X XCappy Mr. Char Jul 1, 2007 #141 I saw some, it's hot... (It wakes your mind sometimes... or not) Drooling while sleeping.
R rukD2B Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong Jul 19, 2007 #143 More like sweet, but I'll put it in the hot category. Okay, my obsession hour, I guess. Or obsession minute, whichever fits the current duration of my mood. Ha, ha. Erm... Karaoking with Dan D2B. <33 See, I can be girly! Ha, ha. LMFAO.
More like sweet, but I'll put it in the hot category. Okay, my obsession hour, I guess. Or obsession minute, whichever fits the current duration of my mood. Ha, ha. Erm... Karaoking with Dan D2B. <33 See, I can be girly! Ha, ha. LMFAO.
X XCappy Mr. Char Jul 19, 2007 #144 I'll say hot, just to please you Joey. I know that you can curse me, so yeah... I'm like under the gun, I can't make any move... :dude: Magicians.
I'll say hot, just to please you Joey. I know that you can curse me, so yeah... I'm like under the gun, I can't make any move... :dude: Magicians.
R rukD2B Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong Jul 20, 2007 #145 LOLs, Cappy. Ha, ha. I love you, you're so funny! Magicians are hot. Ma Tianyu's "Gai Si De Wenrou." :spin:
LOLs, Cappy. Ha, ha. I love you, you're so funny! Magicians are hot. Ma Tianyu's "Gai Si De Wenrou." :spin:
I *Ice* sarNie Adult Aug 1, 2007 #152 what bank? bank clash?? hot haha chin chinawut indracrusin ( ha yeah right )
ChaosAngelz sarNie Juvenile Aug 14, 2007 #154 HOT! but COLD BUT defin HOT XP guys with rock hard abbs
I *Ice* sarNie Adult Aug 27, 2007 #157 yuk thats so not hot drinking water for tha rest of ur life pure water
V Vanida Save World Save Life Sep 8, 2007 #158 hot lol going on a 2 week vacation with cee siwat haha
G genkers sarNie Juvenile Sep 10, 2007 #159 if your a girl: hot if your a guy: not unless your gay and u like him guys who talk to themselves alot but arte funny
if your a girl: hot if your a guy: not unless your gay and u like him guys who talk to themselves alot but arte funny
A Anonymity G.O.D Sep 12, 2007 #160 that is called L-O-S-E-R!! lmao. weird but NOT HOT at all. ahha. Fahrenheit? :wub: