Lao Superstition


sarNie Juvenile
Some that i have heard

don't cut your hair on the day you were born because it was shorten your life span

don't sing in the kitchen because you will marry an old man

if you peel an apple in front of a mirror with a candle in front of it, your future husband will appear in the mirror

thats all i can think of right now what have you all heard?
lao and khmer superstitions are alomost the same like when u cook and sing u will have an old man for husband....don't khnow if it just a superstition but sometimes supertitions come from the thruth.... :rolleyes:


sarNie Adult
2cute2care said:
Some that i have heard
don't cut your hair on the day you were born because it was shorten your life span

don't sing in the kitchen because you will marry an old man

if you peel an apple in front of a mirror with a candle in front of it, your future husband will appear in the mirror

thats all i can think of right now what have you all heard?
GosH, i didnt know that singing in the kitchen gonna have that kind of consequence lol... :sweat:

i should stop singing like a crazy while cooking in the kitchen now... lol... :unsure:


sarNie Adult
if u had a bad dream from the night before, spit in the toilet and flush.

i suppose it's a way of ridding yourself of the omen or something... :unsure: for singing in the kitchen, this must explain why i'm with much older men. :lol:


sarNie Hatchling
there's a superstition about soaking sticky rice for more than 2 days or not soaking it one morning to cook the next morning, because it will turn red and that's a sign of bad luck, because the red color makes it look like blood, etc. my family talked about it one day and said that it's because in the past, if you soaked the rice too long, it would turn red and you couldn't eat it, it would make you isck or it would turn, something like that


sarNie Adult
OMG, I'm going to marry an old geezer!!!

Most of the superstitions you guys listed are all new to me. Except for the flowers.

I have a couple...
don't point at the rainbow cause you'll lose a finger.
Don't show a baby its reflection cause his or her teeth aren't going to come in.
Don't play hide and seek at night cause ghosts will hide you from the human sight.

There's much more, but i don't remember too much.


ok this will be my last reply before i head to bed lol...

-don't cut your nails at night it's gonna make your life horrible.
-don't whistle at night, you'll call ghosts [i still believe this one for some reason]
-don't forget to cover your sticky rice container [thip kow] or else u won't find a husband.
-don't sleep and eat or you'll be a snake.
-don't eat just the food without rice or you'd get a big belly that will eventually pop.
-don't sing while eating, or you'd find an older spouse.
-when you dream you've moved into a new house/lost your teeth, go to the bathroom and pee or do something so no one gets injured in the family because you've cleared this out of your system [odd thing i've dreamt my teeth all fell out and grew back in the matter of minutes--my grandmother passes away 2 weeks later and 2 days after, my little cousin was born]
-if you write with the left hand, you will be an odd child, so we were always forced to write with the right, eat with the right hand
-when a baby smiles at you, you will lose hair
-when the baby is new born and they pee on you, they will grow up loving you [my little cousin, when i was there for her birth pee'd on me, she is very afraid of me and does not show any kind of affection]
-don't rub/touch the baby's cheeks because they won't have a great meal after being touched or rubbed on the cheeks.
-if you have bird crap on you, this is very good luck?!? lol

okay i think i've listed most of what comes to mind lol hahah my posts are getting soooo freakin long now. geeh. :lol:


sarNie Juvenile
I remember that too, about don't whistle at night, you'll call ghosts. My sister believe in that.

Don't sharp the knife at night, the ghost will come and hunt ur dream. (i believe that)


sarNie Adult
great ones ning... it's funny that u speak of it. some i've heard since childhood, but quite a bit of these have recently been told to me now that i'm older and have visited home.

yeah i suppose the list goes on...and there's always that "calum" thing. :lol:


sarNie Juvenile
i have another ones to add

don't wash the dishes at night because you will wash away luck, money etc in real life

don't shower at night when you are pregnant because you will lose the baby

cuting hair on a wednesday is bad luck

if your right eye twitches its bad luck and when the left eye twiches its good luck

dreaming of a snake means a husband or a guy really likes you

dreaming of someone giving you jewellery means a baby is expecting

when the dog howls it means a ghost is around


sarNie Adult
anybody heard of when you put your hands on your chest when sleeping allows ghost to go into you? its happen to me putting my hands on my chest and my body froze and stuff, but its proven that your body can sleep but mind is still awake, but then again I did have my hands on my chest


Natty's #1 FAN!
noungning said:
ok this will be my last reply before i head to bed lol...

-don't cut your nails at night it's gonna make your life horrible.
-don't whistle at night, you'll call ghosts [i still believe this one for some reason]
-don't forget to cover your sticky rice container [thip kow] or else u won't find a husband.
-don't sleep and eat or you'll be a snake.
-don't eat just the food without rice or you'd get a big belly that will eventually pop.
-don't sing while eating, or you'd find an older spouse.
-when you dream you've moved into a new house/lost your teeth, go to the bathroom and pee or do something so no one gets injured in the family because you've cleared this out of your system [odd thing i've dreamt my teeth all fell out and grew back in the matter of minutes--my grandmother passes away 2 weeks later and 2 days after, my little cousin was born]
-if you write with the left hand, you will be an odd child, so we were always forced to write with the right, eat with the right hand
-when a baby smiles at you, you will lose hair
-when the baby is new born and they pee on you, they will grow up loving you [my little cousin, when i was there for her birth pee'd on me, she is very afraid of me and does not show any kind of affection]
-don't rub/touch the baby's cheeks because they won't have a great meal after being touched or rubbed on the cheeks.
-if you have bird crap on you, this is very good luck?!? lol

okay i think i've listed most of what comes to mind lol hahah my posts are getting soooo freakin long now. geeh. :lol:

it's funny how i'm not Laos but i believe some of this stuff...HAHAH like the "-don't whistle at night, you'll call ghosts"......sleep and eat...HAHA



lol yeah i think our folks got their myths and superstitions from the same source lol


Natty's #1 FAN!
noungning said:
lol yeah i think our folks got their myths and superstitions from the same source lol
:loool: :loool: :loool: :loool: i guess so...


sarNie Adult
i thought it was if u whistle at night the ghost will twist"bit" your lips?
i heard that if u cut ur hair at night, it will shorten ur parents lives, don't step over a guy's head"its Calum, but for what i don't know", don't eat at night by yourself while its raining cuz some kind of ghost will visit u"pee gong goy", not to step on or sit on the rice bag"calum".
just a few to share with you...


sarNie Juvenile
another 2 i wanted to add
if you don't was the dishes properly you children will turn out ugly
and when you cut your hair burn it in case someone takes it and use it to put a spell on you


don't ever play with your shadow or the shadow will choke you.


sarNie Juvenile
you can't be a bridemaid too many times because then u will not get marry ur self

when you sneeze someone is talking about u

dont try on weding clothes for fun because then u will not get marry for real