Friendship Forever 2 - Completed


sarNie Granny
oOOooo so much drama. Sammie and Teng broke up again :( I hope Som doesn't get too mad at Aof. OMG grrrr, i just want to beat up Grace. WTH, gosh Nam shouldn't be soo nice to her ><


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 18

Som waited and waited and became worried. Worried that this might be the end of it if Aof doesn’t show up. She was tired of waiting so she left. Aof came 15 minutes after Som had left. He was mad at himself that he missed their anniversary-again and sad that it’s over between Som and Him.


Faai was getting frustrated too. The restaurant was getting ready to close and Nam haven’t came yet. When Nam came, it was already too late. The restaurant was closed and Faai had left.


Aof came to Som’s house to apologize and to try and reconcile with her.

Aof: [knocks on door] Som, it’s me. Could you open the door?

No one answers

Aof: [knocks] I know you’re mad at me but can we just talk it out?

No one answers

Aof: look, if you don’t come and open the door right now, I’m going to go around yelling out your name so your neighbors could hear me and you know I’ll do it

Som: [opens door] what do you want?

Aof: look, I know you’re mad at me but let me just explain to you first

Som: what excuse do you have this time?

Aof: well like I said on the phone, I forgot your present at home so I went back and got it. And on my way here, I was stuck in traffic so I had to run over here

Som: and you expect me to believe that

Aof: so you don’t believe me?

Som: no because you’re always using the same lame excuses

Aof: it’s not an excuse. It’s the truth, why can’t you be reasonable and understanding

Som: understand? I’ve been trying to understand you for the past 2 years and I’ve given you chances

Aof: I’m sorry

Som: again with the apologies. You know I’m really tired of everything, I’m tired of us being like this

Aof: what do you want me to do then?

Som: nothing, just nothing. I’ll live my life and you live yours

Aof: you want to break up?

Som: [stays quiet]

Aof: why does it have to end like this? But if that’s what you want,….then fine But I just want you t know that I really did try this time and I‘m really sorry [walks out the house]


Nam also came to Faai’s house to apologize.

Nam: [knocks on door] Faai, could you open the door for me [knocks on door]

Faai: [opens door] what?! And you don’t need to yell, my brother’s sleeping inside

Nam: well I thought you wouldn’t be able to hear me

Faai: what are you doing here anyways, aren’t you suppose to be helping Grace?

Nam: how did you know?

Faai: I called you earlier to see where you were at but somehow Grace answered your phone

Nam: oh

Faai: where you when I called?

Nam: I was upstairs changing, Grace accidentally spilled water on me

Faai: why did you decided to help her anyways?

Nam: you want me to say no to her or what?

Faai: duh! You know I don’t like her

Nam: why are you being so mean? She is your sister. And it seems like she wants to get to know you a little better

Faai: are you insane! What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you know she’s fake? She doesn’t want to get to know me

Nam: then why would she tell me that?

Faai: I don’t know, I’m not a psychic.And why are we talking about her anyways?

Nam: okay let’s not talk about her then. Here, I got this for you [gives present to Faai]

Faai: [opens gift] hey, you got me this?

Nam: you don’t like it? Look, I got it carved with our initials on it too

Faai: no, it’s not that, here opens yours

Nam: [opens gift] hey, you got me the same thing. Seems like our heart is in the same place [smiles]

Faai: don’t try to sweet talk with me. I’m still mad at you

Nam: then what can I do so that you won’t be mad at me anymore?

Faai: just promise me this won’t happen again and try to stay away from Grace too. Can you do that?

Nam: I promise this won’t happen again and I’ll try to stay away from Grace

Faai: good​


GASP! Som broke up with Aof?! NO! It's funny how one minute Faai was yelling at Nam. Then all of a sudden they gave each other their anniversary gifts. Lol. That was cute! Hope Nam try to stay away from Grace like he said he would.


sarNie Egg
im hovering around in the writing section because i totally love writing at school. thanks for the update ka, im like reading from chapter 1 to 14, im nearly done and ill read the rest later. btw, who's faai? i've heard of her but...yea.


You're Average Person :)
im hovering around in the writing section because i totally love writing at school. thanks for the update ka, im like reading from chapter 1 to 14, im nearly done and ill read the rest later. btw, who's faai? i've heard of her but...yea.
here's a picture of Faai....

FYI: I'm feeling better from my fever but too lazy to be writing lol...I'll write sometimes this weekend lol


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 19

During dance practice, Nam notice Tengneung and Aof weren’t really dancing. They were going off beat and it seem like their body is here but their heads are in La La land.

Nam: [stops the music] hey, what’s wrong with you guys? This is the third time I stop the music, you guys don’t know how to dance or what?

Neither did Teng and Aof spoke

Nam: hello! I’m speaking here

Aof: I’m not in the mood for practice right now [leaves the room]

Teng: me too [follows Aof]

Nam: [scratches head] what’s wrong with them?

Tengneung caught up with Aof who was sitting in the recording room

Teng: hey, what’s wrong with you really?

Aof: what about you?

Teng: [paused] Sammie and I broke up

Aof: oh….WHAT?! AGAIN?! What happened this time?

Teng: my fans hate her and they were bashing at her

Aof: why? What did Sammie do?

Teng: man you know about the leaked pictures and there’s gossips going around that Sammie purposely leak those pictures so she can get famous. And that she confess on her face book that she was really using me

Aof: and you believe that she did it?

Teng: no! Of course not! She just can’t handle it but I understand her, I feel sorry for her

Aof: so what are you going to do next?

Teng: I guess leave it up to fate. Time will tell everything. Anyways, what’s wrong with you?

Aof: [sighs] same like you

Teng: you and Som broke up? Why?

Aof: cuz I sort of missed our anniversary

Teng: again dude?

Aof: well, I tried this time okay, I really did but she was mad this time, worse than before

Teng: why don’t you go and try to reconcile with her?

Aof: nah, it’s no use. I think I’m going to leave it up to fate, let time tell everything

Teng: who knew our lives would be this complicated, don’t you wish you could go back in time

Aof: sort of, you?

Teng: if I knew being a singer was this difficult and we would have problems like this, I wouldn’t become a singer

Aof: yeah….I’m so jealous of Win right now though

Teng: why?

Aof: he doesn’t have problems to make him stress like us. He’s in heaven right now, stress free

Teng: yeah….speaking of Win, we should go visit him sometimes

Aof: yeah but I think right now we should go back to practice, Nam is probably wondering where we’re at right now

Teng: yeah, let’s go


Som was depress about her break up with Aof so she came to heal her heart at Baskin Robbins by eating ice cream. Sammie did the same thing.

Sammie: [walks up to Som] hey Som, how was your anniversary?

Som: we broke up?

Sammie: [shocked] what, why?

Som: he missed our anniversary

Sammie: he didn’t come at all?

Som: he did but he came really late, like always. Did you know this is his third time missing it?

Sammie: you mean he always missed your anniversary?

Som: [nods angrily] so how was yours?

Sammie: we broke up too

Som: don’t tell me he missed the anniversary too?

Sammie: no, it’s not that but it’s about the news. I think his image wouldn’t get ruin if I wasn’t in his life

Som: so you two are done forever?

Sammie: the only thing we can be is good friends

Som: [sighs] why does our lives have to be like this

Sammie: it’s because of them boys

Som: you know what? Since we’re single now, let’s go out and celebrate the single life

Sammie: where ?

Som: [thinks] I know the place, just get ready by tonight, I’ll go pick you up


That night, Sammie got ready and went downstairs to wait for Som

James: where you’re going?

Sammie: James, you’re back? When did you get here? How was Rayong?

James: I got back when you were in the shower. Rayong was fun and tiring but look, I found a house over there, I’m moving in tomorrow with Sophia

Sammie: Sophia’s here?

Sophia: [walks out from kitchen] Hey Sams, how’s it going?

Sammie: Sophie [runs and hugs Sophia] I miss you. You doing okay?

Sophia: yeah! You?

Sammie: I’m okay, I’m about to go out right now

James: wearing that? Are you going stripping or something?

Sammie: no idiot, I’m just going clubbing that’s all

James: does uncle Sam know you’re going out?

Sammie: no, and he won’t. And besides, I’m 25, I think I’m old enough to make my own decision

James: okay, be careful then. What if Uncle Sam come home and ask for you then?

Sammie: just say that I’m at a friend’s house

Housekeeper: [interrupts] Ms. Sammie, Ms. Som is here

Sammie: I’ll be out in a bit [turns to Sophia] hey, tonight you can sleep in my room, we need to catch up on a lot of things

Sophia: okay

Sammie: alright, see you guys later [runs out the door]

Chapter 20 preview: Som and Sammie runs into 2 guys at the club


Aws, Aof is not going to try and reconcile with Som anymore? Two break ups! Well, the guys are right. Just gotta leave it to fate! Som and Sammie are going out clubbing! That's a good way to enjoy the single life.

James: wearing that? Are you going stripping or something?
^James is hilarious!^

He's moving in with Sophie already? Awwies!

Som and Sammie are going to run into 2 guys at the club---could it be Aof and Teng?!

Thanks for the update Thip!!!


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 20

Guest Starring: Pai Pathit

Sammie and Som was sitting by the counter, watching the other people dancing.

Som: why don’t you go dance?

