Materials Needed To Make A Celebrity Hate You |UPDATED 6/11/09


Siwon & Donghae =
Hey there!! I post this story before at soompi. But it became inactive and so I deleted because of time. But, someone how I really liked the idea of this storie and decide to post it up again. I'm a hard working student and mother as well. So please bare with me with the updates. My writing is not up there yet so I apologized for grammar mistakes if there are any. lol. PLEASE NO SILENT READERS!! I took time to write this and I want to know what you guys think of it. Please, If you click my story also please take the time its only like 5 seconds to post a comment. Thank you.

The following is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offence is intended towards them, their families or friends.

© `moey_ 2008 All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of `moey_.

Updated Last On ;June 11, 2009
Started On ; Nov. 22, 2008
Status ; On going
Starring ; Big Bang {Especially T.O.P},Toey as Park Yeun-ja & Peung Kanya. Special appearance by DBSK​


Hey. This is going to the girls. Have you ever fell in love with a celebrity?? You know one of those fan girl crushes? Did you ever dream that one day he would actually notice you and return your feelings? Things like that could only happen in our dreams. But believe it or not, that actually happen to someone.

In reality.

To Whom?

It happened to me. Wells, actually it was the opposite. I have NO interest in any celebrity. NO intentions of falling in love one. And I definitely have NO expectation of one falling in love with me.

Yes. You read that right. A celebrity. A very famous one too. Fell in love with me.

Yes. Me.

You're probably wondering is that celebrity blind? Stupid? Or even out of his mind?

Yea. I know. I wonder the same.

Why would a famous celebrity like him fall in love with a girl like me? I'm just an ordinary girl from America on a vacation in South Korea. I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking that I'm the luckiest girl to have a celebrity fall in love with me.

Wrong. I am not the luckiest girl. I stated before that I have no intentions of loving a celebrity nor do I have expectation to have one fall in love with me.

I'm not crazy or weird. I was never really fond of any kind of celebrities and that includes American celebrities. I find studying and reading way more interesting than them.

So what did I do when I found out that Choi Seung Hyun of Big Bang fell in love with me?

Gather up my materials to make him hate me.​



sarNie Granny
this sounds soooo great.....heehee so choi seung hyun fell in love with a ordinary girl....sooo interesting..i wonder how she will make him hate her...


Siwon & Donghae =
thanks for reading.. lols.. :p

He tells me it was Love at First Sight for him. I, Park Yeun-ja, do not believe in Love at First sight. Come on. How can anyone believe that? He's a celebrity. He's in a Korean Boy band. We first met on a plane to Seoul, South Korea. We met again inside an apartment complex. And there are MANY prettier girls then me. How can anyone possibly believe that?

I just notice I didn't introduce myself yet. I'm Park Yeun-ja. I'm 18 and currently on a vacation to visit my relatives in South Korea, Japan and Thailand. Too many countries? Confused? Nothing to be confused about. Let me explain.

I'm mixed Korean, Japanese and Thai. Korean from my father's side and Japanese-Thai from my mother's side. Pretty cool mixture huh?

After my visiting my relative in Japan and Thailand, I headed for South Korea. That's when met him. Choi Seung Hyun.



"It's ok"

I looked up from the novel I was reading to the guy who was sitting next to me. He was sniffing on my shoulders.

"Sorry about that again. Somehow my head just accidentally fell on your shoulder" said the guy

"It's alright" I replied back to him.


How could anyone not tell that this guy is a freaking pervert. So there he is... sniffing away.

"Sorry. But can you please get off my shoulder?"

"Come on babe. You know you like this. How much?"

Is he kidding me? Do he think I'm some kind of slut or something?

"Look dude. I don't know you. I don't know what you what. And I don't cost anything cause I'm not a fucking prostitute. So go find yourself some other chick that's willing to take your money."

"Now now baby, Don't play any games with me. I know you are one of them. Just look at the way you dress."

WTF?? I look at myself. I was wearing a baby blue tank top showing my cleavage with a blazer over it. I wore tight skinny leg jeans with some hot black boots.

"Look Mister perve. I'm not one of them. And I will never be one of them. Just because they way I dress doesn't mean I am one."

"Stop playing hard to get and give me some off that!!" He said looking at my body.



"Okie Okie!!" I said to him.

Don't get me wrong. I would never do anything like that.

"I knew you would come through" He said as his hand went through my hair.

This was the perfect moment to teach this pervert a lesson! I push him and...


"OUCH" The guy yelled out in pain.

"Sorry. This is a misunderstanding. We're a couple" The guy explained to the passengers who were staring at us.

"COUPLE?!" I yelled as I kicked him in his private part. OUUU!! MUST OF HURT!! AHAHHAHA PWUAHAHAHA -EVIL LAUGHS-

"Do you know that the females, the same type as your mother should be treated with respect! Not treated as something to help yourself enjoy your sick thoughts!!"

"Is something wrong miss?" The flight attendant asked me.

I looked pointed to the guy who was bothering me.The guy somehow became embarrassed and ran to the bathroom.


"Miss, Please calm down."



"Would you like to move to the International First Class?" The flight attendant asked me.

I calmed down and agreed to move. I went back to grab my stuffs and followed the attendant to the International First Class.

"Just find yourself an available seat." She told me before leaving to check on the Business Class.

I was walking down the aisle trying to find an available seat when I tripped on someone's foot and fell on him.

"OMG! I'm truly sorry!" I got off of him and apologized.

"It's alright. Here's a seat right here next to me"

The first thing that pop up on my mind was this guy has great English for an international guy.

"Thank you"

I sat down and looked up at him. I was shocked. I knew exactly who he was.

Choi Seung Hyun.

I know what you're thinking. How would I know who he is when I don't like celebrities?

