Is It Peung???


sarNie Hatchling
First off, if anyone's wondering, I got the first picture from:
Apparently, her full name's Peung Leenutapong (without the extra "t") too.
What do you guys think?
Does it look like Peung to you guys?
I know if you stare at it for a long time, it doesn't look like her anymore; but I'm convinced it is her.
To me, the only difference is the hair, makeup, and eyebrows (of course, anyone can change the shape of their eyebrows with a little plucking or waxing here and there).
As for the eyes, nose, lips, and chin, it looks the same to me.
Anyway, tell me what you guys think in the reply section below!

Note: Compare the two pictures and see if you can find any similarities!



You're Average Person :)
the first picture looks fake idk, too much ps-ing for me I guess to tell the difference lol....but it do look like her


sarNie Hatchling
~kiabielover~: Yeah, she is pretty. :)

TubbyTinker: Uh huh.

chubbycheeks: I think so too.

aikoden: I don't know---I think it's just cause of her hair and makeup...

chouakim: Okah, hahah.

mainhiathao: Yep!

<3Nadech4ever: Well I guess that's your opinion.
I actually like her nose a lot; it's not too big or too small---just the perfect size.
And I'm pretty sure she didn't get a nose job either; her nose has always looked the same to me...


Yunho's GF~*
it IS her. i saw her profile pictures on facebook and yeah she cut her hair... looked like a tomboy by times lol


sarNie Hatchling
Kristie: Peung has a Facebook??? :eek:
Has she gone on it recently?
And regardless, can you send me the link to it? I wanna add her!