HAHHAHA omg like the same thing hapened to me its usually the Punch song that gets stuck in my head first hahah like in the morning haha cuz my first class is my algebra 2 class and today we were taking a test or w/e and i was lipping it haha and my teacher kept looking at me weird hahaha he prob. thought i was saying out the problems or somehting hahahhaha i was like o well haha but then towards the middle of my day the Boyd song gets in my head hahai love number 35... dang today well actually everyday when im n class... im always singing the song theme song by punch n my head... i dont even pay attention n class... like today n english we were suppose to b writing or watever... and one of our writing question was what was your favorite song? i had a lot but the first one that popped inside my head was jum loei rak...