong Fah?"Bowie asked her thinking it was strange. "Oh it's nothing.My finger just started bleading."Fah said looking at her finger. "Let me help you."Bowie said walking to the room. Fah's fone ring.Fah picks it up. "Hello."Fah said Fah stood there for a bit. She drops her fone. She runs out of the room. Bowie comes out."Fah Fa.. Hmm where did her go."Bowie said to herself.

Fah was driving to the hospital. When she got there she there she went straight to ask where Noon's room was. She ran staright to Noon's room.Before the entery way Paul was there."What Wha Happened Paul?"She asked scared. "I I don't know there was this girl.I think her name is KWan.She was Chasing after me and Noon."Paul said being worried. "What!! KWAN!!! NO way." Fah yelling. The docter came out. "Are you guys her reletives?"The docter asked. "well I...I am her cousin.And that's her Boyfriend."Fah said to the docter. "OKay you may enter."The docter said.

"Hmm your boring to be with.Min said to Nook. "Oie if you didn't want to come then why said yes!!"Nok said "Haha i was just playing."She said pinching his cheeks. "Oie,what was that for!!"Nook said. "What what was that?"She said lying. Her fone started ringing."Hello?" She stood there for a little. She hung up."Nook I have to go to the hospital!! Right now!!"Min said being scared. "okay."Nook said in a rush

"Sir, I Truly love your daughter." tawan said. "Then you must not live to see this day." Nok said Pointing the gun at him. and he shot the gun.

"Aahh!!!"Tawan woke up from his sleep."Ohh crap.I must have not gotten enough of rest."Tawan fone rings. "Oh no it's Bowie.Yes Bowie."TAwan said not wanting to talk."Tawan!! Noon is at the hospital!!!"Bowie said with scary excitement."What!!"Tawan ssaid as he hard the dealine. he rushed out of work right away.

"Chan drive faster!!"Bowie said being worried ."No i don't want a ticket!!"Chan said "Okay fine.Just hurry."bowie said looking at the back to look out for Tawan's Mom. "Please gos help!!"Bowie said putting her hands together.

Tawan's mom got in a room.Chan was very worried,although he was left for years.He never thought things like this would happen to his mom."Mom please.I am here you'll be safe i know that."Chan said worried. Bowie went to sit next to him."Chan don't worry I know your mom will be okay."Bowie said as se pats him on the shoulder."Thanks for your support."Chna said smilling."Much better."Bowie said smilling back. "Chan!!"Tawan said."IS mom alright?"Tawan asked. "IDk"Chan said as the docter walked out."She is fine you may go in."The doc said.

A 5 days past. Mrs.W was still in the hospital. Bowie went over everyday to visit Chan and help him. Tawan was kind of happy he had a brother. Chan had a job already.

"Hmm I think i fell for him already."Bowie said to herself. "BOO!"Chan said sacring her."Oh you scared."Bowie said looking at him. "Oh sorry."Chan said. "Oh you knoe what."Bowie said looking at him. "Yes"Chan said "we should have a singing contest!! Jus to have fun."Bowie said looking happy. Chan gave her a weird look.He stared at her for a moment. She stared at him also.They were rarely about to kiss. She let out of sight."Wow where did she go?"

"TAwan Tawan!! Can we having a singing contest tonight?"Bowie asked Tawan looked at her.Then away "Why not you can invite your girls before i leave in 2 days."Tawan said Bowie didn't understand where he was going. "Where are you going?"Bowie asked Tawan stopped doing what he was doing. "Oh just for buisseniss."Tawan said going back. Bowie saw him and helped him. Chan came in saw them laughing together.He thought they were in love.So he went sadly to his room."Oh Chan where you going?"Min asked He looked up."Just to my room to rest."Chna said "Well you look bored wanna go outside,my brother."Min said going to him. "Okay why not."Chan said happilly.
They were out side sitting on the bench. "Min do you know if Tawan likes Bowie?"Chan asked. Min gave him a look. "Why you ask for. Well here no he doesn't the only person he Love and like is only Fah."Min said Chan thought back.He was wrong."Are you sure."Chan asked Min replied"I am sure."
"Tonight is singing contest night."Chan said looking at Min. "Omg sing contest night!! I would certainly go!!"Min said getting upa dn leaving.

