Chapter 4
"Clear the path! The Einshay Mintha (crown prince) is coming through! Make way, make way!" shouted the guards as they cleared the path.
The crown prince was sitting in the back of a lavish palaquin as he waved to his people. "Let's work hard for our country and our people. Let's continue to live in this peaceful time."
The crowd bowed and praised to him. "May you live for eternity our dear Prince Thura."
"May you all live for eternity to my children." smiled Prince Thura.
Nanda quickly got up from the crowd and ran in front of the palanquin, blocking the path.
“How dare you block the crown prince’s royal path! This is an outrage! Capture and behead him this instantly!”
“I want to join the army your highness!” shouted Nanda as he bows to the prince.
Prince Thura looked to the side of his palanquin and then to his guards. “What is the matter?”
“Your highness, a low-birth citizen wishes to join the royal army.”
“I see.” Prince Thura stepped down from his palanquin and walked over to the young man. “What is your name young man?”
“My given name is Nanda your highness.”
“Your age?”
“Once the harvest season is to pass, I am to turn 23 your highness.”
“You’re still so young. Are you aware that once you become a part of my army, you can never leave.”
“Yes your highness, I am aware of this. I still wish to join your splendid army and fight for you.”
Nanda’s hand clenched into a fist. “I want to join your splendid army… and destroy the villainess Siamese!”
“Villainess you say?” The crown prince let out a sigh. “To us, they are the villains…. Yet to them, we are the villains. What is the actual truth?” He walked over to his palanquin. “I welcome you to my army Nanda. Report to the north gate for training.”
“Thank you your royal highness! I am blessed to serve you!”
As the palanquin continued along the path, Prince Thura saw a beauty kneeling beside a tree. “Such a beautiful woman she is… and such lavishing long black hair.”
“Do you want us to bring her to you your highness?” asked the guard.
“No, no… Let’s just stop here for now.” The prince continues staring at the beauty from afar.
Sasithorn was kneeling beside a tree, patting a small dog. “I wonder what kind of life is better? Yours or mines?” She let out a sigh. “Reality is so saddening… Nothing ever seems to go right.”
She raised the dog into the air as she laid down. “I have rarely nothing to eat… but do you still want to go home with me?”
“Bark, bark!” barked the dog as it wagged its tail.
“I guess that’s a yes then.” The dog licked her on the cheek. “Well, let’s get going now.”
As she got up, she spots the palanquin parked on the pathway. She quickly bowed down, realizing that it was the royal palanquin. “May you live for eternity your royal highness.”
Crown prince Thura chuckled. “I find her to be rather quite alluring and delightful. Please get me her name… and tell her to raise her head.”
“Yes your higness.” Says the guard as he walks over to Sasithorn.
Sasithorn became nervous as the footprints slowly approached her.
“What is your name miss?”
“… My name is Sasithorn …” she said nervously.
“What is your age?”
“I just turned 20.”
“Miss, please raise your head high too.”
“Y-yes.” She slightly raised her head from the ground.
Crown Prince Thura was amazed at the beauty. “Such a dashing beauty she is.”
“You may lower your head now.” The guard returned to the prince.
“All right, let’s get going now.” Ordered the prince as he smiles happily.
Sasithorn let out a sigh of relief as she spots the palanquin moving along. She then realizes that the dog went missing. “Where’d you go doggy?” She starts looking around.
“Are you looking for something miss? If so, I can help.” Asked a young man.
“No, it’s okay… it’s a live thing so I should be able to find it easily.”
“A live thing? Like a dog?”
“Bark, bark!” Barked the dog in the young man’s arm.
Her gaze went to his arm. “... you have it.”
------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED -------------------------------------------------------
A/N: I finally updated this

Hopefully it's smooth.... It's a whole continuous chapter... everything happening at once... It takes place a few days after the previous incidents... *coughcough* I wasn't sure how to make the characters meet... so I kind of just mashed them in hehe... It's also official... I'm adding New C into this ff

He's the crown prince Thura. Do note that his name also means "sun" too.. *whistles*