Illegal Immigrants in the US


well the thing is.. i must admit.. i'm not taking what you say seriously at all.. actually i'm only scanning what you said.. hard to pay attention to serious topic and watching lakorns at the same time..

but alright let me get a little bit more serious and pay attention.. but just to correct you, none of my parents nor any of my relatives and families are in the US btw, they only came here to study, didnt work.. oh and i was born here, so i guess you can say i came here legally.... but yeah i do believe everyone including "whites" are immigrants at one point or another so there shouldnt be any bashing, especially the saying "you immigrants, get out of my country", that's gay and laughable..

thing is i see with people who are serious about this issue... their problem is rules.. laws... argued that if one is exempt then shouldnt all be exempt? if illegal immigrants are allowed to stay then should we not start accepting everyone who wants to come to this country without going through the process? just have a ship ready and go pick them up... we cant do that can we? cant allow everyone who wants to come into this country to just come... it's not possible.. or do you think it's possible.. or should it be that way?

here is how i really see this issue.. those who are here already, allow them to stay but like i said speak english so that i, along with others non spanish speaking can understand (actually that's for all races not just spanish), all rules that are applied to us should be applied to them.. and that does go with wages and so on (as well as the process of obtaining citizenship, dont just demand it, and please take the citizenship in english.. not your first language, if my next door chinese grandma had to, so should mexicans, or at least want to take it in english)... they should at least get min wages and not below wages, that might solve problems of these employers who are taking advantage of how they rather hired jose for $3 then hire jason for $7.50 or $8. and it also give jason a chance to be able to find a job.. borders should be alot lot stricter cus there might be even more problems that now illegal immigrants can now be legal documented immigrants, they will want to come.. we'll have more cases of fence hoping and/or crates hiding...

oh btw.. priviledge doesnt always come from the backbone of others. it also comes from your own self.. but i dont want to go into what my ancestors have to give up to have just a little.. cus it's about the same thing the "non rich" are doing to better themselves. so lets not do this rich people vs poor people.. just like "dont hate me cus i'm rich and i wont hate you cus you're poor".. that saying is so gay.. the idea is so gay...


sarNie Juvenile
besides... just how tall is the border between Mexico && The US? I saw a photo of it, and it was about a height of a fench (but a bit HIGHER) and thin too! i mean, i've actually not seen a better pic of it. the one i saw was on the Time For Kids from my lil sisters. LOL =/


sarNie Adult
pii-nky said:
besides... just how tall is the border between Mexico && The US? I saw a photo of it, and it was about a height of a fench (but a bit HIGHER) and thin too! i mean, i've actually not seen a better pic of it. the one i saw was on the Time For Kids from my lil sisters. LOL =/
it's pretty thick and pretty high. i'll post some of my pictures when i head down to mexico again.
dfemc...*applause appluase*well said... i agree with your points...My classmates and my whole department would love you...we need more people who think like you :D


sarNie Juvenile
adding my 2 cents

there is a major difference between illegal and legal immigrants. just because your legal does not mean you came from some great place. it means that you took the time to fight your way through the system and to do things the right way.

i have no problem with illegal immigrants staying in the country as long as they remember that they are ILLEGAL. most if not all illegal immigrants came from a really bad place, and while their living situation in America may not be the best, it is most likely a lot better than where they came from, if it wasnt they would probably go back home on their own or go be illegal somewhere else.

i dont see how it makes any sense to give illegal immigrants any legal rights. like when california wanted to give them official driver licenses, that whole issue drove me crazy.

as for the whole English language issues. its great that people want to learn other languages but why must people in America who speak English which is the major, if not "official" language of the country, be forced to learn a difference language (primarily Spanish seeing as how im from southern california) to better our chances of getting a job. (i dont think its right for any language, it shouldnt be the deciding factor about whether or not you can apply for a job) if your planning on living in a country at least take the time to learn the language of the country, traveling is a totally different issues since your only there for a short period of time. if you cant learn the language completely at least learn the basics that you need to get around and get a job.

while there are a lot of illegal immigrants in detention centers awaiting deportation, there are plenty that slip through the crack as well. simply put the government does not have the funds or the facilities to house all iillegal immigrants that they can get a hold of and many are told to appear at a court day and as long as they reply yes they are free to go and then they are gone for good. this does not apply to one race, it applies to all illegal immigrants.

as for what the government is trying to do, i think its stupid. as if building a wall is going to keep anyone out.