Wells, I do keep track of the entertainment world. I do listen to music and I do watch movies, dramas and series. But for some reason I never really got attached to any singers or actors. People think I'm weird just because I don't like celebrities. Not my problem that I don't get all lovey dovey and obsessed over them.

"T.O.P? Of Big Bang?" I asked him.

"Yes. That's me. Are you a V.I.P?" He answered. He looks quite scared. Maybe he thought that I was his stalker.

"No. I just listen to your music."

"You listen to our music but you're not a V.I.P?" He asked me.

"Listening to your music doesn't necessarily mean I'm a V.I.P."

"So you just listen to our music? But you're not a fan of ours?" He had the cutest expression ever.

What am I saying? I don't like celebrities. Ok. Let's rephrase that. He had the most ridiculous expression ever.

"That's correct" I replied.

"How can that be?"

"Pardon me?"

"How can that be? You listen to our music? But you're not a fan? So that means you don't like none of us?"

"You know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

"Me? A stranger? I'm T.O.P of Big Bang!"

"Still consider as a stranger. I don't know you. The definition of stranger is someone you don't know personally. I do not know you personally T.O.P."

"You sound weird when calling me by my full stage name. Just call me Seung Hyun."

"Ok. Choi Seung Hyun."

"No! That's too formal. Seung Hyun. Just Seung Hyun."

"Don't you have something else to do?"

"No. Not really. Maknae is all the way over there with DaeSung so I wouldn't tease him."

"You're not going to ask where are Ji Yong and Young Bae?" He asked me.

"Do I have too?"

"What's your name?"

"What?" I asked.

"Your name. You know mines already so what's yours?'

"Sorry. I don't tell strangers my name."

"Come on. Tell me. Please?" He wined.

"Why should I? It's not like we're going to meet again."

"Are you Korean?"

"Why are you asking me personal questions?"

"I want to get to know you more. To my knowledge there's never been someone who listens to our music and don't like us."

"I didn't say I don't like you guys."

"You're not a fan."

"I'm not a fan. Doesn't mean I don't like you."

"So do you love me?"


"You said you like us. But do you love us?"

"I don't love celebrities."

"Not even actors?"


"I like you. You're different from other girls."

"I think I'm starting to..."

"LOVE ME??" He interrupted.

"I think I'm starting to HATE you."

"WHAT! You can't hate me! I'm too hot!"

"And conceited."

Seung Hyun talked to me through out the whole flight. I just sat there and try not punch him. I was getting really annoyed of him asking for my name. The plane landed at Incheon International Airport. I took out the address of my cousin that lives in Seoul.

"Now how am I going to get from this airport to his apartment?" I mumbled to myself.



sarNie Granny
this is cute....heehee seung hyun is soo adorable...finding a girl that doesn't like celebrities....that prev guy got what he deserves
The title caught my attention. I'll read later because right now I need to do my homework :D


Siwon & Donghae =

I dragged my luggage cart out of the gate. I looked over to my right to see Seung Hyun desperately trying to find someone. I'm guessing it was me. He did tell me to wait for him while he went to find his band mates. I went outside and called a taxi and told the taxi driver to drive me to my cousin apartment. He's the only relative I have here in Seoul. I haven't seen him for years. I wonder how he is now. I got to the destination and looked around. So this is the place where I'm going to spend 3 months at.

"Ahnyoung-ha sayo" I said hi to the lady at the front desk.

I headed for the elevator, dragging my luggage along. I wonder how my cousin looks like now. I haven't seen him since I was 13. He probably grew up into a very ugly man. Wait. I mean a very cute man. I wonder how he will react when he sees me.

"Room 611... Room 611... Room 611... Where the hell is Room 611?" I stood in the hallway confused and lost.

I can hear people foot steps coming this way. Maybe I should ask them where Room 611 is.

"Excuse me. Do you know where…?"


I looked up rather shock to see who was yelling at me.

"Seung Hyun?"

"Where have you been? I was worried. Didn't I tell you to wait for me?"

"Yah. Dae Sung. Don't you think something's wrong with hyung today? He was never like this when we went missing." I can hear Young Bae whispering to Dae Sung.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Seung Hyun.

"I live here of course. Along with my band mates. Here let me introduce you. Right here is Ji Yong. This is Dae Sung. That guy over there who's eating the chips is Seung Ri. We call him Maknae. And this is Young Bae."

"I already know who they are."

"Guys. This is… Wells I still didn't get her name. She still didn't tell me her name."

"Hi. I'm a stranger to you guys. So it's better if you don't know my name."

"Wow. Sassy. I like." Ji Yong said while looking at me with flirtatious eyes.

Seung Hyun sent Ji Yong a deadly glare causing Ji Yong hid behind Young Bae's back. It was kind of funny seeing Ji Yong run like that.

"Hey. I'm lost. I can't find Room 611. Do you guy know where Room 611 is?"

Big Bang looked at each other and exchanged strange stares at me.

"OMG SHE'S A STALKER!!!AHH!" Seung Ri screamed and hid behind Ji Yong.

"Stalker? What's that's supposed to mean?"

"That means Room 611 is our room." said Young Bae


"Yups. Room 611 is our room. Where we sleep, eat, where we bathe. Where we fight over stupid stuffs... Where we..." said Dae Sung

Room 611 is Big Bang's room. You got to be kidding me? Is my cousin a member of Big Bang? Come to think of it. That can be true. I mean I didn't see my cousin for years. OMO!

"Are you sure that's your room?"

"Yups." The all said at once.

"Can't be. That room was supposed to be my cousin's room." I said in confusion.

"Really. So what's your cousin's name?" Seung Hyun asked me.

"Micky" I replied

"Last name?"

"Park. Micky Park. He's my cousin. He lived in America for while before moving back to Seoul."

"Hm. No Micky Park here." Dae Sung exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

Ok. So my cousin isn't in Big Bang. Ah Duh! There's no Micky in Big Bang. Silly me.

