issues before marriages...


sarNie Adult
In this case where you're just letting your emotions out on FB. I personally think his family shouldn't get involve or think they have the right mind to criticize over what you say, tt wasn't like you curse infront of his parents or his relatives. This is FB, you say things concerning your mood and how you felt that day, and sometimes you don't really mean what you say. Like they say "Chim chim es cia li hais tau lawm xwb."

I also think that the sister was too quick to act on this situation, which wasn't necessary. She saw your rant but did she even know what her brother did to make you angry? She shouldn't had been so eager to throw the fault on you and point fingers like that. If it was just a nice "You shouldn't say these things, people might think wrong about my brother," I would had been fine with it but when she say you were disrespecting him and ruin his family's reputation she's threatening/warning you, taking it too far.

As for if you should say anything. This isn't something to hype up about, it's just going to make her happy that you got angry. Just stay cool about it. Hmong people can't keep their nose out of things that aren't their problems.


sarNie Adult
thanks for your advice. I just hope he will be able to find a place soon. There's gonna be that uncomfortable feeling with her now. Lol


sarNie Adult
She has to know her brother is not perfect, and it's ok for you to be mad at him. Even the perfect couple has their own ups and downs.
It only seems that your comment was a bit inappropriate, telling someone to "die in a hole" ---- that's a bit extreme just because you are upset about it.


sarNie Adult
She has to know her brother is not perfect, and it's ok for you to be mad at him. Even the perfect couple has their own ups and downs.
It only seems that your comment was a bit inappropriate, telling someone to "die in a hole" ---- that's a bit extreme just because you are upset about it.
it is inappropriate but then again, it ask whts on your mind. I simply said wht was on my mind. and like what nancy wrote, i was just mad and said it. The thing tht gets to me most, is why did she lashed out after 3 years. I mean, I don't talk to her much, she's a person with little to say so its harder to communicate, u kno. But I do appreciate your input in my dilemma.


Mrs. Kim Junsu
People will always have something to says but if you don't want people in your business disable your comment


sarNie Oldmaid
People cuss and curse everyday. you were only expressing how you feel on facebook. that should not concern her or anybody at all and don't panic or be afraid at all, of the sister. it's not her business what you say or do with her brother. :)


sarNie Hatchling
it's the quiet type you've got to watch out for because those are usually the "silent but deadly type"...LOL..anyways if you don't want people to think bad of you, don't write things on your FB that they can see and judge you by...i know that sometimes we get upset and want to rant, but if you can't handle any possible backlash of what you posted on FB (which i might add anyone who is your friend can see) then my advice would be for you to just not post it...but if you chose to post something where everyone can see, you need to be able to handle any possible criticism that may be thrown at you by meddling relatives.


sarNie Juvenile
This is why I never post anything personal about my life or emotions on facebook. I have all my husband's sisters on my well as college friends who I dont want them knowing any of my issues. Telling someone to go die is not appropriate either. Just be careful next time you post anything that might cause any damages to your relationships with anyone.

Honestly, if I see my brother's gf post something like that about him, I'd raise eyebrow too.