^LOL We're all so funny, we complain so much yet we keep watching. :spin:

Kwan's character Three Tip is too forgiving and sometimes senseless but for some reason, when I see Kwan's teary eyes and heartaching expressions, I can't help but feel sorry and adore Kwan. I think Kwan has really come around to portray this role very well, she definitely is receiving sympathy points.
I understand Kwan. Kwan's father keeps borrowing money, she can't just divorce Arnus and leave her father in debt and to the loan sharks. There's just no point in rebelling against Gaa Long either because one, she's pregnant and two, Kwan really loves Arnus, enough to take care of his second wife and unborn child without expecting things in return. I mean, she's stuck. Everyone already hates her as it is, it's just best not to contribute to the drama. I thought it was so sad when Kwan slapped Arnus and asked if that hurted because she's hurting much more than that but she has to internalize everything in, Kwan is so convincing. :spin:
Anyway, 4 more episodes to go before Kwan goes off air again and who knows when we'll see Kwan again if at all this year again. -_-
lynda: Well, both Arnus and Kwan married each other for love but at the same time, both had other agendas too. Arnus's was to get even with his grandmother and Kwan was to pay off her father's debts.