Everything you hear or know is all information that has travel from a person to a person. Whether your mother told you, the TV, radio, friends.. its all information that has moved around.
Now as for the stuff Saddam did, I think these things are universally accepted. How much you ask? Well I think its as much as the genocide that's happening in Dafur right now, or the kilings in Serbia, or the rape of nanking or the holocast. Thats my view on this subject.
Do you think all that I've mentioned above have been fabricated? Now there's always going to be a segment of the population for many specific reasons, refuse to believe it. For example people who believe that the holocast never happened. Or that the rape of nanking didn't happen either.
Either way its a choice whether you want to believe it or not.
Also Saddam's trial has been going on for months. Yes his trial definately didn't drag on like Molosevich (which I believe dragged on for a few years.) but I wouldn't say its short.
I'm sure there were a few strings pulled around this trial. Either way I'm going to say that it doesn't bother me that he has been killed. There should be a few more people along this line also but you'd have to go into more countries .. and as we can all see, it ain't a good idea.