the thing that bothers me most is the student protesting. it breaks my heart to see yound students ditching out on school to protest this, as many did when CA decided not to issue the driver licenses. like i said before i use to teach in a crap neighborhood and these kids are missing out on so much already, why ruin their education by having them protest something that isnt their fight. these kids are not even old enough to vote, they should be left alone to learn and be educated so that when it comes time they can stand up and make the difference.

i support anyone that is willing to work hard and to change their life for the good, what i cant support are people who whine and complain about how unfairly they are being treated and letting others fight the fight for them.


sarNie Hatchling
man i went to england all i could see was illegal imagrants and all pakistani peoples and other races from english i personaly dont like them lol and if i went to USA i bet there are lots more there too


sarNie Adult
anyone boycotting May 1st?

JoXBankXClash said:
man i went to england all i could see was illegal imagrants and all pakistani peoples and other races from english i personaly dont like them lol and if i went to USA i bet there are lots more there too
that's the point, it's a global reality. no matter where u go, u'll see this "illegal" immigrant issue. ^_^ not surprising huh, it's too bad that we can't all accept the fact that nation-borders is an abstract reality that we try to define in a physical sense.

well, well, it's gonna be a long way until we will ever come to simply acknowlede and embrace the diaspora that exists instead of trying so hard to control it. when it comes down to it, it's all a resource competition. well someday, when i'm in the mood, i'll come back on these points. B)

For more info: Crossing the borders FAQ!
A: The best estimate is 12 million. Due to increased security measures along the border, many migrants are prevented from re-entering Mexico, forcing them to stay in the United States for longer periods of time and eventually trying to bring their families.

Q: What role does the illegal migrant play in the United States?
A: Nearly 1 of every 20 people working in the U.S. is an unauthorized migrant. Most will admit that removing them would rattle the U.S. economy. They represent a large consumer market and even pay taxes into the system. U.S. workers born in Latin America represent a combined $450 billion annual gross income, 93% of which is spent in the U.S.

Critics argue that these workers are stealing jobs from Americans and draining social services. Advocates contend that the jobs taken by migrants are so poorly paid and hazardous, there are labor shortages.

Q: What is a guest worker program?
A: A guest worker program would allow foreign workers to temporarily live and work in the United States and then return home. George W. Bush announced his desire for such a program when he first took office.

Q: What steps are being taken by Congress?
A: In December, the House passed a bill that would make being in the U.S. illegally a felony, require employers to verify their employees' status, and calls for building a 2-layer fence across more than 1/3 of the 2,000 mile border. However, more recently, the Senate approves a drastically different bill with guest worker provisions that also allows illegal migrants here before 2004 to earn citizenship by working for 6 years, paying a fine, getting a background check, and learning English. It will also more than double the amount of Border Patrol along the border.

Q: Does more border security decrease illegal immigration?
A: Experts say no. More security along the border and higher penalties will not address the root cause of the problem. Border security funding has risen greatly over the past two decades, but so has the flow of illegal migrants.

Q: Where are the lines drawn?
A: Expect to see some unlikely alliances as a compromise is discussed. Both political parties are split. Big business, often packers of the GOP, are fighting to allow the migrants to stay because of their economics impact. Banks, retailers, and services like Western Union are making great profits. Conservative Republicans will confront Bush's plan for a guest worker program by calling for deportation and a wall. Unions, usually sympathetic to Democrats, do not want such a large underground workforce. While migrants are earning more than they would south of the border, unions argue that without a stable workforce, employers can unfairly take advantage of these workers and bring wages down for others.

Q: What happens next?
A: Some level of border security is expected to pass, but the big question is what they will decide to do with the illegal migrants already here. The Senate will now try to pass a bill and then both houses will have to find a compromise to send to President Bush. Some are calling for quick action. fearing that politicians will hesitate to take a stand as the election approaches.


sarNie Adult
Ok yea they work for the low wages but would u do it for that wages that why the government set a minimum wage People would do it for the rite wages but the setting back wages for other ppl. My dad use 2 clean bathrooms and farm but he did it for the rite wages for a reason yea they do pay taxes but some don't I support them coming as long as they working hard but some of them have kids and take advantage of the system wit welfare and the real ppl who really need it. I know US was based on immigration and yes Mexico use to have California, Texas, and New Mexica as a territory but the US stole it The do work hard but who doesn't work hard for their money. I think their should be some regulation on it this is my 2cents