Kon Rak Game Payabaht(559 OnAir)


sarNie Hatchling
well i hope that since they started filming already that they will air it sooner than the plan date. kob haven't done a rape scene in a long time. i wonder if they chakrit will get to kiss kob at all??


sarNie Adult
I'm too excited I can't wait...i hope there's tons of romantic scenes between Chakrit and Kob....keeping my fingers crossed....


sarNie Adult
Cute...omg..where can i buy that magazine? I love Kob and Chakrit too much...i want that magazine...help?


sarNie Elites
jackielee978 said:
Here's Chakrit and Kob on the cover of Cheevit Jing Magazine:
Credit to Moilee for finding it


aHHH thanks for the mag pic they are so damn hot man!!!!! i seriously can't wait anymore... i wanna see thelakorn so bad... anymore news new pics/// (behand the scene?) shoo... clips./// ;lopl//// :D


sarNie Elites
omg thanks sooooooo much....man I can't wait any longer....I really really want to watch this lakorn so bad now....man they need to hurry it up...lol


sarNie Elites
OHHH myyyyy.........the more pix i see the more anxious i get!!..........ahhh thank u for the pictures.....this one is goin to be a great one!!.....DEFINITELY!! :lol:


sarNie Adult
AHHHHHHHHHh......I can't wait...I wanna see it sooo bad....this couple is gonna be such a BIG HIT!


sarNie Adult
thanks for sharing the pics..love it..i can't wait...my heart is pounding.....LOLZ....Charkrit should give me that tissue..LOLZ...