Mark-Kim World


sarNie Adult
i love this pic...haha the way he look at her...her hands on him , his hands on her waist (his favourite place) and most important...both their smiles when they are touching each other....finnnnnnn


sarNie Adult
they should have get closer.......

is my eyes got problem? or his eyes is aiming at her lips....he look like is only her in the world...hahaha


sarNie Adult
i am trying to imagine mk doing this scene..but kim in the place of won bin hahaha...i will just love that and do anything to witness the can any producer add this scene in any of the lakorn if mk is going to pair up...hahahaha


sarNie Adult
i wanted to find the video which i saw it previously where a dad was doing some exercise..not sure is situp or what...his little daughter was there as his supporter and everytime he finish one...he will kiss his little daughter...
haha if put mk in that scene?? kim is like his little baby ....encouraging him doing exercise cheering on him..once he complete one..he kiss her??? hahaha


sarNie Adult

just saw this...haha his nose on her face and he seems to be enjoying it with his eyes close...hahaha