oh wow, the older version Peemarn sounds like a really sweet guy!
*gasp!* when i saw the preview of Peemarn yelling at Luck about knowing how it feels to be separated from the one you love i was totally going to cry! first of all because that jerk of a little brother was right! second because i was sad that Luck really would be separated from Gluay! T-T
but then KSSSSSSSSSSSSH <---sound of divorce paper ripping lol
and then i cried again because i pitied Jed! ><
sajenna your post reminded me of the other lawyer in Pong's lakorn (Tawee) who was not very mature imo lol but this lawyer is smart and knows who is the person taking care of the other one!
right!? Don was kind of player-like but he was a good guy, i also really liked him and how sweet was he when he was going after nong Da! and despite some see it as a slow drama, i very much appreciated that HJSP was not filled with meaningless drama yet it still satisfied the romance! it intro me to Boy and Taew, who paired with Por really well!

fftopic: OMG i watched the teaser for Boy/Vicky lakorn and even though i wanted to watch it because i like Boy, it DOES look very violent! ><