Hnub Lis new movie


sarNie Hatchling
I went to the Metrodome New Year I saw Hnub Lis has a new movie with a new actor. I just wonder if anyone see it. I am hastated to buy any Hmong movie because sometime they just copied the movie theme from Thai movies or lakorns. The new guys looks cute too.


sarNie Egg
hey, i bought the movie. it's called av luaj daj tsis tauj wb meaing the world/land cannot depart us. after the new year, i came home, watched it, and enjoyed. i think Hnub Lis is very very beautiful. She is indeed one of the most beautiful Hmong actresses I've seen. And no, the movie does not use any Thai theme or anything at all. The plot and story is very originality. VEry creative. I just loved it. A great Hmong movie that no one should miss. And I agree, the lead actor is very cute too. He's got his own style and very handsome. They make a great couple. I recommend u buy the movie the next time u see it. There will be a part two, b/c both die bc the pa'ek parents wouldn't let them together. so, pa'ek tie himself to the na'ek and both jump off a clip. then they die and turn into birds. it's a pretty sad movie. one of the bests i've ever seen. i can't wait for part 2. coming out soon...yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!


sarNie Egg
sound interesting!!!!!!!!!!! care to post the cover up........ I just wanna see how the pra'ek look like........


sarNie Adult
sound interesting! it's going to be on my 'TO SEE LIST'. lol...
same here! hehe...this is the one made by SKY Production right? i wanna see it so bad now! but there's a sad ending!! :(


sarNie Granny
i think the movie is okay its kind of boring though !! ;) i like both of the main character except for the girl who kept on telling his dad that hnub lis is all that!! i guess its kind of worth buying!!! :wacko:


sarNie Adult
This movie was hella boring. It was all about their love life and people keep on telling rumor on them. I slept throug ou tthe whole movie. The Pra'ek was cute and he has such a hot vocie. In my opinion this moovie is boring but some people might think different. try it and you'll know.


sarNie Elites
My sister bought the movie and i was the 1st one to watch it. I have to say the movie was "OK & GOOD". I think Hnub Lis and the guy make a great couple cuz both are attractive.


sarNie Egg
replying to questions regarding the film.

Yes, the movie is available in both DVD's and tapes. However, b/c i didn't want the tape version so i bought the DVD version to last me longer...hehehe

I don't have a scanner, but when I have time I'll ask my friend to use her scanner and post the cover online.

Finally, i highly reccommend the movie, my perspective. I loved it! I can't wait for part 2. :yahoo: