From the summary that i read...there was a part Chartchai hire people to kidnaped Joy to the house in the woods. but he didn't mean to kidnap her he didn't know that she was her mom's daughter ,he wanted her mom to give him this land,well after he saw that it was her he was shock because he know it's the girl that his son(Aum) love . then Aum came to save Joy, Chartchai ran off. Aum+Joy ran away far, was safe. she step on sharp stick her foot bleed so he has to carry her walk thru the woods and he took good care of her, then later she got sick so they have to find a place to sleep over night. this is the moment she see that he is really a sweet guy and know that she has fallen in love with him with all her heart. because before they hide their feelings. he think he's not suitable for her because he's poor and she's rich and she has Ace-a rich,nice,educated guy that her mom arrange for her to get with. and their were misunderstanding between them etc...i hope there will be a twist on her wedding day with Ace if not then it wil s u c k that nang aek got marry to another guy. but hopefully she and pra aek will end up together at the end.