i second what you said...Perhaps he was not planning to take back Laos, but to help his people. Just because Bush is going to Iraq, it doesn't mean he is going to take away Iraq.....one of the reasons was because he wanted to help the people there. Think about it. You people have only heard one side of the story.
To those of you that keep saying VP is a scam for collecting all those money from our elders to feed his ass, go to your parents, relatives, or people you know that donated money to him and ask them if they were ever told about what he was going to use this money for. (FYI: my family was never stupid enough to donate money for the guy). The reason I said that is because all the people that donated money knew exactly what he was going to do with the money. They all knew he was going to use that money to get a piece of land in Laos so they can go back to live there. It was just a matter of time when and how he was going to do it.
Lastly, can we just leave this topic at peace until we hear both sides to the story? I am on neither side but I know that sometimes the FBI and the media can be wrong too. Remember that the undercover person that works for the FBI could be Hmong too and we all know Hmong people like to backstabbing each other.
thanks for sharing this .. i just find this promote funny .. ''DANCING, SINGING, AND FUN IN THE SUN'' .. i thought ppl are protesting .. sound like they're celebrating instead .. i think they should have do lecture and educate the hmong ppl and educate those outside the hmong community .. not doing things like this ..i mean, i support the idea 100% .. but sound like ppl's celebrating instead .. but oh well, it's a good things .. show good merit among us hmong ppl that no matter what, we will stick through thick and thin in time like this.. and that nothing can stop us from practicing what we feel/thinks .. :loool:who cares if the hmong people don't have a country...it's not like we will someday... so yah.
be there to supoort... if u want to.if not.. oh well..
--- Monday the 11th of June.
Sacramento Courthouse
501 I Street
Suite 3-200
Sacramento, California 95814
Come support, if not .. raise your own concerns in this peaceful rally. There will dancing, singing, and fun in the sun, along with local and national authorities on standby. Bring your daisies and peace picketed signs.
jJenn, Kiana and other famous hmong singers going to be there..-- moneyINC...![]()
If you haven't read any of my comments, no where in here did I mentioned that GVP's decision to overthrow the Lao gov't was a good thing...however, I did said that I hope something good comes out of this...my point is that, regardless of what he does, people are gonna bash him...and if doesn't do anything, as a leader, he's gonna get bash...either way...ummm...so your saying that this is the correct way of solving or helping the Hmong in Laos? Lets get missiles, guns, and destroy the sacred capital city of Laos, etc.
How can people make up their mind if it is morally wrong of doing thing and you know it too...it is just like saying let's support Hitler because he's doing something...
Regarding the comments you made about the $300 to $600 that it doesn't exist, why are people in this forum fully aware of this matter?
who cares if the hmong people don't have a country...it's not like we will someday... so yah.
be there to supoort... if u want to.if not.. oh well..
--- Monday the 11th of June.
Sacramento Courthouse
501 I Street
Suite 3-200
Sacramento, California 95814
Come support, if not .. raise your own concerns in this peaceful rally. There will dancing, singing, and fun in the sun, along with local and national authorities on standby. Bring your daisies and peace picketed signs.
jJenn, Kiana and other famous hmong singers going to be there..-- moneyINC...![]()
Lao government are so coward...why are they so scared of GVP..Are they scared that our hmong people will take Laos to be our country if GVP succeed. Why do they only depend on the US..Why don't they do it themselvs by saying that ..Oh let GVP go..We'll take care of him ourselfs...what a coward country...it so ebarrasing to take credits from other country and depend on other countryd to do the job...But it's not over yet, this is just the beginning..."The arrest of General Vang Pao is welcome news to the government of Laos. A spokesman for the country's foreign minister said, "this is the news that Laos has waited for so long.'"