Sammie: [shakes head] too shy

Som: you didn’t seem shy in those pictures during James birthday party

Sammie: that’s because I was part drunk

Som: [laughs] so get drunk and go dance then

Sammie: no unless you do it with me

Som: I don’t think so

Sammie: why not, you’re the one that wanted to come here tonight

Som: I’m not brave enough

Sammie: [sighs] come on, I’ll dance with you [pulls Som to the dance floor]

Som and Sammie both got on the dance floor and started dancing, Sammie leading the way. After the dance, they came and sat down and ordered themselves a drink. But before they could order, two guys cut them off and offered to buy the girls drink instead

Au: mind if we buy the drinks for you girls?

Som: [turns to the side] Au! You come here too?

Au: sometimes, but I didn’t know you come here too

Som: oh, just wanted to try something new [smiles] and I just wanted to come to relax

Pai: so are you girls going to let us buy you drinks?

Au: oh forgot to introduce you guys, this is Pai, my friend. Pai this is Som, a teacher I work with at school and this is Sammie, Som’s friend

Pai: hello ladies [eyeing Sammie]

Sammie: hello, it’s nice to meet you [smiles]

Pai: so how about the drinks?

Sammie: sure

Som: I’ll pass on the drink

Au: me too

While Pai ordered their drinks, Au took the girls to go seat down

Au: so Som, you coming out like this, you’re not scared that Aof might get mad?

Som: [glance at Sammie] actually, Aof and I broke up

When Au found out that Som and Aof broke up, he got really happy since he’s been crushing on Som for awhile now and now that she’s single, he has the right to make a move on her.

Au: can I ask why?

Som: it’s complicated, I don’t really want to talk about it

Pai comes with the drinks

Pai: here’s your drink Sammie

Sammie: thanks

Som: [whispers to Sammie] don’t drink too much now

Sammie: [whispers back] I know

Pai: so is this you girls first time here?

Sammie: it’s Som first time

Au: wow Sammie, I didn’t know you’re a party girl

Sammie: not really, when I was at Cambridge, I went out sometimes with my cousin and his girlfriend

Pai: you live in Cambridge?

Sammie: no, I went to school there-Harvard. My hometown is actually New York City but my dad started a new business here in Thailand so we moved here

Pai: so how’s Thailand so far?

Sammie: it’s okay but I wished I never came here in the first place [looks down]

Pai: why’s that, if you don’t mind telling

Sammie: it’s nothing. I just miss my friends back home that’s all

Som: [turns to Au] is your friend flirting with my friend

Au: I don’t know but I think we should leave them alone. Come on, let’s go dance

Som: uh…I don’t know

Au: oh come on, please

Som: fine

Au: hey Pai, we’re gonna go dance [winks]

Pai: alright

Sammie: can I ask you questions now?

Pai: anything

Sammie: how long have you been friends with Au?

Pai: since college

Sammie: just like me and Som. So what do you do now?

Pai: I’m actually a photographer now

Sammie: oh that’s nice

Pai: what do you do?

Sammie: hey, it’s still my turn to ask questions

Pai: oh forgot, so what’s the next question?

Sammie: hmmm, wanna go dance?

Pai: sure


After clubbing, Som and Sammie were headed home

Pai: [runs after Sammie] hey Sammie, wait

Sammie: [turns around] yeah?

Pai: um, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me tomorrow?

Sammie: um….

Pai: it’s okay if you don’t

Sammie: I actually have a meeting tomorrow around noon….sorry

Pai: no, it’s okay. Maybe next time then

Sammie: sure

Pai: here’s my number [gives number to Sammie] call me sometimes, I want to get to know you a little bit better

Sammie: [receives card] thanks

Pai: well see you around then. Bye Som

Som: bye [turns to Sammie] he is totally in to you!

Sammie: how do you know?

Som: he said he wants to get to know you a little bit better, what do you think that means

Sammie: as a friend of course

Som: nah, I say it’s more than that. What would you say if he ask you to be his girlfriend?

Sammie: I’m not ready for a relationship right now

Som: oh please, you said that when you broke up with Win, then later you went and said I love you to Tengneung

Sammie: yeah and look where it got me and why you gotta say it like that

Som: I’m just teasing. Come on, I’ll take you home​


The guys Som and Sammie ran into at the club was Au and Pai...Ah Pai. He's a cutie :wub: And he's so into Sammie. Au is finally going to make a move on Som now. I miss reading about Faai and Nam now. Lol. They haven't been much in the last couple of chapters. Wonder what Teng and Aof if they find out that Au and Pai are trying to get with Sammie and Som....


sarNie Granny
Pai is cute but I still like Tengneung better. Au is trying to put the moves on Som, but I don't think Som is into him. I hope Aof gets jealous and tries to win Som back :)


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 21

After Tengneung, Nam, and Aof were being interviewed live by Faai on the radio, the guys decided to go visit Win’s grave at the temple and do merits for him since it‘s his birthday. Faai came along.