"Pain is something that needs love."Said Bowie.
"Cute,I lke you alot."Chan said
"Your pregnet."Said the Doc
"I'll see you in a week."Tawan said
"Love is needed.adn if it is not there,there is nothing else."Fah said


sarNie Adult

"Fah!"Bowie called."Bowie is that you?"Fah asked as she walked into her room. "Yeah it's me."Bowie said. "You need something?"fah asked as if she wasn't for sure. "Fah.Did you know Tawan is going to France in a few days."Bowie said looking sad. "Wait what!! He is!!"Fah said as she raised her vioce.

"It's good that you are out of the hospital."Paul said to noon as he kissed her. "hey!you know were in public."She said as she walked down looking for some fruits."Hmm,but we are gonna get married soon."he said as he raised his eyebrowns."Oie be quiet."She said slapping him softly on the arm.

"Hello Paul."Min said talking on the fone. "Yes,my love."Paul said as he started laughing."Oh i am guessing you wanna start with that huh?"She said as she smiled. "Hmm i guess."he said laughing. "Ha just kidding.Are you gonna come over.were having a singing contest?"she asked him hopeing sure he comes."if you want me too."he said. "Ugh of cousre!!"she laughing. "Okay i'll be there in a bit."he said about to hang up."Bye.Love you."Min said hanging up right after. "Hmm so cute/"he said hanging up.

"Love is needed.and if it is not there,there is nothing else."Fah said reading a forward on her fone. It was from Tawan. "Hmm this boy."Fah said getting up. As she was walking she bumped into Chan."Oh Chan."she said. "Have you seen Bowie?"Chan asked being in a rush. "Uh no."she said quickly. "Oh okay."he said walking away.

"Bowie!! BOwie!! where are you!!"He yelled while being worried. He kept yelling her name. He looked all around the house.He finally found hr in the kitchen making some juice. "Oh Chan. Want some?"She asked him lifting up the cup. "Sure."Chan said sitting on the chair. "Is there something wrong?"She asked curiosly. "Oh no nothing is wrong."he said walking up to her. But there is something i wanna tell you."He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. There was a sharp edge. Bowie was wearing a dress and her dress ripped. "Oh no."Trying to cover herself. "What happened?"he asked."My..My..My dress ripped!!"she said embrassly. "Here you stay in here and I'll go grab you another dress."he said as he ran out. He grabbed her dress that was in the dresser. He ran down to the kitchen. "Here you go over there and change i will go out."he said walking out. She went out of the kitchen after she changed. "Done?"he asked grabbing the dress."Uh what are you doing?"she said looking at her dress then him."I am gonna put it away for now."he said going inside putting it on the table and walking back out."Okay lets go."he said grabbing her hands. "whats up with him."she thought in her head. They went to Chan's room. she walked in and was amazed. The room had her pictures all over. "Chan. What was all this for?"she asked turning to look at him. "Cute,I like you alot."Chan said. "Bu..but."he stopped her covering her mouth. "Please i like you alot."Chan said putting his hands on her cheeks. "I like you too.Bu..but I...I love your brother."she said walking away. He was so sad the only way to stop her was to do one thing. He grabbed her arms,and kissed her. She didn't try to struggle. min was walking down the hall whistling.She walked pass Chans room."Are they kissing?"She said to herself "Oh well."She said walking on.

That night they had lot's of fun.
"No you suck!! Get off!!!"Nook said at Paul. "Hey don't rush me!!"Paul said as he was getting pulled off the stage by Nook. It's was Tawan's turn."GO TAWAN!!"they all yelled. "This song is for someone special. And that someone special is FAH!!"he said pinting at her. "Omg someone is in love!!"Min said to make Fah blush. He was singing Maak mai.He was just singing all of the sudden Noon fainted."Noon!!"Paul ran to her Tawan stopped singing as soon as he notice that Noon fainted. Paul rushed her to the hospital as everyone followed.
They arrived and she was put into a room. "Oh Noon!!"Bowie said even though she barely knew Noon."She'll be okay."Chan said grabbing her hands. She let go as Tawan looked at Chan.a few minutes passed.

"Paul..Paul.."Noon said as she was waking up. "Madam.Madam."the nurse called."Oh your awake."the doctor said. "what happened to me?"She asked.
"Your pregnet."Said the Doc"what No!!!."She said.

Doc came out and said"Paul you may go see her."he said Paul and Noon had their little baby talk. as the doc said she was pkay.Every one left the hospital.

"I'll see you in a week."He said to Min."Okay.Be carefull yu two."Min said to them as they were walking.Tawan and Fah smiled as they walked.

"I'll fix your heart."Chan said
"Okay it's a boy."paul said
"I hate you!!!"Fah said