how many sarnworld 's member u know


Staff member
Oh Man This Thread!! What can I say ever since the last time I posted......... I've met alot of people that have been very important to me!!!! But most importants ones are

Grandpa Darvieee aka Darvil
P'Lek aka lalalek
P'thookie aka Thookatha
Nong Anne aka aNnNnEe
Ly aka YunholovesLy
P'ane aka .diane.
Nong Pee aka Pee
Muddie Murda
My Twin Tyzir aka GueSs
KawaiiTennyo aka KT
Bao aka Bugsy
Sarath aka Ladii_timeless
ben aka asianstyle
namie aka nameless
Pleang sneay aka Lilly
Sabrina aka gracejen
Tee ruk aka Mizterkevin
Tao aka I love you *shrugs* her name hard to spell >.<

Those are My Die Hard Peoples right here that keep me company alots =) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!


Sticky Rice
^ ahaha it's okay Tina just call me Tao :D yayyy lookie I'm on the list :wub:

hm...people I know well...I know a lot of people here on sworld...jus not sure if they know me too haha :sweat:


Number 1: My baby Samantha "I love you" =)

Number 2: Sandy "Samantha cousin"

Number 3: Tao "awesomest and the coolest"

Tina 4: The "dj girl"

thats about it so far..


sarNie Elites
KhoOnxNouxWanxJai said:
Oh Man This Thread!! What can I say ever since the last time I posted......... I've met alot of people that have been very important to me!!!! But most importants ones are

Grandpa Darvieee aka Darvil
P'Lek aka lalalek
P'thookie aka Thookatha
Nong Anne aka aNnNnEe
Ly aka YunholovesLy
P'ane aka .diane.
Nong Pee aka Pee
Muddie Murda
My Twin Tyzir aka GueSs
KawaiiTennyo aka KT
Bao aka Bugsy
Sarath aka Ladii_timeless
ben aka asianstyle
namie aka nameless
Pleang sneay aka Lilly
Sabrina aka gracejen
Tee ruk aka Mizterkevin
Tao aka I love you *shrugs* her name hard to spell >.<

Those are My Die Hard Peoples right here that keep me company alots =) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!
awww...babygirl, i matter that much to you?? GOOD! hahaha jk well, just know that my sweet nong tina mean a lot to me too! :wub: :D


Staff member
samantha said: not on her list? or maybe im on the super special important people list..hehe

Did I mention I was high On Nyquil and Writing down the names of the pplz that I saw in chat at the time? I dont have that good of a memory to remember everyone lolssss


Staff member
Oh Man This Thread!! What can I say ever since the last time I posted......... I've met alot of people that have been very important to me!!!! But most importants ones are

Grandpa Darvieee aka Darvil
P'Lek aka lalalek
P'thookie aka Thookatha
Nong Anne aka aNnNnEe
Ly aka YunholovesLy
P'ane aka .diane.
Nong Pee aka Pee
Muddie Murda
My Twin Tyzir aka GueSs
KawaiiTennyo aka KT
Bao aka Bugsy
Sarath aka Ladii_timeless
ben aka asianstyle
namie aka nameless
Pleang sneay aka Lilly
Sabrina aka gracejen
Tee ruk aka Mizterkevin
Tao aka I love you *shrugs* her name hard to spell >.<
Samantha!!!!!!! lol im so bad *covers eyes*

And of Course P'Samantha!!! Sowwieeeeeeeeeee :p you weren't in chat at the time :p and me have bad memories I LOVE YOU!!
And Thanks For Being There For Me Through My You Know What Ordeal..!! :wub:

Those are My Die Hard Peoples right here that keep me company alots =) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!


Staff member
P'Lucas To... Only Because He Makes My P'sam Happy and of course cuz he cool and trust me there is alot of name that was edited lmfao!!!!! :wub: lolssss


sarNie Hatchling
lol I don't know everyone except p'lek! I'm on no one list :thinking: well I hope I get to know more people in SW!!

Its hard to stand out and people know you!


KhoOnxNouxWanxJai said:
P'Lucas To... Only Because He Makes My P'sam Happy and of course cuz he cool and trust me there is alot of name that was edited lmfao!!!!! :wub: lolssss
I was going to say...."geez....." thanks alot for not mention my name "SINCE" I mention your name, but you remember =) and of course I love my baby Samantha she's my everything and my world I love her very much.

Your the best Dj Tina "thumbs up"


sarNie Adult
Calla - No one luv Tang more then
lolz.....i guess so Ana, he's my angel :yahoo: :loool:

wow.....girls u remember me just because i'm a P'Tang's fan ? :lol: