omg!! this is hilarious!! this reminds me of my old workplace. you see, i worked 3rd shift and there's hardly anyone there but two-three departments unlike 1st shift, where there are a lot of ppl. Well in my department, when we have to "poop" we usually go all the way up to the front, past security, and past Human Resources to go poop. But if I really had to go, i went to the one near the clock in section and go really quick before someone else comes in. The funny thing is when we have to go, my area has about 3-5 ppl that works together, so we know that when someone says they're going to Human Resources, that means that we have to go poop.
Thanks "harman" for the laugh, i'm going to copy & paste this and send it to my friends so they can get a laugh.
And responding to "noungning's" part about having to squat in thailand.
the first time i went to thailand, boy i had to learn too. well when we were on the plane, i had used the bathroom before we landed. so when we got to the airport, my aunt who lives in thailand asked is anyone needed to use the bathroom, I told her i i didn't b/c i used it on the plane. Well on our way to my mom's family in Esan, we made a stop at the gas station, and my sister and i went in, i didn't know how to use, so asked my little cousin who was 4 at the time and she was kinda scared of us at first so she didn't tell us how to use it. so i didn't use and went back to the van. We made several stops but i didn't go out because of the fact that i didn't know what to i kept asking mom, when will we get to grandpa's house, she would be like "not too long," so i was like ok, but she kept saying that for the longest, b/c it took us at least 12 hours to get there, once we got there, we got off the van and was like "mom, how do u use the toilet?'" so she squatted and showed us. Till this day, I still laugh about it when i think of it.