Thank you for uploading this series. I downloaded and watched 4 episodes last night...totally hooked!! Megaupload wouldn't let me download anymore cuz it said I exceeded my download size so had to wait, otherwise I would have been up all night watching this.
This is such a sweet love story between Hena and her step brother. sweet. The pe'ek is so handsome. At first I was he was just the episodes went by its like handsome especially in episode 4 when we see him again after 2 years...totally handsome with that hair cut... I can't wait to see how the story develops. I am hoping he didn't become a gangster or something as he looks like he's filthy rich now...only after 2 years..unless he found out his dad was dead and received his inheritance...
I am going to try not to read these posts in here cuz I don't want to ruin it for myself... :w000t: