Okay…well…why is it that when it comes to other ethnics (I’ll use the Laos just because it was mentioned) it is okay to talk bad about Hmongs…but when it comes to Hmongs…it’s not okay to talk bad about others? At least that was how I interpreted it from this debate. For example, I quote vilasaeng, “See it's all the Hmong people out there that's trying to make lao look bad..�. I don’t get it. I may respect that all you people have your own mind and opinions but I do not respect that we have to resort to this kind of talk. Isn’t the stuff that’s going on enough?? Why do we…as the younger generation have to do the same and bash each other to our hearts content….its just going to go around in a circle again and we’re gonna get no where! Pretty soon our great grandkids will be in here arguing, again, about races and killing each other…not in particular hmong and laos…it may be other ethnicities…but still!! And Vilasaeng…I’m not trying to diss you…because I know that you are actually openminded from the process I’ve seen, but just to let you know…when you tell someone that their race should be killed off….that hurts.
And why does ANYONE have to resort to violence and saying that it’s okay to kill if someone was invading your country? That’s just a bunch of BS to me. Killing is WRONG….my gosh people! Can’t you guys at least agree that there are better alternatives to killing??
Just to clarify things…I don’t want to bash anyone or make it sound that way…I’m using my argumentative voice if you could actually hear me right now. And argumentative voice does not necessarily mean that I’m mad at the world and yelling my butt off…^_^ But anyways, about the Mao and Hmong thing….like what ceda_lee said….us hmongs were NEVER called Maos. Who knows, there might’ve been a person named Mao whom we were involved with…I don’t know…but yea….Hmong has always been called Hmong. And of course!...the Hmong history would be coming outta the mouths of the Hmong. Because the Hmongs are a really low minority group in the eyes of society…of course nothing is written about them. And remember…society is socially constructed. Lets take a look back at history. Before the blacks started the whole civil rights movement….they were only mentioned in history, in about a sentence or two, to be the slaves of the white men. There was no history on who they really were and there was no sort of information on them..except that they were “property� and “lower than dirt�. It was only when the civil rights movement started that they were noticable and only years after when they came out and told of their history and such, that was later turned into words on a textbook. Before all that…the mainstream could care less about who they were. My point is, that the Hmongs are similar, not in the sense that we were slaves, but in the sense that we too, are treated or viewed badly as a whole. There are no information or history text books that mention us because society feels there isn’t a need to tell people our importance and existence. Sure, some history classes come across rare lectures about Hmongs and such but only for what? An hour to each classroom? I’m not saying that “O…the Hmongs are great people and need to be in textbooks�…Noo…not at all. I’m just stating the facts. A little word called “empathy�. I would encourage people to put this word to use and see the world from our point of view. How would you feel? Discrimminated? Offended? Sad? If you could be empathetic of dying children in Africa, starving children in India and whatnot, I urge you to do the same to the Hmongs. It wont hurt.
And the stuff about Hmongs carrying weapons…..of course…those in the jungles HAVE to carry weapons…and its not like they have plenty of ammunition and supplies….they’ve been using what they can find from dead bodies, whether hmong or somebody else….because believe it or not….they need it! If they didn’t have their weapons…all of them in the jungle…right now….wouldnt be alive and we wouldn’t know about them. It’s the Laos and some Vietnamese soldiers in that area that are trying to kill them off. So they NEED their weapons. I’m not just saying this so I can make the Hmongs look like the good guys….but it’s the truth. And its not everybody in that race cause people are different..just those in the special zone area attacking the Hmongs. And you guys have to be openminded about this!! Why else would they be HIDING from communist bullets in the jungles if they can come out and live freely? What would YOU do if someone was going to kill you and you didn’t have any weapons? No doubt that you’d be scared for life also. And yes, there are some hmongs who live freely in the nearby countries or even in Laos itself but note that aside from that, there ARE killings going on. And whoever said that the “free� Hmongs have a happy-stressfree life? They’re sympathetic for their own kind too, that’s why many of them are secretly helping out. And there are other cases too, about Hmong people. Some of those that has been hiding out in the jungles have actually come out and surrendered in the recent years, but afterwards, there has been no news about those individual’s lives. So, what if they had put down their weapons?? I don’t think anything would change to this particular group. Even the children who carry no weapon have cuts and bullet wounds.
And the stuff about Hmongs taking over the country of Laos. The Hmongs haven’t taken over the country….Laos is still Laos! And the walk that was done a couple of years ago, it was mostly aiming towards helping the Hmong people in Thailand! That’s why two or so years later….some Hmongs have successfully come over to the U.S.A…..BUT have you heard anywhere that Laos is officially Hmong-land? So if the walk WAS about taking over Laos…don’t you think that we would’ve had it by now? Or at least started some sort of planning for it? Noo…all we’re concerned about now is all the news you keep hearing about Hmongs….the killing and the digging of graves. And WHAT IF the Hmongs real original homeland was Laos? Be openminded about this. What if it was…would anyone listen? Of course not….because it’s already established as Laos, that’s why people can bash soo easily about us when we claim things like that. What if the elders are wrong? What if their real homeland was somewhere else? What if aliens existed? What if the sun didn’t come out tomorrow? What if the earth isn’t round but ovalish? What if??
So please…I’m tired of hearing offensive comments about the Hmongs because I am Hmong and therefore, I get offended…HUGELY. I know you wouldn’t like it either. We can still discuss this issue because I believe it is an important one…not just to Hmongs..but to all humans alike..but…just not like this. Not blaming and pointing fingers. I know I am not almighty and I know that I am not always correct…but no one is! The points I have addressed are issues from documents and videos and such that make this topic so heated and controversial. This thread was started because someone wanted help and wanted to know about the Hmongs, we don’t need to go dissing people now.