"Are you related to Yoochun sshi?" Ji Yong asked me.

"Wah?? Yoochun??? Who the hell is Yoochun? I don't know any Yoochun." I answered him. Who is Yoochun by the way?

"I think you should take a close look at your paper" Young Bae told me. Why should I? I know I got the right room.

"Maybe your paper is upside down" said Ji Yong

I took a look at my paper and realize it is upside down. My first day in Seoul and I already made a fool out of myself. How embarrassing.

"So that means her room is actually 119!! YAY!! She's not a stalker!!" Seung Ri said while jumping up and down.

"This sucks. This mean I have take the elevator all the way down to the first floor?"

Seung Hyun came up to me and grab my luggage. " I don't mind taking you down there. Just think of me as your tour guide"

"Ouuuuu!! Someones in a good mood today!!" Ji Yong teased Seung Hyun.

"Seung Hyun sshi."

"Yes. Sweety"


"Wells I don't know what else to call you since you don't want to tell me your name" He replied calmly.

How can he be calm about calling a total stranger sweety?! ARRG! Guys make me mad!

I took the elevator down to the correct room. I'm still wondering who's Yoochun? Is Yoochun someone famous? Man I know I should of read more magazines on korean stars. I'm so late on things. Seung Hyun knocked on the door for me. He actually did a lot of things for me. Pushing the elevator buttons. Carrying the luggage. Catch me when I was slipping on the wet floor. And now knocking on the door? Well. It shouldn't be that weird since all those thing were common things gentleman do. We waited for 10 minutes and still no answer. I guess no one is home.

"Since no one is home, you can stay with me and the boys" T.O.P offered.

"It's ok. I'll find somewhere to sleep tonight. Beside I don't trust you. You're still a stranger."

"What's not to trust? You're staying in a nice warm apartment. There are 5 hot guys as your company. Ahem. I'm the hottest. Nothing can get better than that. There are a lot of girls who want to be in your place right now."

"They can be in my place anytime."

"Oh come on. You have no choice. Say yes."

AISH!! He's right. I really don't have a choice! He is the only person I know in Seoul as of right now. If I decline this offer who's knows what's going to happen to me. GRR! Where are you Micky oppa?!

"I guess. I don't have a choice anyways."

"GREAT! Now I can get to know you more. Do you like Korean food? I'm really good at cooking them."

"FOOD!! Hyung! I'm hungry." Seung Ri exclaimed when he heard the word food. Time really flies when you're talking to a very conceited celebrity. One minute you're on the first floor and the next your on the sixth.

"That is so weird." Ji Yong said as he walk up to me.

"Hyung has never invited anyone to our apartment. Not even YG Trainees"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"That means you are the lucky girl to experience how we spent each and every day of our lives!"

Somehow, I don't feel as lucky as Ji Yong make it seems.



Expired Sarnie
This is so funny!!! The first chapter reminds me of LHJ Por and Pat lakorns. LMAO

TOP is so freaking conceited. "I'm the hottest one" :lol:


Expired Sarnie
moey... you are so going to hate me because I like to harass the writers and guess what you are one of them. :lol: Feeling scared... Muahahaha!!! I know you are busy but I am so hooked on this. I think I have to come and bug you on a daily basis, well not everyday but maybe once every other day to motivate you!!! :D


Siwon & Donghae =

lols hahahaha... i dont mind being stalked by a reader.. i like to stalk some myself... i already wrote like 9 chapters.. of this.. i just didnt post it yet.. ahahahahah :p I'll post two chapters today..

anyways i havent watch lakorn for like awhile now.. i just started watching it after seeing how cute.. son and view of kaew lom pet are... anyone have the link to that lakorn of por and pat??

I walked away from Ji Yong and Seung Hyun to tour their apartment. It looks like a nice and cozy apartment to live in. In the hallways are gifts, posters, teddy bears and a lot of fan letters from their fan club. They must be really famous. The hall way is filled with stuffs from their fans. The apartment has a total of 3 rooms. How can 5 guys live in an apartment with 3 rooms? Wouldn’t be more convenience to have a house of their own? 3 rooms and a total of 5 guys. How do they sleep? Maybe they have bunk beds? Or maybe one of them has their own room. If one have their own room it’s probably Ji Yong . After all, he is the leader of the group.

“You must be hungry now. I’ll go cook up some dinner.” Seung Hyun said as he walked towards the kitchen.

“Yah ! Young Bae hyung. When does Seung Hyun hyung cook?” Ji Yong asked, scratching his head in confusion.

“Yea. When does hyung cook? Usually we just order some pizza or Chinese food.” Said Seung Ri.

“I bet it’s to impress… Seung Hyun hyung!”Dae Sung yelled out to Seung Hyun.

“WHAT!!” Seung Hyun yelled back.

“What is your girlfriend’s name?”He asked.

“What! I’m not his girlfriend!!”

“Oh come on. Don’t deny it. It’s so obvious that there’s a thing going on between you two” said Young Bae

“We just met today! How can I be his girlfriend?!”

“Wells. There must be something about you that made hyung change so much.” Young Bae smiled.

“I don’t know and I don’t care”

“So...” Dae Sung tried to speak.

“And no. I’m not going to tell you my name.”

Dae Sung crossed his arms and pouted. I giggled to myself. You know that was kind of cute.

“Come on. Why won’t you tell us your name?” Ji Yong asked.

