sarNie Granny u guys r so ahead...i'm waiting for wishbonkio for subbing..can't wait.. u guys r so ahead...i'm waiting for wishbonkio for subbing..can't wait..
The song title is "Khon Ngo Nai Krajok" (A fool in the mirror)lol...I watched all of what wishbonkio uploaded and couldn't wait no more so I went to Novova and watched the rest of one and 2. Cannot wait til the next is getting good. So far, the suspects are as followed
The mother
The mother's lover
The lady janitor
The gay guy...provided annie w/ the drugs
The security guard
Heck lets just throw Rome in the mix....lolz...even though we know the writers aint going to make him the killer...but then again who is all a toss up and theres probably more suspects coming into the mix as the lakorn progress...ahehehe!
By the way anyone know the title of the song that annie sings in the beinning...I really like that song.
lol...i know...he looks so disgusted with really can't stand her so far...hehehe i just finish hehe.. i cant wait for next week.. eeek.. >_< .. lol.. i luv the look rome gave to rita before the previes.. disgusted lmao.. haha. .. im so loving this lakorn atm hehe xp .. >_< ..
hmm...there are so many suspects in play, and to tell you all the truth, i don't know who it could be, so i suspect most of them...i don't think it's annie's mom...she seemed sad when annie's ghost flipped her diary to that one page...but then again, the mom could be grieving because she regrets killing annie, but i doubt it...annie's mom was a b*tch for prostituting annie for gambling money, but i don't think she would kill annie (why would she when annie got her gambling money?) money's on jillie or the could well be songton, though i'm hoping that's not the case...i know it isn't songrob because he's the p' suspect the sister, the mother, the stepdad, or even ton to be the murder....... but who might even be rob who i doubt since he's the pra'ek in this lakorn....
yes, i agree...rita has a distinct voice...some say it's i think it has a unique tone...Haha. This lakorn is kind of weird... but I am interested in it for some odd reason. I also love Rome and Rita together. Rome is so handsome. For some reason, I really like Rita's voice, too. It is so soft and nice. I want to watch the full first episode, but I am waiting for whisboniko to sub it, which I am so thankful for he/she because I cannot understand Thai =)
i love that song! does mim (annie) really sing it? if so, she's got good vocals!The song title is "Khon Ngo Nai Krajok" (A fool in the mirror)
I really love love Rita's role in this lakorn. She's so funny and cute.
friday, saturday, and sunday!I've seen both episodes, but which days is this lakorn on air?
all the points you made are really good...i can't wait to see how the events in the lakorn and the unveiling of the murderer play'll surely be interesting...but part of the fun is guessing too...Hmm. I am tempted to cross the sister off of the list. Reasons: 1) She came back and saved her sister from that rapist. 2) Her sister asks, "What really happened to you Annie?" while no one was around--thinking out loudly.
The mom is still iffy, but her "Behind the scene" acts are questionable in their sincerity. Perhaps she is trying to shift the blame.
But to make the step dad/rapist the killer is waaay too obvious.
It must be something super random.
But then again, Plien said that Annie suffered a lot on the night of her death, so maybe it was betrayal from a loved one? hmmm, her friend?
I want to also eliminate Rome and Boy off the top of my head just b/c it can't be Rome by default. Plus, if Boy was with Maprang on the night of the incident....
haha, maybe she was just too high on drugs and hallucinating., that's not rita's actual hair...she said so in a behind the scenes interview that it's a wig...they put her hair up, then place the wig stated that with the lighting and everything, the hair is like a don't think Rita is wearing a wig. That's her real hair i believe. Oh what about the new creative who's interviewing for the same job as Rita...something is suspicious about her.
i'm not sure...the company for jun euy jun jao is Broadcast Thai (which is also behind a lot of rita's other lakorns), but i didn't notice whether or not it's Broadcast Thai for Gae Roy's likely though, since not a lot of thai lakorn companies dare to take on such a subject matter as ghosts and such...the ratings for jun euy jun jao (as good and suspenseful as it was and as deftly crafted the plot and acting were) were really low...okies wait.. i have a question.. is it the same people that made jan euy jan jao?. . i was jus wondering..
same here...i don't know who could have killed annie... rome looks so hot in this lakorn!!! he looks so much hotter than in his previous lakorns!it's getting good. I love it. Rita is just to HILARIOUS! She's cute. ROME IS SUPER DUPER HOTT! I love the song that Boy sings.. OMG I LOVE THIS DRAMA already... There's so many suspect right now... I can't even guess who...
no, this is the same production as sroy san jun. jun euy jan jao was broadcast thaiokies wait.. i have a question.. is it the same people that made jan euy jan jao?. . i was jus wondering..
No, it's not Mim's voice. I saw the name on the title credit, it's Malina. I don't know who she is.i love that song! does mim (annie) really sing it? if so, she's got good vocals!
OK, i guess maybe she didn't have that genedoes anyone know why Chomduen doesnt have teh six sense like ehr family does