i'm like a beginner at ps...i'll try to teach you when i know morelol.. its a nice banner though hehe.. besides.. u know how to use ps.. i just use random stuff.. u gotta teach me one day.. muahaha... hmm.. so is there still a limit on sw for image for sigs?
ahhhhhhhhhhh you got the ch3 calender, that's sooo cool <3lol.. muahaha.. did i tell u galz i got my ch3 calender already.. hehe.. i got it a few weeks ago but 4got bout it lol.. im such a loser hehe..
hehe.. my harit bear hehe.. n ch3 calender.. n baby popeye lol..
cute<3 i love my harit bear too ^^hehe.. thanks starry for the harit bear.. ^_^ lol.. i kept 4gettin to post pixs lol..
i love my harit bear hehe...
awwwe.. how cute.. it seems like jlr all over again hehe.. except its not ateam hehe lol..took my math final today...so hard for me...i'm so mad at myself, we had a review packet, and i finished only half of it, and it turns out that the whole multiple choice was from the review packet ARRRGG!
anyways..have you all seen this http://dirtiilaundry.wordpress.com/2009/01...sland-with-aum/
credits to dirtii laundry ^^
anie baby.. i love them.. hehe.. ^_^omg .. i dont like chemistry .. im super duper bad at it LOL
anyways gurls, i did some banners on aum/ann for bbk.
check it out =]
ooowwwweeee.. wat kind of ateam dream... hehe..hello honeys! woot tomaras chinese new years evee hehehe i believe i had a dream involving with JLR when i remmeber i'll share hahaha
lol.. **sigh.. i still remember my ateam dream.. keke.. ^_^... :drools:share ur dream gp! ^_^ the last JLR dream I had was about harit and soriya being chased by a crocodile... weird... they should've been doing a steamy scene in my dream... :drool: :drool:
it's chinese new year's eve here tonight... I remembered it coz we had nian gao a while ago...
I want to have a JLR marathon again but so many things to do... I haven't even started cherry & mart's lakorn yet...![]()
lol.. i just checked that out awhile ago.. i cant believe they did that to kash.. >_<..m aiyah..anyways .. do u gurls noe tat we got quite a heated argument in SW?
this is super cute.. hehe.. who wouldnt have a secret crush.. on AFF.. hehe.. I WOULD.. lol.. xp.. but not like sarn tot he extreme.. hehe..hey did you all see this:
i think it's cute <3 lol
it'll be a miracle if they got together.. it'll be a dream come true for the jlr sisters.. n ateamers.. hehe..I want Aum with Aff so bad but now, seem like is impossible since they both are in a relationship. However, I'm a bit annoyed with all this Pinky going all public with Aum now. I mean, she's like Aum this and Aum that. Kinda getting on my nerve - I just hope their relationship will not pull down Aum's popularity. I want him to be more serious with work.
lol.. i think everyone can see ateam's great chemistry.. hehe.. n muahaha.. theyre gonna get the deed done this time.. hehe..the thread is closed anyways
lmao .. i noe .. but its just soooo annoying!
i mean i didnt even register there, cos when i was trying to see the thread there
they were kinda rude in my eyes but maybe they r joking .. who knows
n they dont really like our Aum lol(not that it matters, since the less ppl liking him .. the more chances i have being wif him :drool: )
lol .. ok i think hate is too much .. i dont hate pinky but just dislike having her wif aum .. lol
im such a bias .. i like ATEAM too much!
but, despite the fact that they r going out, photos n all .. somehow,i just dont feel their love u noe
sometime when u see celeb couples, u can really see that they r in luv .. i just cant feel it in Aumky
but in the namtam mai shoot .. whoa .. can u see how aum looks at aff n vice versa??
lol.. ur so funny donna.. lol..it's ok if they don't like our Aum... lol... we don't have too many competitors to his heart... :loool:
the NM shoot was sooo sweet!! :wub: aum and aff were like couples in real life there... lol
have you seen aff's new garnier commercial? the part where aff was looking out at the window... I imagined her waiting for Aum to come home...![]()
credits: ATEAMforum
lol.. dont worry so.. im like hekka behind in everything lol.. haha.. omg.. oil n joy omg.. i 4got bout that 4 a bit.. shoot.. lol.. i'll prob watch that soon hehe lol.. but im catchin up in mart/cherry lakorn..I've been so into a different country's drama that didn't know my lakorn has started airing...like Ruk Nee Kiang Tawan and Mae Ka Kanom Wan...hehe
Oh well...As long as Ken's didn't start, then I'm cool...I kind of lost interest of Oil after I met him when he came to CA last November...not excited to see him onscreen like I used to...
