Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Oldmaid
GAHA lmao girl please. if i dont' get the pervertedness here i'll get it at skool lmao them guys *shakes head* they get so exicted hearing 69 LMAO all u have to do is say 69 and look up and BAM someone makes a comment LMAO hahahhahhhahahaa

i have so many NOT so innocent n'sao!!! LMAO


GAH!!!!!!!!!! i just finished watching RAIYA's MV omg i was about to cry i miss JLR so much =[ =[ =[ gah them scenes make me want to watch JLR again atm ahahahhahaha gah i love it wo hooo next Sarah's heheheheh gah wipes tears


sarNie Granny
LMAO my NUMBA hahahhaha hehe i was thinkin my SWEET SIXTEEN is DECEMBER 19th (remember my birthday darlings) it was one of my stories i was gona share w/ ya'l but ima make my sweet sixteen JLR <3 i already talked it out w/ my parents haah sorta........... well since i already got my car my bday BIG JLR BAMMIN PARTY
i will remember^^ AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JLR early :kiss: heehee


i have so many NOT so innocent n'sao!!! LMAO
we all INNOCENT on the OUTSIDE not the inside...........LMAO see all ya'll thinkin GP is comin in here all inncoent not knowing nething lmao psht........... thses daily experiences at school geeez makes me as inncoent as ya'l are LMAOOOOOOOOO i love ya'll ahhahhah


SARAH DALRING! THAT MV WAS FREAKIN HAWT! god i'm like crying watching these =[ ima make some more as soon as SUMMER comes only about a month left!!!!! WO HOO!


sarNie Granny
LMAO we have a soccer team now? ooo tha'ts whats hawt cuz our JLR ATEAM FOOTBALL SEASON is over hahahha so now summer SOCCER THAT"S HOW WE JUNGLE ROLL THE GREEN SOCCER BALL LMAO
yep...or baseball/softball or volleyball or basketball or tennis (they have green balls) or golf or la cross or some other sport....heehee :loool: a green soccer ball....how are we going to see it.....when the grass is green too lol

wait. who are versing....the S-B-people


sarNie Granny
we all INNOCENT on the OUTSIDE not the inside...........LMAO see all ya'll thinkin GP is comin in here all inncoent not knowing nething lmao psht........... thses daily experiences at school geeez makes me as inncoent as ya'l are LMAOOOOOOOOO i love ya'll ahhahhah
i'm always innocent until i see my lovers...then that's whole different story...