eikcivx said:After watching the video i felt in love with GG! I ship them so muchh to cuteee!
mayag said:Ahh thank you so much Step!!D Loving all these posts!
mayag said:GG moment from 8:55 to 9:20!
Step said:Thank you for sharing. This was so funny. Is there a sub for this? Is this 4podum?
mayag said:
You're welcome! Yes this is. This is only part of it. The whole show is about 45 minutes which OneHD hasn't uploaded yet. Unfortunately no one's subbing 4 podum right now.
Thank you for the GIFs Step!! <3
Step said:You're welcomewas laughing so much even without subs. They all are good actors. GG were sweet even when they got few seconds. OMG they are really adorable. Gun, he is my favourite now. I should leave ch3 and start watching OneHD, exact, GMM. I'm tired of koo jins on ch3 lol
mayag said:Lol I know! You should watch the rest of the 4podum episodes! They're all so funny! There were a lot of cute GG moments in this 4podum lakorn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2maNTwRHQYw. Tono was super funny and Gam was so flustered. And Tum...he's always hilarious. Haha
Yes Gun is awesome. He's slowly creeping up my favourites list too!
Lol I left those koojins a long time ago. I do go back to them from time to time though.
Step said:What is this 4 Podum? Is it like a play or a lakorn? Looks like a play. How many days a week it airs? Why dont we have 4 Podum thread??
mayag said:
It's a singing show hosted by the 4 of them. It happens once a week and the whole show is uploaded by Thursday on OneHD. They invite different singers each episode and most of it is spent interviewing the guests and singing their songs. The last 15 minutes or so is when the "lakorn" happens which is really a short skit.
Any idea what the poster is about?