Goodbyeee Faceb00k !!!


sarNie Adult

Yesterday, i took my time to remove one by one from my pictures albums, my video, my groups, interests, apps... and my blablabla posts @ the end to fully delete my account this morning...

After deleting one by one,,, until you arrived to your first post... you asked yourself: how long have i been there ???
1 year, 6 months & few days... of my blablabla life on facebook,,, wOWWW !!!

i feel like a waste of time,,, that moment of ur day,,, after ur dinner, or ur favourite lakorn / sitcom to relax,, those everyday ritual things that invite your mind to look for your friends' activities/thoughts/posts... like a stealer, or secret stalker, a fan or a detective whatsoever lol...

What do i learn new from facebook ??? except clicking on the button "Like" or reply randomly to your friends' posts which catch your thoughts...
You see only the "superficial side" of your friends,,, which means,,, the appearance of what they want to post & show off,,, if not compromised by some tagged pictures of the ugly you...posted by ur friends lol

How much do i worth on facebook ??? I think it should be proportional to your addiction to facebook, and how much data you entered such as: " your activities, interests, groups and so on...."
In theory, facebook is worth 11.5 billion US $, and got nearly 400 million members, so theoretically: 11 500 000 000 / 400 000 000 = US 28.75 $ / member !!!

With the increasing number of users around the world using facebook, how to generate more income for facebook ???
Soon or later, they have no other choice than selling your data to attract potential ads.... (they changed their privacy policy already) such as , if u r single, they will target u with dating websites ads... LOL... and so on....
Soon u will be worth US 50 $ without pain :lol: in 1 or 2 more years..., Let's wish a long life to Facebook =)))

As for me,,, it's time to move on something else... something more stimulating.... intellectually : reading books :p...


sarNie Adult
congrats to you. i plan to get off soon too. however, i need to get all my friends number before i do. most of them moved away. :(


sarNie Adult
congrats to you. i plan to get off soon too. however, i need to get all my friends number before i do. most of them moved away. :(
that's that i did too,,, saved my friends' contacts first before leaving =)

um... are they really gonna start charging everyone starting july? whoever goes on fb?
Charge everyone ??? i never heard of it (yet) lol,,, i hardly can imagine that.... but will wait and see how they [facebook] will turn their members into money for their investors in the near future :p.
And since Micro$oft injected 200 million$$$ in this company,,, when u make a search on ppl. u also got results from Bing search engine too now hehe... Normal after all :p

i'm happy i don't have a facebook's account and twitter too
Good & wise decision hehe,,,


sarNie Elites
wow, did something happen between u and someone to feel this bitter towards facebook? hahaha i hide my real and ugly self away from facebook too! actually, that account is not even mine! what am i talking about?! nevermind! lol


sarNie Adult
My 4 simple reasons to leave Facebook:

1/ Privacy :
Beside many criticisms about weak privacy policy [ u can google it of how facebook manage privacy with its third parties ].
One thing is sure: the more u fill your profile,,, the better facebook knows you.
Can u imagine 5 years of ur existence written & well saved with facebook ?? whatever it's on ur "Wall" or ur friends' wall ??? Whatever it's only comments.... pictures. and so on ???
Your habits,,, your fans pages,,, your favourites groups.... don't be surprised if soon or later ur facebook becomes ur favourite personal shopping mall which knows ur tastes better than anyone else... :p
And of course, stupid companies will spend hella $ just to post their ads on facebook.... it might has the button 'Like' on it already to cheat or mislead ppl. to click on it... lol,,,

One last thing about privacy if u still use facebook : organise ur friends in different groups... & set what they are allowed to see about u and/or photos albums etc... (especially ur co-workers/employers lol)

2/ Waste of time & perverted mind :
Be in social network is somehow... like a waste of time,,,
Like my old economic prof. said: "youngsters nowadays like collecting stuff", whatever it's mp3 music, films, games, etc....... i guess it includes "friends" too in this new era of Information Technology...:rolleyes:

Sometimes u receive a friend request that u even don't know him/her.... and then this last one also steal & add ur friends without knowing or got ur permission...

A friend is like an object of collection... How big is ur collection or ur friends' collection ??? Does it really matter for u ???
Do u feel happier if u have a lot ??? Do u know them all ??? What are their (real) intentions ???

You can waste ur time to classify them in different group,,, like family, school friends,,, and unknown friends etc...

But why wasting ur precious "curiosity mind" after the others' lives ??? Do u envy their lives ??? Admire them ??? Why not focus and take control to fully enjoy your own life and ur day ???

