where did this "hmong's are trying to take over laos" thing come from?
Someone don't know the history or wasn't told
i personally never heard such a thing before...if there is one thing that the hmong are trying to fight for is acceptence and PEACE...we've gone through all that bs of warfare and gore it wouldn't make any sense to start another war.
Who's starting another war.. No one is starting another war. The war have been going on non stop because the "Innocent Hmong" in the jungle won't stop fight for "Peace"
If someone was rapping your child or you your sister wouldn't you have some sense of anger? who can blame those people who have done nothing but stand up for themselves? i mean, i wouldn't want to just stand around and let all those innocent pple suffer!
Everyone understand that. And as a Laotian I hate those who rape and kill the innocent. But what about the opisite
i mean think of it logically, if hmongs were trying to take over laos which i highly doubt, how would these poor farmers get their weapons in the first place?
Where did they get the weapon in the first place during the secret war. The American gave it to them. And if they really want it wouldn't you think there going to be someone who supply then with one. Look at the street rat. Where did they get illegal weapon from.
and why would they risk it? they are so small in number over there why in the hell would they want to start a war and take over a whole country? that doesn't make any sense.
True that their out number over there. But if they have help from over sea and still think that Vang Shit Pao is going to go back for them. Their not going to stop fighting.
besides...what is this "they arent really massacaring the hmong" psh if killing innocent hmong people including women and children who have nothing to do with this violence bs isn't a massacure then i dont know
what it is...
You must have never gone back to Lao. If you have there is a Hmong Village there that are living peacefully and under the protection of the Lao Government from those, are they living to the point of comfortable. No but their still breathing and don't have to worry about be sort out to be kill. like the "Freedom Fighter" in the jungle still think of the past. So if they are really mascaring all the Hmong then there won't be any Hmong left in the country. And if their doing this to save face. They don't have to. Hello their "Communist". Oh if their really mascaring all the Hmong. Then their won't be any Hmong stepping foot in Lao to visit their relative that their.
please this world doesn't have anymore room for hate..besides...i know that not all laotion ppl are bad...they are just as human as you and i...just a certain group...
Yes it don't but people still do it everyday. Hating on this person and that person even for stupid stuff that doesn't make sense. Everyone is human so hating is very common.
and agian...this "if we dont fight back we won't die" crap...if they dont fight back there's a garuanntee that those ppl over there will die!
No they won't. Like I say there are Hmong villages in Lao. And their not fighting. Are they dead no.
maybe if a those certain groups of laotion people stop attacking those the hmong over there they'll actually stop fighting back duh! but as of now...they will never back down...we never back down :angry:
If those Hmong people also stop attacking the soldier and give up maybe there going to be some peace. If they don't back down. Do you think the other side will back down. :sweat: