Hye found baby rabbits in your yard before, underground? (I did once at my sister's house, we kept checking on them, then sadly, a cat came and ate them up
No, but once at a high school dance, the strap on one of my heels broke and then my crush back then offered to hold my heels for me I can't believe I almost forgot this happening!
Have you ever got bitten by a spider/spiders?......I have, just almost 2 weeks ago, I got bitten by 2 spiders, each bit me on each of my 2 hands. The areas where they bit got a little swollen & hot, like my immune system was fighting off the infection & aches were not too fun, one bite left me a small scar but thank goodness they were not poisonous spiders. Lessons learned here are don't wear gloves (without inspecting them first) that you left out in the back house for a while because spiders most likely are in there & maybe some other scary creatures are in there too .