Okay, from the top of my head based on my knowledge of French culture (I've taken seven years of French in high school and college), I would, of course recommend Paris, France. The majority of all tourists who visit France go to Paris. Why? First of all, it is the capital of France and a hot spot for just about everything. The l'Arc de Triomphe and the infamous Eiffel Tower are musts if you plan on visiting Paris, France as it attracts all tourists alike. Most people do not know this but tourists are able to take a lift up to the top of the Eiffel Tower for an aerial view of the whole city. And, at the top of the Eiffel Tower, there is a restaurant. I would recommend visiting the Eiffel Tower at night because Paris is after all, known as the "City of Lights" and the view up top would be very beautiful and breathtaking.
Paris is also known as a fashion city. If you take a stroll down Champs-Elysees, you would find name brand designer stores such as Louis Vuitton. However, if you do plan on visiting such a luxurious store, I would recommend wearing a suitable attire because I learned that if you just walk in with jeans and a t-shirt with a simple coat, they will not let you in.
Maybe fashion isn't your thing. For an Asian, I would totally take the opportunity to visit Chinatown in Paris. Most of the goods there are imported from the East, of course. It might would also feel welcoming to your parents and in-laws.
Apart from Paris, I would visit Honfleur, which is situated along Seine river in northern France. If you like art and photography, then Honfleur is the place for you. People with canvases are a normal sight in Honfleur.
The following recommendation is from my French teacher back in high school. I remember she used to brag about this place all the time. We're talking about Mont Saint-Michel, which is a monastery also located in northern France (not sure exactly where but I'm sure you can Google it). It is though, located on a rocky terrain but directly at the base of the Mont Saint-Michel is a village.
Another place I recommend is Versailles. If you can, I would visit the palace there or what the French call, le chateaux. Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette used to reside there. During the end of Louis XVI's reign, he and his family escaped there from the chaos in Paris. Shortly afterwards, they were taken back to Paris and put under house arrest. I think Versailles is a great place to gain a better insight of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's extravagant lives during that time.
That's all I can think of.
Good luck and have fun!