sarNie OldFart
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weird dream you have there...ok i dreamt i was in my mom's room watching lakorns or w/e and then it had a commerical to vote for KIM RAIDER or AUM ATICHART and yo had like 1 hour or something and u could go online or txt or something but man i don't kno what the hell i was doing but i was like frekain out then i had to go to my cousins house and brought my laptop in the car and tried to get into her router and then i remmeber typing in NUM cuz the frekain computer thing was messed up ors omething but man aum better have won lmao it was like a american idol type thing lmao
lmao oh honey yo haven't heard my dreams they are like weird to the extreme lmaoweird dream you have there...the only dream I had that has harit and soriya was the one that they were running in the jungle because a crocodile was coming after them...
:loool: :loool: :loool:CECI THIS IS FO YO LMAO
ol... a monster kekek.. xp.....i can't believe it, this thread becomes a monster!
thanks my deary khun ying sala...lmao aiko that is whats good i love it!
lmao.. hahaha i still gotta watch it keke.. i only saw a lil glimpse of aum n then i went to sleep keke.. xp...ok i dreamt i was in my mom's room watching lakorns or w/e and then it had a commerical to vote for KIM RAIDER or AUM ATICHART and yo had like 1 hour or something and u could go online or txt or something but man i don't kno what the hell i was doing but i was like frekain out then i had to go to my cousins house and brought my laptop in the car and tried to get into her router and then i remmeber typing in NUM cuz the frekain computer thing was messed up ors omething but man aum better have won lmao it was like a american idol type thing lmao
lol.. no probs ceci.. kekeke.. i still gotta rewatch it .. iono y i havent yt.. but i def will soon keke.. gotta get the slow fever burnin again.. xp ..wow. you brought back my fever again AIKOi love ateam.
HI STD. MY DARLING. i'm at work. cant' be on msn .. emessenger freezing me out :blush:
awwwwwwwwwwwwe.. im still an ateamer all the way.. but i dont mind aum n pinky though.. but i still super love ateam keke.. xp .. T_T...well, you definitely beat me to it . .i haven't own a page here since i last ask Aiko for it..
btw. you know i've convert from ATEAM SUPPORTER to AUM AND PINKY all the way !!!
i still love and adore ATEAM in my heart. deeply but i had face the truth and accept PINKY AND AUM together after what i heard Pinky said in CLUB 7 .. my favorite interview clip from her.