“Because I’m like a total stranger to you guys. What happen to the DON’T TALK TO STRANGER phrase? And besides I’m only staying with you guys until my cousin gets home. ”

I'm so sorry but I love you
da gojidmariya mollasso
ijeya arasso
nega piryohe
I'm so sorry but I love you
nalkaroun mal
hwadgime nado moruge
nol ttonabonetjiman
I'm so sorry but I love you
da gojidmal
I'm so sorry but I love you
I'm so sorry but I love you
narul ttona
chonchongi ijojulle
nega aphahal su ikge

Gah!! That’s my cell phone!! Who changed my ringtone to Big Bang?!! PEUNG!! It’s must be her. She’s my cousin on my mother’s side. And she’s is so crazy in love with Big Bang especially Ji Yong. She even started her own Big Bang club. It’s called Big Bang Thailand. If she finds out about Big Bang and me, she’ll freak out.

“I thought you said you’re not a V.I.P?” Seung Hyun asked.

“Wah? She’s not a V.I.P? WAHHHHHHH!!!!” Seung Ri cried.

“I’m not.”

“But you have Kod Ji Mal as your ring tone” said Young Bae.

“Caught red handed!” Ji Yong said jumping around like a grasshopper.

GRRR! Peung! I’m getting you for putting me in this position.

“So she is a V.I.P? YAY!” Seung Ri held hands with Dae Sung while jumping around.

I can’t help but find that awfully cute that Ji Yong, Dae Sung and Seung Ri are jumping around like kids.

“I’m not. My cousin is a big fan of yours. She must off change my ring tone."

Seung Hyun smile faded. So does Ji Yong, Dae Sung and Seung Ri smiles. Young Bae was the only one out of the bunch that was calm.

“Damn. I missed the phone call.”

“Don’t worry they will called again. Let’s eat. I finished cooking!” Seung Hyun smiled happily.

Young Bae, Ji Yong, Dae Sung and Seung Ri all made weird faces. Is his cooking that bad?

“I tried my best to make this meal delicious just for you!” said Seung Hyun

Seung Hyun walked to the dining table and slide one chair aside.

“Uhhhh.. You can sit here. Everyone else sit where ever you like”

I'm so sorry but I love you
da gojidmariya mollasso
ijeya arasso
nega piryohe
I'm so sorry but I love you
nalkaroun mal
hwadgime nado moruge
nol ttonabonetjiman
I'm so sorry but I love you
da gojidmal
I'm so sorry but I love you
I'm so sorry but I love you
narul ttona
chonchongi ijojulle
nega aphahal su ikge

My cell phone ranged again. I looked at Big Bang.

“You can answer it. We’ll wait for you.”

I didn’t want to interrupt their dinner. That’s disrespectful. I excused myself and took the call.


“Yeun-ja ah!” A guy’s voice yelled out my name.

“Who’s this?”

“You idiot. It’s me your cousin!”He yelled

“OPPA! Where are you?!!”

“I’m sorry Yeun-ja but I’m not home right now.”


“I’m away at the moment. If I knew earlier that you were coming, I would lease you a room already. I’m sorry” Said Micky oppa

“Where am I going to live oppa? You could of called me!”

“I’m sorry my dear dongsang. Uncle didn’t call me until yesterday. I tried to reach you but your phone was off. Probably because you were on the flight to South Korea already.”

“Where are you anyway?” I asked him.

“I’m in Japan.”

“What are you doing in Japan?”

“Well right now. Recording our new Japanese single.”

“Huh? Recording? New? Japanese single?” I was confused.

“Oh yea. I forgot you don’t like celebrities. But you have to now.”


“Cause I’m one too.”

“You’re a celebrity?”

“Yups. Micky Yoochun of DongBangShinKi.”

“Micky Yoochun?”

“Yups. That’s my stage name.”

Omg. My cousin is a celebrity? Micky Yoochun is his stage name? They knew about this along! Big Bang knew my cousin was part of.. What did he say that was again? DongBang wahh…?

“Where am I supposed to live at now?”

“Don’t worry. I got everything covered.”

“I have to go now my dear cousin. Have fun spending your 3 months in Korea.”

“WHAT! You’re not coming back?!!!”

“I can’t come back now my dear. I have work to do. I’m so sorry. I have to go now. Bye and Love ya”


Wahh!! My oppa is leaving me in Korea all by myself. What am I going to do? I walked back to the dining table with tears in my eyes.

“Yeun-ja sshi? Are you ok?”Seung Hyun asked me

“I’m fine.”

Wait a minute. How does he know my name? In my knowledge, I didn’t tell any of Big Bang my name.

“Wait! How do you know my name when I didn’t tell you?” I asked him.

He bit his lips softly and smirked in a weird way. I got up and stood in front of him waiting for my answer.



Siwon & Donghae =

I stood there tapping my feet while waiting for my answer. How did he know my name? OMG. Micky oppa? He said everything was covered and that I will be fine. Did he tell Seung Hyun to take care of me? Even though their different group and all but they’re like neighbors right? Since they do live in the same apartment complex.

“So?” I looked at him straight in the eye and asked.

“You know what?” Ji Yong chuckled.

“What?” Everyone replied in curiosity.

“She looks like a angry wife getting mad at her no good for nothing husband” Ji Yong chuckled once again before he collapse to the floor laughing.

“Now that I think of it, they kinda do make a cute couple” Dae Sung replied with a face full of smiles.

“And you the weird think is they don’t even know each other yet “ Young Bae was the next one to reply.

“And you know what else?” Seung Ri said as the others staring towards his direction.

“What?” All of them yelled out.

“My little tummy says he wanna eat” Seung Ri rubbed his tummy.

“BOO! I thought it was something funny!” Ji Yong threw a biscuit at him.

“OUU! Biscuit! Thanks hyung! See Ri Ri tummy! Ji Yong hyung gave you a biscuit”

“ Immature Baby..” Ji Yong rolled his eyes.

Nothing is coming out of Seung Hyun mouth. He just sat there like a dummy watching everyone talk while I’m standing right in front of him.

“Promise me you won’t get mad at me first?”

“Why should I?! I’m the victim here! A stranger knows my name and I don’t even know why!!” I yelled out loudly. Seung Hyun covered his ears with his hands so he couldn’t hear it.

“Girl. Come down. It’s not like the guy rape you.” Said the bored Young Bae

“Ahem. Is it your business? This is between me and him!”

“Chill. I get it. No need to scream”

“This is so husband and wife mode” Ji Yong laughed.

“Tell me about it” Young Bae starts to laugh along with the others.

“Uhh… I … I… I’m sorry that I .. I… violate you” Seung Hyun cheeks were apple red. Violate me?


*Flashback* 3rd person’s point of view

“Would you hurry up? Gosh. You’re so slow. Slow poke”

“What do you have in here?” Seung Hyun said while struggling with the luggage.

“Oh. The usually stuffs”

“Make ups? Clothes? Accessories?”

“No. Clothes. Other stuffs and Hard back text books”


“Enough about me. What about you? Why are you so slow?”






“What the hell is that suppos…AHHHHH!!”

“I got you.” Yeun- ja opened her eyes and looked up. She wasn’t on the floor but in Seung Hyun’s arms.

Seung Hyun looked down at Yeun-ja. She was wearing a baby blue tank top with a blazer over it. He looked away and looked back at Yeun-ja. He just notice that he just violated her. Even though it was an accident but he felt guilty. Both of his hands were on her private upper area. He even saw the cleavage. He also notice something else. It was a customized gold necklace with a heart pendant. On the pendant was something engraved in it. It says Park Yeun-ja.

*End of Flashback*

“OMG!” I stepped away from him and covering myself.

“I’m sorry.”


“It was an accident. I didn’t mean to.”

“Come on. Cheer up. Hyung said it was an accident” said Young Bae

“Yea. It was an accident and plus hyung save you from the hurting you poor little behind” Ji Yong nodded.

“And he was sorry too. Don’t be mad at hyung.” Dae Sung said while flashing his pearly white teeth.

“Hyoung proobably doinn’t lioke it auuuny woouays” Seung Ri said with a mouthful of food in his mouth.

“Next time don’t talk with your mouth full. It’s disgusting.” Young Bae snapped at Seung Ri.


I guess I can’t really get mad at him. It was an accident.

“I guess I can forgive you.”I sat back down on the chair. “I’m just going to introduce myself since you already know my name. I’m Park Yeun-ja”

“How old are you Yeun-ja sshi?” Seung Ri asked me.

“Older then you and younger then Seung Hyun sshi ”

“Ouu. Can I call you Yeun-ja nuna?”

“Let’s eat already. The food is getting cold.” Said Seung Hyun as he took the first bit. I notice a weird face formed on his face.

Everyone else besides me took a bite of the food Seung Hyun cooked. They made a funny disgusted look and spit the food back out.

“Seung Ri ah. How can you eat this? It’s terrible.” Seung Hyun looked towards Seung Ri who’s tearing up his plate.

“Hey don’t complain. You made it. And you know me, when I’m hungry everything is good.” Seung Ri replied.

“I don’t know what I did wrong. I followed the recipe. It looks nice.” Seung Hyun mumbled.

“ Yea. It looks nice but it sure doesn’t take nice. I’m going to bed.” Ji Yong walked towards his room.

“Hmmm. Hyung wait up! I got first!” Seung Ri took the last bite and ran after Ji Yong.

“Nah Uh! I’m first!” Dae Sung soon followed.

“Yah! I’m older . I get first!” Young Bae yelled out.

“But I’m the maknae! I get first!” Seung Ri yelled back.

“What are they fighting about?” I asked.

“Oh. The computer.” Seung Hyun replied.

“Oh. Let me get that for you.” He said as he picked up my plate as well as the other plates.

I looked at him while he washes the dishes. He seems like a sweet and caring guy. Sometimes he can be a bit perverted, conceited and full of himself. But who knew a rapper with such a deep voice can be this sweet. The image that I thought he would be is so different then the image I’m seeing now. After he finishes with the dishes, he walked me to a room just down the hall from the living room. I took a peak at it. One bed. So this must be his room? I was right. Someone do have his own room.

“You can sleep in my room for now”


“You can sleep on the bed. I’ll just sleep on the floor.”

“Wait. You’re sleeping in here too?”

“If you don’t want me too I’ll just go sleep on the living room”

“Why won’t you go sleep with the boys?”

“Oh. Their probably locked their doors by now. You know guys thing?”

“What? But Seung Ri and Dae Sung…”

“Don’t worrie about them. They watch Doraemon. It’s the other two.”

“Eww.. Disgusting. What about you?”


“They three of you are all nasty nasty boys!” I slam the door on Seung Hyun.

Then I think about it. I don’t what to kick him out of his own room. I mean. If someone did that to me I would really be pissed? But in my case that wouldn’t count . Or does it? I opened the door for Seung Hyun. He was standing there pretty much confused because of my actions.

“Coming in or not?” I asked him.

He smiled at me and walked in. He waited until I feel asleep before going to sleep himself. So there I was snoozing away in Seung Hyun’s room, Big Bang’s apartment. You must be jealous huh? Don’t be. Lols. It’s really nothing.
Everyone waited for the bride to walk down the aisle. The groom waited anxiously. Finally it was time. The doors opened and two flower girls walk down the aisle sprinkling flowers on ground. Following them was a ring barrier. The spot light was now on the bride. She walked down the aisle with her father by her side. She smiled at her husband to be. He was amazed by how beautiful she looks. The bride reaches the groom and said their vows. They were about to share a kiss when suddenly the door was kick open. Crazy fan girls came running in.

“STOP!!!” One fan screamed

“How can you do this to us T.O.P oppa? We love you and you betrayed us!!”

“I’m sorry. But I love Yeun-ja. I want to marry her”

“Don’t scream at T.O.P oppa! It’s the girl that brainwash him! She wants his fame!”

“Yea. It’s her fault! She made him fell in love with her!!”


