"How Hmong Girl Lies"


sarNie Egg
it is stupid how hmong guys are making video responses to the video when the video doesnt concern hmong guys...hahahah FUCKEN STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sarNie Egg
maybe the guys are stating how they feel or what they think about the topic? it would be nice to hear from the guy's point of view on the topic the girls/ladies are talking about. what do the guys think about girls/ladies/women putting on too much makeup, in this case eye makeup?


sarNie Adult
I didn't watch any clips posted above but all I can say is everybody is the same. We all lie and do alot of chit in this world lol so nobody has the right to judge or saying that oh he's a liar or she's a liar come on we're 2 faces rofl!!!

Just learn how to be cool ;) that's all matter


sarNie Hatchling
the video is not available or close down already LOL...OMG they are just bored i guess... n like many of u said...they're just looking for attention n they got some...wow...

LMAO n look at me now...i'm here giving my opinion too lol y do i even care to post here LOL

hmmm maybe bc i am bored too lol j/k

that girl's response was kinda dumb.... but yeah she was prob high on something....heheekekek when she was making her first video.... but make up wise i think a lot of girls likes it these days.... a lot of it...a lot of girls wear at least a liquid under a powder or however many layers....as well as contact, n fake lashes... not just only Hmong girls... it's all about being beautifying urself... from other people u think look pretty huh...

stupid topic is all it is....high on something i'll say when they were video taping themselves.... ahahahahaha