Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
hey sisters, you know for my biology experiment stuff...turns out that i have 5 plants instead of one. im naming two of them JLR and ATEAM, hmm the other three...i was thinking of naming them after my sisters, but the thing is that there are over 15+ of you. so however wants a plant named after them, post in here and let me know. first come first serve. lol i can feel 98 gonna be one of them, that girl is too quick.
hmmm i had to go on a field trip..awww man...am i too later :( oh well you can name the whole thing: RR family ahahahah
but if no one asked already or not all the spots are taken...can i have one^^ hugs&kisses


sarNie Granny
yes, i was busy being a good girl doin h/w that's why i missed the "party" lol. lucky i have no school this friday (thursday US time) :D. muaha more spamming time, 98 & SALA you sisters are going down...to BAU BAU!
lucky...let see if you are going to take me down....I LOVE A CHALLENGE...just like my husband harit^^


sarNie Adult
Sala! I came on MSN so you could tell me how much you love me but where are you?
I'm going now to take a shower...Hopefully I will catch you on later kk!
Hugs and kisses love!

-moh moh :kiss: