James Ji's Magic James Concert


sarNie Adult
@Mongstaness  :lmao3:  I suppose it's like eating sushi. It's an acquired taste. hahaha. I'm a James Ji fangirl and I admit, I did cringe (I still do actually) when I saw him dance the first time. Even some clips in the concert were ... well, cringe worthy, but it's like a guilty pleasure you know. I can't explain it. It's cute. I guess his shamelessness when he does it and his "joy" when he dances just makes it worth watching. You know that feeling of a mother who sees her child try to dance like the big kids? Something like that.  :scratchhead2:  oh man, did I just make it sound worse?  :lol: Suffice to say my feelings for James Ji is complicated.  
What about when he just dances? I think it's the type of dance. He has talent, maybe he just hasn't found the right dance genre for himself. He's so cute when he ballroom dances. a bit gay, yes, but it's also kinda smexy.  :pervie:


sarNie Adult
I finally watched the concert dvd which I ordered online. I have to say it's such a big improvement from the monkey king fan meeting. If you're a James ji fan, this concert was really made for you. I mean there was never a dull moment and I was smiling the whole time though i didn't understand a thing. The biggest hit or improvement I think is the entrance song. His entrance song in monkey king was soooooo bad. In magic James they really made him give 110%. By the third song he was already sweating buckets of sweat, the poor kid, but his energy is incredible. He looks more comfortable on stage in this concert. He really owned it. of course he still had his quirky moves which I think would only appeal to his fans and make other people go "wtf?!" He has mastered what his fans want to see so you'll hear them scream at James Ji's will. Hahaha.

B2T was also very good. I didn't understand what they were saying but i was laughing so hard at their antics. It was cute how they antagonized James and their dynamics were really on point. As for the musical, I didn't appreciate it as much as I thought. I thought I would want to watch that part more than anything. But i found the other parts were more entertaining, probably because the musical part was dialogue heavy and I didn't understand most, if not all of it. But bella is a good dancer. She was on tune and she was not unpleasant to the ears. She was really very cute. And I found that she was really acting and emoting in the small dramatic parts. In the musical James was not giving his 100% in the acting parts, probably because in the play he was still supposedly "James ji" who just got stuck in the play so you can still see him breaking the fourth wall. So his eyes were really lacking in the mushy parts. But other than that, Bella and James are really cute together. They should have more dance numbers together. So overall I give the concert 9/10. If given a chance I'll want to watch his concert live.