-Hmong Dubbing Tearm-


sarNie Egg


sarNie Egg


sarNie Hatchling
While the video is still loading, i have a few word to say.

Bad News:
After put everything together i notice that i miss some noise and some people mic are not that good, so there is some parts that you could heard the mic noise. :sweat: I really want to ask them to say again, but then that is going to take another few weeks or so. Since i notice that so many people want to see the video, i try my best to finished it. It's really hard for me, cause i got to go work in the morning and do this at night and then when i have free time, I'll go to my sis house and get the music and stuff. Plus her comp is super slow, she got dial-up. :wavecry: Make me want to kill off her comp because I'm not use to these kinda of comp. Also my stupid little nephew and niece, we has to take turn for the comp....Okay enough about my story...let's go with HDT member. ;) These are the people that at first, they are going to dub for the cast, but then there's problem along the way... I just want to thanks all them for trying there best to help HDT. :D

Eric ( Kim Jae Hyun ) = Johnny - Since he's my older bro, I cancel him... :lmao: haha...because he's being a little I mean a BIG ass. :blink: So my cousin dub for Eric now. His name is Sean Yang, soif-only maysure you update the new cast for HDT site. Oh yeah, I called Sean everyday, he told me that i was ignoring, :shocked: lol...Then he decide to dubbed, so that I'll stop calling him.

Han Ji Hye ( Yooli ) = baby_girl - :( So sad, that there's problem to her comp, so she has to quite. Hope you fix your comp soon.

Girl 1= LaLa Tsab - :( Sorry that i has to let you go, i pm you but didn't get any note back, so i has to let you go. So sorry....

Girl 1= Bao - :( Sorry about that...I dunno why i can't download your dubbing, so i took your part. So sorry, i really don't want to, but has too. I don't want to keep asking you to upload and waiting for another day to get your dubbing. This is the first time i dubbed and going to be the last.


sarNie Hatchling
The good news's is that HDT finally has there first video. lol....all you guy's must been waiting for this video for such a long time. I seen this video like 10000 time's or so. hahaha.....But still enjoy... ^_^

Tips about the Video:
Don't be surprise when the Hmong songs pop up...lol...yeap, i said Hmong song, Since the video has Lots of laughing and stuff, i re-due almost the whole thing...So i add some of my older sister fave Hmong songs and i add some Korean drama instrument. ;)

Please leave a comment, I know that the video did not edit that good, but then please do not said anything bad about my edit or the dubbing voice. :shocked: All the people that help out for this video, try really hard to get this done for you. Some people might want to speak the true but please please just don't said it to me or the people that help out, we sure did not work hard for your bad comment. ^_^ A good comment, would be nice. ;)

My words:
:( I would like to said sorry for not keeping my words. I told you guy's that I'll upload the video the other day, but then i didn't. Also a big thanks to people that dubbed this video and we sure make some great memories. I hope that HDT will go on. Also thanks toif-only for working so hard for HDT site and thanks to HDT members. Okay this is it for now, right now is 9:30 am...Haven't sleep yet and I'm really tried. Later on, i still have to go work. Gosh, hate work...anyways, i better go sleep before my sister walk up and bitch at me like before. lol...just because i stay over night. Okay...bye...I'll meet you guy's again....Thanks. :D



sarNie Egg
Can't wait to see it!!!! I've been checking everyday for it! Finally!!!!! After so many days and waiting, it's finally done!
Thanks, COVER_GIRL, for working on it!!!!
Also, like you, I HATE WORK!!!!!! I know how you feel.... :D


can't wait to see it! a big thanks to all the dubbers and especially you cover girl for spending your time doing all these for us.....hope HDT will go on forever!....