
sarNie Hatchling
Does anyone know where I can get an original version of Koo-Krum with englsih subtitles which stars Warut Worratum and Jintara Sukkapat? I've been looking all over but haven't found any that's available.


sarNie Adult
I know ethaicd sells this movie..although, I'm not sure about the english subtitle part...


sarNie Oldmaid
oh, i love koo krum.. its so good.. :) yah, you can find it on ethaicd.com... i found it once, there...


Yea he is like MIGHTY FINE lol....I use to know this site where u can go watch old thai stuff but man I duno it no more!


sarNie Hatchling
it's been out of stock for a while now...do u think its ever gonna be back on stock??lol...i want to get a copy too...dang it i should've gotten it when i have a chance...dang dang dang...well yea please tell me if there is another place i can get it at...or if someone has a copy of it...and make me a copy...i'll buy...eehehe...thanks...


sarNie Adult
if many people request for it, it'll mostlikely be back in stock, just put your email into that notify email box. a couple of the vcd's that i have purchased from the site is due to they putting the item back in stock. if there are enough request, they'll mostlikely find the item because it has happend before. i said i was going to upload this movie but then i couldn't rip it and it appears corrupted on my computer but i could play it on my dvd player so i don't know what's up. when i find a way to rip it, i'll put it up na! sorddie....


sarNie Hatchling
:slapandkissse3: hey i got that movie... like somone up there say kobori is fine!!! :drool: ....btw whatever happen to him.. i tried to look up for him but got ...blank..... :lmao: ...thank god i bought it years ago b4 it went out of stock :tease:


sarNie Hatchling
the only place i know of is ethaicd but then they are out of stock right now....

here is the page anyways: http://www.ethaicd.com/show.php?pid=179

that one has english subtitles even though it didn't say.

hey krystar are you positive that it has English Subs? Because if so then as soon as they notify me, I want to order one for myself! What if they don't have it? You think I should ask them first cause if I get one with thai...whew I WONT UNDERSTAND it at all!


sarNie Adult
i'm positive that there are subtitles. you can't turn it on or off but the subtitles are pasted on it, you know like 'hardsubbed?' the translated hmong version has it and as well as the original thai one :p


sarNie Hatchling
Yep! It does have english subtitles. I watched it last weekend in hmong with the subs pasted right on, just as Kry*star said.


sarNie Hatchling
hey but this version isn't the one with Num S. and Benz huh...
i want that one...
anyways...is it possible or was it just the one mentioned above?


sarNie Elites
aww... that is such a great classic... i remember watching it when i was little and my parents loved it so much... the only part i remember most is the death scene of Koburi with fire all around them....


sarNie Hatchling
GREAT NEWS EVERYBODY!!! It's been RE-LISTED on eTHAICD with the english subtitles. So order FAST!!!