I try to drop by every now and then to say hi...it's so funny, cuz I used to be a big Ateam fan...but now, I'm barely an Aum fan because Ken stole me away...and I'm a big Kaff fan after JR...
i still like oil.. but.. hmmm... iono.. hes just handsome to me now thats all.. but still a good actor... i like him best with mo.. aum is alrite.. hehe.. but i like mo best with cee.. hehe.. ceemo.. xp..My like for Oil had fade off as well - though I would still watch him
As for Ken - I don't like him much after Sawan Bieng and of course after Jai Rao - I know that I don't like him anymore![]()
As for Aum ( I want him to drop pinky.hahaha) - I'm all for him. I like him more and more haha and having AFF with him is like WOW! I'm officially taken by these two. They will always be my ATEAM - Favorite couple in Thai Lakorn's (or movie if they will have any together)
thanks rr... sheesh.. where are u gettin all the sources from these days.. lol.. haha.. j/k lol.. aummie is so kute..hey JennieN. ^^
i love ATEAM, i am so in love by them lol but i think that aum and ann look great together too
i love oil, especially with aump. but i'm liking lift a lot now
i love ken, he looks great with ann. but he does look good with aff too.
oh, did you all see these pictures of aum?
he is sooo cute
OMG... WTFUDGE lol.. haha.. :rofl:.. omg lol.. hahaha..hmmm.. this is when he still had ihs real hot mullet... hehe..awww .. aum look so cute there rr!
but lmao .. this pic cracked me up!
lmao.. omg donna.. :loool: indeed she would lol..ah joo performing wearing a fairy costume! :loool: :loool: I'm sure ah yong would also laugh her butt off! :loool:
yea i knew spicy alwaise goes offline.. only selected members can go on.. i have an account.. i made one last year.. but .. **coughcough** i was banned for no reason.. aniwaise.. yea.. i didnt bother much.. but they started fresh again this year.. so they unbanned all banned members.. etc.. so im unbanned lol.. haha.. but i only go once in awhile just to get info.. its really strict though.. i have so little post.. lol.....aum does looks soo sexy in BBK...his hair is amazing and his eyes are so seductive
hmmmmmmm i wonder where is the news about Namtan Mai....i guess they want us to keep waiting...silent but deadly lol
i know...it was so funny...at least he has a nice body
no i haven't...i haven't watch a lot of japanese stuff lately
the only thing i'm watch that isn't a thai drama is Boys Before Flowers......
hey did you hear about spicy forum..
it's off-line now and only selected members can log in...
i made an account, but i haven't really been on there...how about you girls?
i hope SW doesn't do that, i love this place...
lol.. iono if imma watch boys over flowers korean.. already seen both taiwanese n japanse.. n now korean.. aiyah.. so much lol.. but prob will if got nothin to watch..lol me and my brothers finished it yesterday. i had to stay up later to finish my homeworkOoOOo do not laugh bath house...that sounds funny
i love the japanese version, then taiwanese, then korean
but i haven't watched the final of hana yori dango, just 1 and 2...i love rui though
in the taiwanese, the 2 one was okay compared to the first one...i love vic <3 what a hottie :wub:
yeah, the korean everything happens so fast like BAM BAM BAM different.
OMG i love love love Won Bin. he was my first love ever. eversince autumn in my heart <3 he is one sexy man :drool:
gosh jerry's hair was so >_<.. to me lol.. haha.. n the headband too lol.. haha..hey GP <3
i love jerry with his pineapple hairdo LMAO
back off, won bin is mineso is aum too
won bin went to the army, they get recruited and have to serve their time. and i think he stayed a little more time after, but i heard that he's back from the army. he did a couple of commercials. i think some of them were for the wii. yeah, first love never dies.
GASP you got banned there once...i never posted there though.yea i knew spicy alwaise goes offline.. only selected members can go on.. i have an account.. i made one last year.. but .. **coughcough** i was banned for no reason.. aniwaise.. yea.. i didnt bother much.. but they started fresh again this year.. so they unbanned all banned members.. etc.. so im unbanned lol.. haha.. but i only go once in awhile just to get info.. its really strict though.. i have so little post.. lol.....
hmmm i dont think sw will ever do that.. it'll probably just close down for a few days.. if its really urgent or if theyre updating.. but im not sure though.. life would be very dif for me if sw ever closed down on me.. >_<
you should watch it...i kind of like it.lol.. iono if imma watch boys over flowers korean.. already seen both taiwanese n japanse.. n now korean.. aiyah.. so much lol.. but prob will if got nothin to watch..
wonbin.. who can forget him.. ooowwweee.. lol.. i fell in love with him the drama where he walks the dogs.. the drama with ryu siwon <--gosh hes freaken cute.. still is too n has such a good voice.. ^_^.. oh yea.. n the girl was kim hee sun i think.. well yea watever.. wonbin.. no matter wat he is still so.. oowweee.. lol.. n of course love him autumn in my heart as well.. hehe..
lol.. indeed he LOOKS HOT IN WHITE.. i only wish there was a bucket of water that poured on him lol.. omg im so naughty lmao.. **whistles.. hehe..won bin and aum are yours today but they'll be mine tomorrow...
since you said he had wii commercials, I went to youtube and saw his 3 CMs for wii... he looks hot in white... :drool:
he is still a kutie.. never changed hehe..lol fine, we can trade off days
i know, he looks GOOD in white hmmm. :drool:
iono where.. but all i know is that.. I LOVE THE MOVIE.. i only seen it in my language though.. hehe.. n omg.. AFF.. is so pretty in there.. hehe.. n the guy who plays prince blak is so kute.. (even though hes quite old).. hehe.. ^_^ it indeed is interesting... ^_^does anyone know where can I watch the movie King Naresuan with english subs? :huh: the movie looks very interesting and Aff is also in there so I want to watch it... ^_^