“SEUNG HYUN!! AHHHHHHH!! HELP!” Yeun-ja screamed as the crazy fan girls started to beat her up.


I woke up from another weird scary dream. What’s wrong with me? Two weird scary dreams twice in a row. Not to mention it was an Aladdin dream to. I was the Princess Jasmine while Seung Hyun was my Aladdin. Young Bae was the genie and Ji Yong was Abu. Dae Sung was my pet tiger and Seung Ri was the carpet. That was weird enough right? Nope. There’s more. Aladdin turned into a gigantic snake and wrapped around me. Not only it wrapped around me but it bite me also. First the Aladdin dream with a scary snake and then the wedding dream with Seung Hyun and Crazy fans?? Ok, now I’m afraid of crazy girl fans. They’re just scary. Stupid dream. I would never marry Seung Hyun. I stretched my arms and looked to my right and saw Seung Hyun?? RIGHT NEXT TO ME! What the? How did I get on the floor? I can swear I was sleeping on the bed last night. Oh my ..

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! His lips is on my lips?!!!! HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” I panicked and kicked Seung Hyun.

“Ouch. What was that for Yeun-ja sshi!” SeungHyun held his stomach and screamed in pain.

The others woke up because of my scream. Young Bae came out first. And the others followed him.

“Hyung, What happen?”Ji Yong asked Seung Hyun and helped him up.

“I don’t know. Yeun-ja sshi just kicked me for no reason”

“I.. I.. I panicked” I stuttered.

“What happen?” said a very sleepy Dae Sung

“Aladdin fell off the magic carpet?” Seung Ri yawned.

“Why did you kick me?” Seung Hyun asked me.


“WHAT?!!” All four of them yelled.

“I was on the bed last night. How did I end up on the floor with you Seung Hyun shhi?!”

“Seung Hyun hyung slept with you? In the same room?” Ji Yong asked.

“Did you two do it?”

Ji Yong smacked Seung Ri’s head for thinking about dirty thoughts.

“Tsk. Tsk. Seung Ri’s dirty mind. I wonder why people thinks he’s innocent”

“Seung Hyun hyung!! Dae Sung hyung is being mean to me again!” Seung Ri wined to Seung Hyun.

“Hyung! He’s acting again!” Dae Sung yelled

“Ahem.. Hyung.. How come you were sleeping inside the room with Yeun-ja sshi?” Young Bae asked.

“Ok. So .. Seung Hyun sshi How did I end up on the floor with you? I was sure I was on the bed last night.”

“Actually, I should ask you that. How did YOU end up on the floor with me?” Seung Hyun bit his lips in a seductive way. Arg. So full of himself.

“WHAT! Why would I want to end up on the floor with you??! Like I wanted my lips to be touched by yours!!!” I snapped back at him.

“We KISSED!! Why didn’t that happen when I was conscious!” He said with a perverted smile

“YOU TWO KISSED??!” Ji Yong, Young Bae, Dae Sung and Seung Ri yelled with their eyes wide open.



sarNie Granny
moey... you are so going to hate me because I like to harass the writers and guess what you are one of them. :lol: Feeling scared... Muahahaha!!! I know you are busy but I am so hooked on this. I think I have to come and bug you on a daily basis, well not everyday but maybe once every other day to motivate you!!! :D
ahem...and where are yours then >< do i have to harrass you ???????? i'm WAITING!!!!!!!!

ahhhh i love the two updates...thank you soo's so funny....aladdin....they kissed....she finds out micky is a celebrity...big bang is so funny...^^


Expired Sarnie
RR I am going to harass you in a little bit after I get out of this thread.

MOEY I love the two updates!!! SR is like totally off the hook, I can't stop laughing... everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious. Sr and Jy are so funny! Big Bang crew is hilarious. JY dialogues are so blunt at times.

BIG BANG THAILAND… Peung is so funny. I can’t wait until Peung enters the story. Is she is going to accompany YJ in Korea. Ahahaha!!!


Siwon & Donghae =

lolz!! peung comes inthe story in chapter 8 lols.. heheheeh shes gonna be in korea with YJ! Sorry if it's a little short.. :)

Big Bang came out of Seung Hyun’s room and sat on the couch. Seung Hyun was on one side of the living room. Dae Sung and Seung Ri was at the corner. What the hell are they doing? Young Bae told me and Seung Hyun to stand in the middle, while he and Ji Yong stood before us. Dae Sung rushed to Seung Hyun’s side and Seung Ri to mines.

“As the leader of this group” Ji Yong began to speak “I’ll will settle this like how we always do. BAILIFF!!”

Young Bae walked out of his room in a bailiff uniform with a spongebob gavel and a robe for Ji Yong. Ji Yong pulled a table to him and sat down.

“I call Seung Hyun hyung to the stand” Dae Sung ordered Seung Hyun to walk up to him.

“What happened in that room?” Dae Sung asked in a lawyer tone.

“I was sleeping and she kick me out of no where” Seung Hyun replied to the fake lawyer Dae Sung.

“And who is this she?” Ji Yong asked.

Are they playing dumb?? Or are they really stupid. Of course the she is ME! I’m the only girl here!

“Yeun-ja sshi” Seung Hyun replied.

“Ahem…” Ji Yong coughed.

Your Honor slipped out of Seung Hyun’s mouth. What kind of game are they playing? Judge Ji Yong??

“Your Honor, As you just heard from my client Seung Hyun hyung … SHE STARTED IT!!” Dae Sung pointed at me.

“Now now Dae Sung let’s here it from her side of the story.” Said Judge Ji Yong

“I would like to call my client Yeun-ja nuna to the stand”An excited Seung Ri exclaimed.

“Nuna? Did I tell you that you can call me nuna?” I snapped back at Seung Ri.

“Nuna..” He looked at me with puppy eyes.

