Being married doesn't mean you have to change your priorities, but you have to adjust your lifestyle. If one cannot manage that, then he/she should stay single until they can bare the responsibilities of a marriage life. You also mentioned that this issue is a matter of one's perspective, so you saying that "Asian communities think that men are god and every women should bow down" is quite ironic don't you think? Doesn't seem like you try to understand the opposition's perspective before criticizing...
I did try to understand that's why I oppose that It is wrong if the women are actually cheating on their husband. Why isn't there a thread on "Should men go clubbing after they get married?" It sounds a little sexist when we're only talking about women going out clubbing and not understanding that if men do it they should have the same criticisms.
I'm just for equal rights and opportunity and I don't like it when only one party is at fault when both party is able to commit the same "crime"
Seriously, let me paint a picture....
The women and her friends are going to the bar/night club drinking and dancing with each other while the husband is at home so call hanging out with his children etc and everyone pity him because he's at home taking care of his children and being responsible.. and as for the girl, she will get criticize for being a whore, going out fucking around with her friends and being a selfish/irresponsible/unlovable mom. Do you realize that if this role was reverse all the women get is sympathy and no one will do shit about it. And you know she won't leave him because he is the bread winner of the family.
So, in this case lets just say that both women and men who decided to get married should not go clubbing without their other mate or should not go at all if they have children because it would only be fair to the children and to their marriage.
My view on a relationship is there should be boundaries, respect and trust. Two people should be able to communicate and decide what kind of relationship they want to have. they should not let other people ie: parents/siblings/society/religions/tradition/ and all those other factors dictate their relationship. IF the crowd has more voices then there's no trust and if there is no trust why the heck would people get married in the first place.
But my theory doesn't apply to all situation. Some people get forced to marry... (seriously what century is this??!! Force marriage should not happen anymore no matter what the circumstances are!!) Maybe because the love and trust wasn't there in the first place that's why either the husband or wife have to find an enjoyment and release elsewhere... so, lets not judge just one lady or one men when we don't know the whole truth to decide weather it is reasonable to say that married women should not go clubbing after she got married.
This thread seem to come from one person problems to why she decides to go clubbing and how irresponsible she is for leaving her children (if any is present) and it doesn't have any rights to round all the married women into the same circle and say that they're bad ppl for going clubbing.
Instead of talking about how irresponsible women are for going clubbing after they get married lets talk about something else.. Like irresponsible parents abusing their children mentally and physically/ doing drugs/ violence in the home/educating their children/saving the environment... just my 2 cent!