Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
lmao, who to blame on for the spamming...*thinking...argh ding* points finger to the following ppl: RR, SALA, AIKO!!!<---baubau is hunting all of you down.
lol.. hahaaha im in the list xp lol.. hahaha .. i'll just run around lol.. hahaha n play hide n seek xp lol..

edit.. i own this page.. and its the whole pg xp lol...


Staff member
LMAO, the pictures of the "water war" is making me laugh so badly. sisters, you know it's just my biology experiment right. 555+!!!
lol.. hahahaha good luck with ur experiment xp..


Staff member
lol, did you guys know how i seperated by groups. i purposely put all the spammers into one group (sorry aiko, maybe you we're suppose to be in here too but i think you werent a sis yet)...and yeah. TAP WATER RULES.
lol.. hahaha it's kool lol.. i will move up lol. .. hahaha yup i was a new sis lol.. so that was y lol.. xp lol... hahaha n no it's bottled xp lol... remember bau.. how many water bottles there was in there xp lol..


Staff member
lmao, im gonna put the 'WAR OF BAU'S BIO EXPERIMENT' stuff on my siggy with the teams too like the jlr soccer team list that i did...that way it's easier for ppl to remember or look lol. if you forgot your groups just look at my siggy for details lol.
lol.. luv it bau..


Staff member
sala:...lmfao, that picture with all the bottle water and what you and some other sisters considered to be "SEX" is actually "EXES"...didnt you guys see the "E" on the end..plus, you were reading it upside down too lmao.

EDIT: since this is the first post on this page...for my team mates SALA AND RR...TAP WATER RULES X INFINITY
lol.. so its not sex lol.. hahaha ...xp..


Staff member
omg JLR is still going and im glad cuz im like still
obsessed with this lakorn all this time.. aum is just toooooooo
lol.. hahaha no one can forget jlr.. its wild n contagious xp lol.. hahaha i still luv it LOTZ xp lol..


Staff member
bye na everyone, i dont know if im coming online this arvo...probably tired from b-ball plus i have a massive load of assisgnements to do. from now on i can only probably spam in the morning ONLY..if i do wake up early. cause i got to consentrate on school from now on...:(
lol.. i tried to wake up early tosay but still slept xp lol.. i cant here my alarm nowadays xp ..


Staff member
oooh, i last thing...MR ATICHART CAME ONLINE AT ATC YESTERDAY, wed 7th @ 2pm australian time...too bad i missed him again! lol, he posted that he was trying to use the ATC chat thingy but it would let him loggin or something.
lucky.. i dont know how to use that xp lol..