“You can’t possibly turn down this sweet little thing can you?” Seung Ri cried with a sad look on his face.

“Fine. Nuna it is.”

“YAY!AHEM! Yeun-ja nuna, Why did you you kicked Seung Hyun hyung?” Seung Ri asked me.

AISH!I’m seriously going crazy! Someone take me to the mental hospital!

“Answer the question young lady!” Bailiff Young Bae yelled at me.

“OK! Fine! I kicked him because I panicked. I was sleeping on the bed last night and this morning I woke up lip on lip with Seung Hyun sshi. HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!!” I yelled .

“OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Yeun-ja sshii and Seung Hyun hyung sitting in the tree. K I S S I N G! First, comes love then comes marriage then come Yeun-ja sshi with the baby carriage!! That’s not all, That’s not all then come Seung Hyun hyung with the alcohol.” Big Bang excluding Seung Hyun teased me.

“Yeun-ja sshi, You are sentence to spending a day with Seung Hyun hyung at Lotte World” said Ji Yong hammering his spongebob gavel.

“Lotte World?? Why the hell Seung Hyun sshi? I’m not doing it!”

“Ahem… It’s your sentence remember Yeun-ja nuna!” Seung Ri patted me in the shoulder.

“Beside you’ll have fun no doubt about it!” Dae Sung was the next to pat me in the shoulder.

“Don’t worry Seung Hyun hyung will take good care of you!” Young Bae walked passed me.

“Remember, It’s a sentence!!” said the Judge Ji Yong. “You owe me big time hyung.” I can hear Ji Yong whispering to Seung Hyun.

“YAH!Why should I go out to Lotte World with him? I’m not going ! It’s not even a real court house!!!”


“Yeun-ja nuna!! It’s 10 already! WAKE UP!! YOU HAVE A DATE WITH SEUNG HYUN HYUNG!!” Seung Ri screamed at the door.

I opened my eyes a little and continued to sleep more. I didn’t have much sleep for the past 2 nights. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t used to the time difference yet.



“YEUN-JA SSHI!! ARE YOU OK?” Seung Hyun ran into the room. He managed to get the room opened even though I locked it. Oh wait. He’s the owner of this room. He must of have the key to it.

“AHHHH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE ROOM?!!” I woke up and quickly grab the comforter to cover my body because I was in my bra and undies.

“I’m sorry Yeun-ja sshi. I was worried about you” He apologized with his back turned to me.

“You can turn around now”

“Are you ready?” He asked me.

“Ready for what?” I asked him.

“Ready for our da… I mean ready for our sentence”

“What senten… Ohh… That sentence. I’m not going.” I told him straight-forward.

“Why not?” Seung Hyun looked a bit sad.

“Because there’s nothing in it for me. Beside, it was a fake sentence.”

“But you’ll have fun at Lotte World”

“Life is not all about fun Seung Hyun sshi” I closed the door on him.

AISH! Why do I keep doing that? Closing the door on Seung Hyun. It’s his room remember that! It’s his room. I opened the door a bit and scream to Seung Hyun.

“Give me an hour to get ready!”

Lotte World here I come!



Siwon & Donghae =

This chapter mostly focus on Yeun-ja and Seung Hyun oppa :D !! Thanks everyone for reading my stories. And that includes silent readers!​

I took a shower as quickly as I can and walked to the closet. What should I wear? Omo. Why should I worry about what to wear?!! It's not even a date.

Wells, technically it is.

Wait no its not!!


AHHH! Crazy conscious! Get out of my head!

"Nuna! are you done yet? It's almost 11. Hyunnie hyung has been waiting for an awfully long time now!" Seung Ri screamed at my door again. This is like the sixth time he scream at the door like that. What's up with them? They really want me to go out on a dat.. I mean sentence with him? AISH!

"Done!Gosh! You don't have to scream like that." I came out dressed in guy's clothing. Seung Hyun says I look so angelic even with guy's clothes and no makeup.

"Hold Up. Let me grab my beanie" I ran back into the room and came out with a beanie covering my hair.

"Wait! You can't go like that. At least, let your hair down." Young Bae walk over to me and fixed my hair.

"There much better, Don't she look cute hyung?" Young Bae asked Seung Hyun.

Seung Hyun nodded his head and opened the door for me.

"So where do you want to go today?" He shyly asked me.

"Ummm… Hello? Aren't we suppose to go to Lotte World!!" I waved my hands in front of him.

"Oh yea. Ok. TAXI!" He sounds a bit excited.

I looked over at him. He was literally covered up from head to toe. He even had sunglasses on and it's not even that sunny. And what's that in his bag? A mask. LOL. I guess he's prepared for this dat… AISH! IT'S NOT A DATE!

The taxi stopped and we got in.

"To Lotte World" Seung Hyun told the driver in Korean.

The taxi driver nodded his head and drove to Lotte World, one of the largest amusement park in Seoul.

"Well, we're here," He said while I got out of the taxi.

WOW! This place is amazing! And it's huge! OMG. I think I'm in love. Not with Seung Hyun but with Lotte World. Omo . I'm excited now. Should I thank Ji Yong? Nahh. I'll just thank Buddha. Oh forgot to mention, I'm Buddhist. I stood there for awhile looking at everything in awe.


"What?" Seung Hyun asked me.

"I want to go on the merry-go-round," I said again.

"Oh. You probably mean the Camelot Carousel.It's inside." He said leading the way.

"It's so big in here!" I exclaimed as I jump on Seung Hyun. AH! Get off Yeun-ja!! You're not suppose to be jumping on him. I guess I was a little too excited.

"Yep," Seung Hyun replied. We rode on the Carousel for a total of 3 times. Personally, I wouldn't even have gotten on if I was Seung Hyun. It'd be embarrassing if the guys saw him on a kiddy ride.

