Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
hahahha ya'll keep making me dig a deeper JLR hole of things to do being as bhind as i already am lmao i have to practice my flute for tomara i have to bring it in as extra credit when we play our homemade instrunments and i'll play the JLR song for my white pepole classmates LMAO
:loool: white people.....(digging a deeper hole)


sarNie Granny
LMAO i love it how everytime Aff/Aum is interviewed the reporter or whoever mentions one another hahaa like if they were interviewing Aum someone always mentions JLR and AFF lmao and in this vdo ^^^ that tui guy mentioned AUM and JLR about AFF ahahhahhahah
yeah...together forever....but deep inside i'm in aum's thoughts


sarNie Granny
ooo today when i went to see FK on the previews it had Bankok Dangerous and i was like AHHHHHHH ahhah me and my mom were like freakin out hahahhaha so yes we have to go see tha ANOTHER MOVIE DATE! <3 that's whats hawt hehehe seeing Chakrit reminded me of moh!
yeah... BANGKOK DANGEROUS trailer was super awesome....yes another movie date^^