Why wasting ur time to read ur friends' stupid or non-sense posts.... until one day u prefer to simply click on the button "Hide" (forever) their posts.... so they don't bother u anymore with their tons of bla bla bla every day....

Why wasting ur energy to click & switch between the "Top News" and "Updates" links to refresh latest feeds about ur friends ???
Maybe it's the beginning of ur little addiction to facebook.... :p

3/ Apps, Pets farm, Mafia games, Poke & Co. invitations...: NO THANKS
To be honest, I hate those things,,, like i hate ads in my letter mailbox or spams in my email mailbox....
When u accept those apps, u share ur personal data with them too...

4/ Integrity & Ethic:
Bear in mind that Facebook was simply a fruit of a young opportunist student who stole someone else' idea: checkout about ConnectU

Post Scriptum:
To Thookie:
Nope,,, nothing happened between someone and me LOL (my friend just called me & anger against me why i left facebook lol)...
I noticed that i didn't see u in fb search results for a little while,,, with ur Think logo avatar that's why i decided to leave LOL,,, .... :)P)
No, no,,jk,,,, the main reasons are simply explained above ^_^

my 5th little extra point would be that: i am getting OLD... Time is precious,,, i prefer to spend it in something more useful & practical things of life, to focus my curiosity mind in something more stimulating... intellectually :p

it was simply my time to unplug from the Facebook's MATRIX lol ... there so much more to learn from the real world.... ;)


Staff member
i've been away from myspace&facebook for awhile but just recently came back to them lol.. ahaha... if they start charging or so .. then i'll quit XD


sarNie Adult
i've been away from myspace&facebook for awhile but just recently came back to them lol.. ahaha... if they start charging or so .. then i'll quit XD
I guess that temptation is hard to resist ah ?? ^_^

If our Sarnies use facebook, please, try to lock better ur fb shared info :)
see the how to : http://www.businessi...-profile-2010-5

Among 400 million members, how many FB users are "Dumb F****" ??
for Zuckerberg, surely we are, no doubt in that, : read -> http://www.businessi...problems-2010-5

There is another alternative project to FB called Diaspora to watch out (coming in September) for ppl. who care about their privacy :

2 weeks now without FB, life is so much better ~~~ :p



omg nope not gonna quit fb... besides, i use it to get free stuff from manufactures :p and why use your real name... hello people this is the internet, there are aliases for a reason :p

i do keep a real one, minimal usage if ever, easiest way to "keep in touch" with people i lost, or lost me haha. whatever it is. but if i don't know them in person, i'm not adding, sorry :( even that, i don't use my real name pssh. if you can find me then golden, but will i add you, that's another question ;)

and gosh to the final statement read a book... :eek: :eek: :eek: what is that?


i go on facebook everyday. i wish i didn't have an account at first, but this is the only place i contact my friend (live abroad) i'm not a phone person.


Expired Sarnie
lmao i still have my MySpace and Facebook account. but most of my information are false anyways ahahaha. i have my real name and first two letter of my last name. i dont touch that like button, nor do i click on ads. and most definitely i dont add anyone i havent met in person before except a few members from sarnworld and other forums i go to lmao but that's only if im very close to that person through comments and posts ahahaha. not sure if you will understand what i mean. but i hardly check my MySpace. I didnt want to delete it bc i was one of the few that had it before it became a mega hit. same to facebook but i am currently logging on a daily basis.


Staff member
I am a facebook addict. Lol I keep in through with my RL friends and my forum buddies through it. Sometimes it's interesting because you learn things about your friends you never realized. One of my friends she is really meh in person lol, but it is so weird how when she is alone she can be so insightful and witty. She knows I love her lol

Just lemme know you are a sarNie ;p LOL


sarNie Adult
FB is invaluable to keep in touch with my friends in Asia. Its the only way I can do this as they're on there.

If there is a better alternative I would look at it but currently there isn't.

I went on SE Asia tour this year and 2 years ago. The one I took this year was alot better as alot of my old friends were expecting me because of FB. There is no way I can keep contact with them over the phone # and emails.

But as most things on the web.. something better will probably come along.


N i n j a
what's a facebook?

Just kidding. I don't have one and don't plan on having one. I've always felt a little disconnected from everyone. Or is it the other way around? Lol.


sarNie Adult
So a few months ago SW has this major traffic spike (unique IPs). More then twice the amount on this one specific day.

Here a screenshot to it

I've finally went to google analytics and checked out where that traffic came from.

I finally found 2 links that caused the traffic spike.

The first one was where most of the traffic came from. And its basically hating this thread. Anan, these people were dissing you bro! But I thought this was worth a post.