"Seung Hyun sshi, that was so fun!" I said happily. Shhh. People are looking! I should learn how to keep my voice down.

"Where to now?" He asked me.

"Hmm. BUMPER CARS?!!!"

"There's one outside and one inside.Which one you want to go to?"

I thought for a bit. "Either one is fine!"

"Is that it over there?" I ask him.


"What are you waiting for then? LET'S GO!"

He let out a small laugh and followed me to the Crazy Bumper Car. That's what it's called.

"Where you what to go next?"

"Hmm. I want to go to everything. Would we have time to do that?" I asked him with a little sadness in my voice. I really do love Lotte World.

"Sure we do. This place opens at night too."

"REALLY?!" I grabbed onto his arms. I feel like a fan girl at this moment. I can't help it. Lotte World is too much fun.

Seung Hyun looked at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand and held it tight. He lend me to the Bungee Drop.

"WEE! This is fun!!" I shouted out

We got off the Bungee Drop and went to every thing that was inside. Did I mention that this place is like a mini shopping center too? In fact it's like a mini city! I personally love the Camelot Carousel, The Bungee Drop, the French Revolution, Aeronaunts Balloon Ride and The Conquistador. In fact I love everything in here! And this is just the inside lols. Oh wait. I forgot to go to the ice rink.

"Seung Hyun sshi" I called him.


"We forgot to go to the ice rink! LET'S GO ICE SKATE" I pull him towards the Ice Rink.Gosh.. I sound like a demanding fan girl. I'm not a fan girl! I don't love celebrities. HELP ME!!


"Ouch" I fell down on my butt. Whoa! It's cold!!

"Yeun-ja sshi. Do you know how to ice skate?"

I shook my head and he laughed.

"It's ok." He helped me up.

"You got me with you"He held onto my hand so I won't fall.

We started to ice skate for awhile. I fell a few times and Seung Hyun was always there to help me up. I got tired of ice skating so I beg him to go outside. He says the outside part of Lotte World is called Magic Island.

"OMO!" I stood there in amazement. The outside is even better then the inside!

"Seung Hyun sshi! Look it's a castle!! This is like a mini Disneyland!!!" I jumped and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. Wait is he suppose to hug me back? Aish. Another fan girl moment. Gosh. Lotte World can turn someone into a fan girl? Lols. Or maybe I'm just too excited. I never been too anything like this in my whole life.Seung Hyun let go of me and we walk towards te castle. Castle Music Show. What a cute name for a castle.

"What's your favorite ride in here? I mean the outside part." I asked Seung Hyun.

"My favorite? Hmm. That would be the Gyro Drop, the Gyro Swing, the Atlantic Adventure that's a roller coaster and the Waikiki Wave." He replied.

"They all sound so good. I want to go on them all!" I never felt so happy in my life.

"Sure thing." He took my hand and we walked to the rides. I just love the Atlantic Adventure roller coaster.

We decided to leave after a whole day of fun at Lotte World. Sighs. I missed Lotte World already.


Third person POV

"You think hyung is having fun?" Seung Ri asked his hyungs.

"Of course he is." Young Bae replied.

"It was his idea in the first place so why wouldn't he be happy" said Ji Yong.

"Yea. He's the one that asked for the da… lols I mean sentence" Dae Sung slapped Seung Ri's head.

"Owww! I was just asking cause Yeun-ja nuna didn't want to go" Seung Ri wined.

"I can imagine it already. Seung Hyun taking Yeun-ja sshi to all the hottest rides in Lotte World. Yeun-ja sshi screaming "Seung Hyun sshi, Saranghaeyo!" because she was having so much fun" Ji Yong imagined.

"OWWWIE! HYUNG!" Young Bae threw a paper ball at Ji Yong.

"Sighs. Come to think of it.. I…" Young Bae tone sadden.

"WANT TO GO TO LOTTE WORLD TOOO!!" All of them said and sighed while making puppy faces.

"YAH!" Dae Sung yelled.



"BOO YOU!" Ji Yong threw a soft ball at Dae Sung. "Go get the door! It's probably Seung Hyun hyung."

"AISH!" Dae Sung got up and went to the door.

Seung Hyun carried a sleeping Yeun-ja in his arms. He headed for his room and laid her down to sleep. He left a slight peck on her forehead and left.

"OWWWW!!!" The rest of Big Bang yelled out in pain. They were eavesdropping at the door.

"So…" Young Bae asked his hyung.

" She loved it." He replied.

"YAY!!!" Seung Ri bounced.

"You owe me big time hyung!" Ji Yong said with his hand out.

"Sure. What you want?" Seung Hyun asked Ji Yong.

"I want a niece and nephew. GO BACK IN THERE!" Ji Yong said as he pushed Seung Hyun into Seung Hyun's room.

"OWWWIE! YOUNG BAE HYUNG!" Ji Yong felt his poor little head.

"That's for being nasty"

"Tsk. Tsk. Hyung" Seung Ri waved his fingers at Ji Yong.

"Hey! You can't do that!I'm the leader of this group!"

"WHATEVER!" Everyone walked into their rooms.

Seung Hyun gave Yeun-ja one more kiss on the lips before going to bed.



sarNie Hatchling
OMG this is so cute and funny. all the casts are so funny. wouldnt it be great if this was a lakorn. awesome.. keep up the good work... fun thanks for recommending this one. i would have skipped out on a good fiction. xie-xie!


Expired Sarnie
OMG this is so cute and funny. all the casts are so funny. wouldnt it be great if this was a lakorn. awesome.. keep up the good work... fun thanks for recommending this one. i would have skipped out on a good fiction. xie-xie!
Wow I didn't expect you to come here this quick.

Btw, I love the two update. RR I am so faster than you now!

Moey thanks for fulfilling my stomach. I am full as for now. Hehehehe!!! JY has a sense of humor
"a niece and a nephew" lmao.