I second that cause it really does hurt the viewer!
No kidding. I swear every time Luck does things (i.e, call Jane, attempts to R wife)that gets Kluay guards up and in arms against him I become really Peemarn like with my 'why, why, why!?'And 'no!, we want her guards down and in your arms, you fool!' Yeah, totally an unpleasant sight but a pale comparison to Peemarn's waterworks for sure. lol.
makie is a lovely child especially when she defends her "mammy" against her "daddy". that's all funny scenes when she pulls out her dad and luck's face after that.
I adore Mackie's interaction with Luck. Luck who's use to charming the ladies always seem to have this 'how can you say no to me?'smile when dealing with his daughter and watching the fall of said smile as his daughter tell him 'no. You're sleeping alone tonight' and then none too gently drag him him out is priceless. lol. They did a great job in casting this little girl because she has great chemistry with both Daddy and Mommy.
Noon and Pong look sooo cute together! ahhhh what a dream couple! >< beautiful chemistry also!
i cannot wait until next episode! Markie will get a sibling lol
nice one natesen215! lol Triple J are getting on my nerves. i pity Jed at least, but he's getting to become the "no means no" guys
Feel free to call me
Nat. My username is kinda long.

But it's a good thing their names started with J's and not X's else they'd have their faces blurred out or white napkins around their faces because of Thailand's need to censor anything deemed inappropriate for viewers. Hmmm..now that I think about it, maybe it'll make the characters less annoying? lol. But yeah, I do feel for Jed but I feel more when Luck's feeling on Kluay thus when Jed's behaviors and actions disturb the latter I get upset!
:angry: I totally agree with u, I'm so mad when luck called jane, he gets on my nurve. :thumbdown:
I three, :heart: this scene is diffrent from other, it looks so inten :wub: luck acts very real in this scene. I can't wait for this friday :r-scene-pop-corn:; :baby-scene-pop-corn:
I think the whole calling Jane thing was Luck's way of telling Kluay and himself that he doesn't need her to be happy or himself. If only it was true, Luck. lol. But yeah that attempted 'R' scene was intense. The way he stalked her with his eyes. :nailbiter: I kid you not that if Kluay's clothes had a mind of it's own, it would've ran from Luck. Hmm...now that I think about it, damn, why didn't it?! Stupid clothes! :whatever:
:lmao3: You are hilarious! The Triple J's. Gotta love that! Luck is such a kid. Whenever he thinks Kluay did something bad, he calls Jane to get back at her. So childish of him.
They both do look very comfortable with each other. I enjoy watching the BTS.
Luck is 8 year old Mackie stuck in a tempting adult body. If that makes any sense. lol. For a savvy business man, I find it extremely amusing that he pouts when he doesn't get want he wants. Not to mention I find him extremely cute as well. :crush: But yeah, I love the bts. It looks like they're really close. So close in fact that Pong doesn't want Noon to answer whether or not he's similar to the character Luck. Afraid she'd tease him I guess.

Btw, another favorite scene from episode 10 is when Mackie got Kluay to kiss (more like sniff) Luck. Being one to always take advantage of the situation, I love that Luck went for more kisses despite Kluay using her hand to block her cheeks from his kisses. Resourceful pra'ek, I likes!