Well, now...if the managers would behave more like adults, there wouldn't be this problem. I feel really bad for Mint Chalida...I really do. The feud between her own mother and Mark, who knows who else could be involved that depresses the young woman even more. 4 Hua Jai is among my all-time favorite series, and it's heartbreaking to see all of them fall apart due to bad management.
Mark shouldn't even be blamed for anything, in my opinion...because if this dispute really stemmed from the elders and managers, it is up to them to clarify things, not drag it for so long like this. Mint's Mom lost it after many years....Mark lost it after many years...poor Mint has to put up with this bs. The poor girl is probably in tears right now to lose many friends and...even fame. If Mark was smarter though, he'd confront the elders about it to settle things. But then, it takes adults to listen and make adult decisions. Mark's managers should step up their game if they want to be successful in the entertainment industry. These celebrities are being regarded as kids not only because of their age but also their personalities. Kids can't raise kids because there's lots of growing up to do. Mark has a lot of growing up to do because his managers have a lot of growing up to do.
Kim, on the other hand, appears to be Mark's best friend. There is nothing wrong with sticking with best friends thick and thin, but to be classified as a good best friend, you must be able to help your friend solve problems. As much as I love Kim, I think she should help Mark solve this problem. Sure, people thinks she should stay out of it, but since she already unfollowed Mint Chalida on IG, then might as well take it to the next level and make something good out of it. Might as well grow up and mature so that their fans will realize how great of a celebrity they are. Unfollowing a friend on IG is childish...better have good reasons and support to back up those actions.
Nevertheless, I still love Mark, Kim, and Mint...as well as the 4 Hua Jai gang. They've proven their potential to live in the entertainment industry (ie. Mint Chalida). It is up to the managers to grow up and mature.