I read it in an interview of his before NNS aired. I think he's just finishing taping of Padiwarada then he's going to Japan for "training" again. (2 months if I'm not mistaken). I'm not sure but I think they discuss it here:
You know what, before, I really hated his manager for exploiting him and making him do endless work, then making him do concerts and go abroad for training and all that. But after I thought about it, I realized there might be some logic to it. I think his manager is giving him time to grow and learn more things until his face "matures" or at least until he gets offers where he gets paired up with a leading lady who at least looks close to his age. It's bad both for him and the girl whenever they get paired up and the girl gets criticized for looking too old for him, or him being too young for her, etc. Also maybe they'd train him to sing better? (not that Japan is the best place to study music . Johnny's Junior, nuff said.

) I dunno. Whatever it is, I hope the kid gets a vacation, or less hectic work when he goes abroad. His schedule is crazy.