Bieluvr XiaojuXiyou Dec 1, 2012 #481 Yeah, I was eating fawm. Have you ever went to the bathroom in your pants?
p. Zoua sarNie Oldmaid Dec 1, 2012 #483 no. but sounds fun. Have you ever got lost in a public place?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Dec 1, 2012 #484 kind of but not really, i found my family in like 1 minute but i was still a little shocked. Have you ever lost an earring?
kind of but not really, i found my family in like 1 minute but i was still a little shocked. Have you ever lost an earring?
p. Zoua sarNie Oldmaid Dec 2, 2012 #485 no. lol I hardly wear earrings. XD Have you ever cheated on a game just to win?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Dec 2, 2012 #486 yes, but i suck at cheating, it always backfires have you ever had to watch an awkward scene in a movie with your classmates?
yes, but i suck at cheating, it always backfires have you ever had to watch an awkward scene in a movie with your classmates?
aikoden ♥DREAMER♥ Staff member Dec 2, 2012 #487 ^ hahaha.. yes in high school.... the sex ed movies were outdated, but it was just hilarious and awkward to watch with immature kids LMAO. have you ever wished you were born into a different family?
^ hahaha.. yes in high school.... the sex ed movies were outdated, but it was just hilarious and awkward to watch with immature kids LMAO. have you ever wished you were born into a different family?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Dec 2, 2012 #488 sometimes but i really don't mean it in the end have you ever laughed so much you couldn't stop for a while?
sometimes but i really don't mean it in the end have you ever laughed so much you couldn't stop for a while?
Bieluvr XiaojuXiyou Dec 2, 2012 #490 Yeah, I totally stumbled on it afterwards. Have you ever slapped a person you like and felt guilty afterwards?
Yeah, I totally stumbled on it afterwards. Have you ever slapped a person you like and felt guilty afterwards?
aikoden ♥DREAMER♥ Staff member Dec 3, 2012 #492 lmao, yes have you ever made a person cry on purpose?
S SonYukView4ever ♥OFFICIAL MARK PRIN STALKER♥ Dec 5, 2012 #494 no have you ever been envious of others because they have more money/wealth?
p. Zoua sarNie Oldmaid Dec 5, 2012 #495 kinda, not really to that point. lol Have you ever got caught passing notes with friends in class?
Bieluvr XiaojuXiyou Dec 6, 2012 #496 Yeah, the teacher put the note on the overhead and my crush found out i liked him. LOL. Have you ever cried because of embarassment and then the person that caused it wiped your tears for you?
Yeah, the teacher put the note on the overhead and my crush found out i liked him. LOL. Have you ever cried because of embarassment and then the person that caused it wiped your tears for you?
p. Zoua sarNie Oldmaid Dec 6, 2012 #497 yes, it was a very sweet moment.... Have you ever had your heart broken?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Dec 6, 2012 #498 no have you ever been so obsessed with a movie/series you couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks?
S SonYukView4ever ♥OFFICIAL MARK PRIN STALKER♥ Dec 6, 2012 #499 Oh man, YES! (bad obsession I shivered through it) :scratchhead2: have you ever fake cry?