Faai: I’ll call Sammie and Som if they want to come along

Teng/Aof: don’t!

Faai: okay….why?

Teng: they’re probably busy

Aof: yeah, let’s just go without them

Faai: but today is Saturday, I don’t think they’re working

Teng: just forget about them okay. Can we go now?

Nam: what’s wrong with you guys? You don’t want your girlfriends to come along or what?

Aof: there’s none of that anymore

Nam: what do you mean?

Aof: we broke up

Nam: both of you?!

Faai: what happened?

Aof: nothing much. It’s like before

Nam: no wonder you guys were in La La Land yesterday, you guys were sad about this

Faai: when did this happened?

Teng: the day before yesterday

Faai: oh damn! Y’all broke up on your anniversary, now that’s just sad

Nam: have you guys talked to the girls since?

Teng: no

Faai: so you gonna leave it like this, all you guys go your separate ways?

Aof: that’s what they want

Faai: but do you guys want it to be like this?

Teng: of course not but I think it’s best if we give each other some space and time to think about it

Nam: whatever you guys say

Faai: then we’ll talk about this later, let’s get going


Sammie was getting ready to go to the temple as well

[knocks on door]

Sammie: come in

Housekeeper: Ms. Sammie, Ms. Som is here

Sammie: okay I’ll be down in a bit


Sammie: [walks downstairs] Som, ready to go

Som: yeah but do you mind if someone else is coming with us?

Sammie: who?

Som: Au and Pai. They’re outside waiting for us since James didn’t let them come in the house. They’re supposedly strangers to him

Sammie: [laughs] stupid James but hey did you call Faai to see if she was coming

Som: I tried calling her but she turned off her phone

Sammie: oh…well. Let’s get going then


Sammie, Som, Au and Pai arrived the same time as Faai and the others. Both Sammie and Som were stunned to see Tengneung and Aof as much as they were to see Sammie and Som.

Faai: hey you guys came too. I was about to call you but you know…

Sammie: it’s Win’s birthday, of course I would come

Aof: [whispers to Teng] oh hell no, I know they didn’t dump us for those guys over there

Teng: [whispers back] that’s what I’m saying

Pai: Sammie, are these your friends?

Sammie: uh yeah. Here, I’ll introduce you guys, guys this is Pai, Au’s friend, Pai this Nam, Faai, Tengneung, and Aof

Pai: nice to meet you all

Aof: yeah, yeah

Som: I say let’s go inside

Faai: yeah that’s a great idea

During the monks chanting, Aof and Tengneung were watching Pai and Au. They weren’t too please with them sitting next to Sammie and Som, smiling at them back and forth.

Teng: [whispers to Aof] He needs to stop looking at her like that

Aof: [whispers back] if I wasn’t being considerate of the monks and Buddha in here, I would’ve kick his ass already

Faai: [whispers to Teng/Aof] can you guys be quiet, you guys are being rude

Aof: [whispers to Faai] hey can you help us with something

Faai: [whispers back] what now?

Aof: [whispers] try to keep those two guys away from Sammie and Som for us

Faai: [whispers] why? And how?

Aof: [whispers] why? Because I need to talk to Som and Teng needs to talk to Sammie. How? I don’t care how you do it, just as long as you keep them away from the girls

Faai: [whispers] alright

After the ceremonial blessing for Win, everyone went outside and was headed home.

Pai: Sammie, I’ll take you home

Teng: Sammie, I need to talk to you first [pulls Sammie away]

Aof: I need to talk to you too Som [pulls Som away]

Both Au and Pai were about to follow the girls but was stopped by Faai and Nam

Nam: hey, give them some privacy

Au: what is he doing with her?

Nam: that’s none of your business

Au: it is because---

Nam: because you’re Som’s so called boyfriend [laughs] I don’t think so. Aof’s her boyfriend

Au: they broke up already

Faai: they didn’t break up. They just had a little misunderstanding, that’s all

Pai: is that guy Sammie’s boyfriend?

Nam/Faai: yes!

Pai: she never told me she has a girlfriend

Faai: why should she tell you everything

Pai: I don’t believe you guys

Faai: suit yourself

Pai: come on Au, let’s go get the girls

Just when Au and Pai pushed Nam and Faai out the way, Nam quickly grabbed Au and Pai, with the help of Faai, and dragged the two into Nam’s car and drove off…..​


Oh I hope the 2 couples make up soon! Love Nam and Faai! Au and Pai got dragged to Nam's car! Lmao!!